No Democrat debates for Fox News


Heisman Winner
Sep 5, 2001

This was interesting. So the DNC has told Fox News that due to its inappropriate relationship with Trump that it won't allow it to host a Democrat debate in the upcoming new cycle. I would normally fully support this position, as I completely agree that Fox is too cozy with Trump and the Republicans and that there needs to be separation between party and media. However, its hard not to laugh at this position knowing that in 2016 the head of the DNC was simultaneously employed by CNN who DID host a Democrat debate.

Thus we are setting a continued bad precedent of separating media by party lines. If the RNC follows this script, then only Fox will host Republican debates, and a media which is already distrusted across the spectrum moves further in simply becoming propaganda arms for their respected parties.
Hahaha they can’t handle the questioning from a hostile channel. Apparently they aren't super comfortable with their message. Pathetic.
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I’m waiting for the 2016 CNBC comparison if some liberal wants to take the worm.
If Fox News was smart, they'd host a series of democrat debates for the candidates that aren't big enough to be allowed in the DNC debates.
And hold it on the same night at the same time.

Apparently, FoxNews refused to agree to give the questions to the candidates beforehand.
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Says the puppet.

Staying on script:


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