Not jumping to conclusions yet.
Yep, Trump, first telekinetic president.Hell, I will; it's Trump's fault.
@MegaPoke ban this asshole for this shit.
I'm gonna give mankind the benefit of the doubt and back this theory as opposed to wanton arson.
I'm gonna give mankind the benefit of the doubt and back this theory as opposed to wanton arson.
@MegaPoke ban this asshole for this shit.
You hear, believe and repeat sophistry and propaganda over and again. I watch it real time.
I read over 400 firefighters were there trying to contain the blaze. Several trucks with water cranes and all that...Just spitballing here from looking at the pics, have they considered calling in some fire trucks to spray water on the fire?
I read over 400 firefighters were there trying to contain the blaze. Several trucks with water cranes and all that...
That IS the quintessential bitter irony.Speculation is now frowned upon by the twitter horde. That is really really rich.
@MegaPoke ban this asshole for this shit.
The cathedral survived the French Revolution, two world wars, Nazi occupation and 800+ years of monumental Parisian events.
But it couldn’t survive a measly few decades under multiculturalism and nihlism.
Far right conspiracy theory twitters are the only twitters pushing Notre Dame conspiracy theories...
It was the Russians!!!!!!!#%&* nihilists, Donnie. It was nihilists.
Cue Twilight Zone theme music.