Notre Dame Cathedral on fire in Paris

There is always some type of construction / restoration going on there. It could have been an industrial accident. Not jumping to conclusions yet.
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Just spitballing here from looking at the pics, have they considered calling in some fire trucks to spray water on the fire?

Imagine being the dumbass that accidentally burned Notre D---- has anybody heard from Brad today?
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I'm gonna give mankind the benefit of the doubt and back this theory as opposed to wanton arson.

That girl's tweet with the roof from yesterday kind of makes a construction accident plausible. I forget all the wood in that stuff, it wasn't sprinkled?!?!?
@MegaPoke ban this asshole for this shit.

Come on don’t go this route. Muslims destroyed how many historical structures in Syria and Iraq in the last five years? How many have been destroyed by accident in the same time frame? It could be an old lady flicking her cigarette but commenting on Muslims destroying a symbolic structure isnt worth a message board ban. Your wokeness took another step up today though.
Funny, my first thought it was likely caused by the 'yellow-vests' rather than muslim terrorists, as they've vandalized other famous Paris tourist locales. That said, expect the conspiracy theorists to go nuts. Just last week, all the bronze and marble statues had been removed (and thus aren't damaged) as part of the refurbishment.
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Just spitballing here from looking at the pics, have they considered calling in some fire trucks to spray water on the fire?
I read over 400 firefighters were there trying to contain the blaze. Several trucks with water cranes and all that...
The cathedral survived the French Revolution, two world wars, Nazi occupation and 800+ years of monumental Parisian events.

But it couldn’t survive a measly few decades under multiculturalism and nihlism.

#%&* nihilists, Donnie. It was nihilists.
How deranged have the anti Trumpers becoming when they are trying to connect Trump to Notre Dame burning down. I knew the left was nuts but this is certifiable.
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I don't know why they're gonna spend a gazillion to rebuild it.
As I understand it, very few actually go inside anymore.
They could build a facade for 5% of the cost.
Just saying.
Past couple of months there have been multiple church fires and vandalism. This may or may not be related. However, don't tell us not to speculate...and then speculate if it was electrical, a torch, an accident by a worker, etc. Calling it a right-wing conspiracy might work if there hadn't been multiple attacks on Christian church buildings in France.

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