Nov 5, 2024: Trump vs Kamala

No no it doesn’t. Once you start multi quoting it gets futile. Have you mentioned the negative things I e said about white people yet or is that next rant as well?

That's what we do when discussing things -- take a statement and defend it. Sorry? Awful when we leftist statists actually break down and address your points. Point, By. Point. So unfair, this deliberate logic.
What have you done for them besides quit mid school year? This is what I'm talkng about --- just find a way to bitch about anyone that looks or thinks differently than what's on the Perkins 80.

I volunteer hundreds of hours in my community to any race that wants my help.

I was never a teacher I didn’t quit anything. Once you come down from your little fit you can pm me and I’ll tell you all about it.
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You are on full tilt today. I’m going to be late picking the kids up from daycare!

I engage you on the merits once every couple years. You remember the last time? You were on the beach courtesy of your wife's paycheck, bitching about meals on wheels and your own grandmother used mow. I can only stomach lifting the bandage once every couple of years to see how the infection has progressed.
I volunteer hundreds of hours in my community to any race that wants my help.

I was never a teacher I didn’t quit anything. Once you come down from your little fit you can pm me and I’ll tell you all about it.

And here I am trying to address YOUR fit. I've dissected it point by point. Why isn't that Trump crowd and your tiki crew the right's equivalent of pussy hats? Did that not occur to you?
I engage you on the merits once every couple years. You remember the last time? You were on the beach courtesy of your wife's paycheck, bitching about meals on wheels and your own grandmother used mow. I can only stomach lifting the bandage once every couple of years to see how the infection has progressed.

Oh yes the 3% of the Meels on wheels budget that was a good time. My grandma paid for hers and donated extra for the losers that didn’t save like she did.
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And here I am trying to address YOUR fit. I've dissected it point by point. Why isn't that Trump crowd and your tiki crew the right's equivalent of pussy hats? Did that not occur to you?

The right has not embraced the kkk crowd. That’s what you can’t get. There is no kkk person in Washington. But yet the leftist politicians say things all the time that mirror the extreme left. It’s your plank.
The right has not embraced the kkk crowd. That’s what you can’t get. There is no kkk person in Washington. But yet the leftist politicians say things all the time that mirror the extreme left. It’s your plank.

Yes, the KKK crowd took Ticki torches and marched and Biff said there were good people on both sides. David Duke melts down his twitter feed praising Biff.

You know who Lee Atwater is? I can post the video of you want.

That's not true though. Losers. Who the eff raised you to be such a lazy, entitled little shit?

My non divorced parents who had me after they were married and both graduated college by working. It’s amazing what you can do for your kids when you aren’t a loser.
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Wait a second. You guys KNOW each other? Like legitimately know each other? This is hilarious.
Ok so trump is a grand wizard kkk. What else you got?

Pitiful. What's your take on that, white boy that's so concerned with black crime? Who lives in one of the most impoverished, crime ridden, poor states in the Union that's majority white.

Oh, that is very disappointing.

Oh I know him. He's published his biography. He lives on the family farm in Perkins.
Pitiful. What's your take on that, white boy that's so concerned with black crime? Who lives in one of the most impoverished, crime ridden, poor states in the Union that's majority white.

Oh I know him. He's published his biography. He lives on the family farm in Perkins.

Again I volunteer my time (in a specific capacity) for any race that seeks me out. In the micro, face to face, I don’t see race.

You should have heard my great aunt going off on the reservation indians a few weeks ago. Very condemning of their attitudes and what little they do with their lives. Is she racist?
Again I volunteer my time (in a specific capacity) for any race that seeks me out. In the micro, face to face, I don’t see race.

You should have heard my great aunt going off on the reservation indians a few weeks ago. Very condemning of their attitudes and what little they do with their lives. Is she racist?

Is what Atwater said racist?
Is what Atwater said racist?

In 2018 or in its time? My grandpa was a saint and said that word all the time. He would be over 100 now.

I actually don’t know what Atwater is talking about but I’ll say sure racist.
Pitiful. What's your take on that, white boy that's so concerned with black crime? Who lives in one of the most impoverished, crime ridden, poor states in the Union that's majority white.

Oh I know him. He's published his biography. He lives on the family farm in Perkins.

You've wandered into Leftist Piece of Shit territory.

You've got zero incentive currently to accurately represent shows.

What's worse, you (and others here) are so dug in to your imaginary land of make believe, that you've allowed yourself to become the aforementioned Leftist Piece of Shit. You and your fellow Pieces of Shit have decided it's smart to run to the edge of civility, blow by it, and never look back. Ever.

Your shitty personality and shitty attitude infects everything you touch.

Good luck with unwinding the damage you are doing. Until you show yourself it be more reasonable, you and I don't have much to say to each other, not even about Cowboy Basketball.
You've wandered into Leftist Piece of Shit territory.

You've got zero incentive currently to accurately represent shows.

What's worse, you (and others here) are so dug in to your imaginary land of make believe, that you've allowed yourself to become the aforementioned Leftist Piece of Shit. You and your fellow Pieces of Shit have decided it's smart to run to the edge of civility, blow by it, and never look back. Ever.

Your shitty personality and shitty attitude infects everything you touch.

Good luck with unwinding the damage you are doing. Until you show yourself it be more reasonable, you and I don't have much to say to each other, not even about Cowboy Basketball.

You snarf up revisionist history because it makes you feel good. The GOP is inherently racist, don't take it out on me. That's a fact. It's why blacks won't vote republican. If you ever want to stop stomping and engage in a dialogue just let me know. It's not even opinion, the roots of the modern Republican party are what they are.
You've wandered into Leftist Piece of Shit territory.

You've got zero incentive currently to accurately represent shows.

What's worse, you (and others here) are so dug in to your imaginary land of make believe, that you've allowed yourself to become the aforementioned Leftist Piece of Shit. You and your fellow Pieces of Shit have decided it's smart to run to the edge of civility, blow by it, and never look back. Ever.

Your shitty personality and shitty attitude infects everything you touch.

Good luck with unwinding the damage you are doing. Until you show yourself it be more reasonable, you and I don't have much to say to each other, not even about Cowboy Basketball.

What a true loss for sys lol
You've wandered into Leftist Piece of Shit territory.

You've got zero incentive currently to accurately represent shows.

What's worse, you (and others here) are so dug in to your imaginary land of make believe, that you've allowed yourself to become the aforementioned Leftist Piece of Shit. You and your fellow Pieces of Shit have decided it's smart to run to the edge of civility, blow by it, and never look back. Ever.

Your shitty personality and shitty attitude infects everything you touch.

Good luck with unwinding the damage you are doing. Until you show yourself it be more reasonable, you and I don't have much to say to each other, not even about Cowboy Basketball.
And Brad cracks. Others will follow...
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They let him do it it’s right there in the audio tape.

No consensual foreplay with rude misogynistic males!!!

Thank god you guys are here to tackle the real problems.
Consensual - "I moved on her like a bitch", "I don't even ask", tell me more about consensual... Feel free to quote the audio tape, the lawsuits, the quotes from the victims to try and build support for your case.

Perhaps you don't see sexual violence/abuse as a "real problem" but you my friend are in the minority there.
I volunteer hundreds of hours in my community to any race that wants my help.
Do you have advertise it that way? I can see it now, in the Show and Tell - "Do you and your people need help. I am here to show you the way forward. All races considered, you just have to ask. Call Harry."
You snarf up revisionist history because it makes you feel good. The GOP is inherently racist, don't take it out on me. That's a fact. It's why blacks won't vote republican. If you ever want to stop stomping and engage in a dialogue just let me know. It's not even opinion, the roots of the modern Republican party are what they are.

Consensual - "I moved on her like a bitch", "I don't even ask", tell me more about consensual... Feel free to quote the audio tape, the lawsuits, the quotes from the victims to try and build support for your case.

Perhaps you don't see sexual violence/abuse as a "real problem" but you my friend are in the minority there.

in gary hart’s day that would have killed a candidate

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This thread is why I've grown to have a genuine dislike of libs.

Its weird, ten years ago my views would've been progressive.

Now, even something as obviously important as border security is turned into some emotional bullshit by adult males.

Get your house in order, lose all the throw pillows, move your candles to the toilet and find your balls.

This whiney, sniveling thing you've become makes us weaker as a species.
This thread is why I've grown to have a genuine dislike of libs.

Its weird, ten years ago my views would've been progressive.

Now, even something as obviously important as border security is turned into some emotional bullshit by adult males.

Get your house in order, lose all the throw pillows, move your candles to the toilet and find your balls.

This whiney, sniveling thing you've become makes us weaker as a species.

Random gibberish no substance lol

Alpha choke heard
This thread is why I've grown to have a genuine dislike of libs.

Its weird, ten years ago my views would've been progressive.

Now, even something as obviously important as border security is turned into some emotional bullshit by adult males.

Get your house in order, lose all the throw pillows, move your candles to the toilet and find your balls.

This whiney, sniveling thing you've become makes us weaker as a species.

More false choices of a demagogue. You're either for Biff's wall and torturing kids or you're against border security.

#born followers
More false choices of a demagogue. You're either for Biff's wall and torturing kids or you're against border security.

#born followers

That's how you absorb news, poorly.

You dipshits are trying to make it about anything other than it actually is by injecting a whole bunch of emotion.

I get that now. You've been shamed by the talking heads and accepted that crap. They're your preachers now.

Don't talk to me about being a follower with a ring hanging from your nose.
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That's how you absorb news, poorly.

You dipshits are trying to make it about anything other than it actually is by injecting a whole bunch of emotion.

I get that now. You've been shamed by the talking heads and accepted that crap. They're your preachers now.

Don't talk to me about being a follower with a ring hanging from your nose.

Saying I'm following a narrative like you are is merely a lie. Some time ago I posted a tweet on a Sunday morning about the kids being locked in cages and remarked how I'll never understand wingnuts' thinking. The response was that it was fake news (false) and Obama's fault (not really -- Kelly and Biff changed the old policy). After that, the story went viral and then the corporate media ran with it and then moved on. Now you're saying I followed a narrative. Nope -- I marveled at how the narrative didn't exist yet,and nobody cared.

In addition, your last two posts seem pretty shrill to be talking about injecting emotion.
Saying I'm following a narrative like you are is merely a lie. Some time ago I posted a tweet on a Sunday morning about the kids being locked in cages and remarked how I'll never understand wingnuts' thinking. The response was that it was fake news (false) and Obama's fault (not really -- Kelly and Biff changed the old policy). After that, the story went viral and then the corporate media ran with it and then moved on. Now you're saying I followed a narrative. Nope -- I marveled at how the narrative didn't exist yet,and nobody cared.

In addition, your last two posts seem pretty shrill to be talking about injecting emotion.

It's obvious that you don't know you're following a narrative, but it doesn't make it any less true.

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