More Left-Wing Violence & Free Speech Intolerance

There we go. His first described episode is a blonde gal getting (shocking! violently! one of the worst scenes! Those are his words) hit in the head with a metal pole. Where? Her head didn't move, no blood, noone rushed to her aid... and then she attacked someone off frame. The video doesn't match his narrative.

Then, it says she was quickly maced by another punk. Okay, multiple people acted like they were avoiding something. That's it. Even assumingit was mace, who did it? Someone getting back at the apocryphal first assailant?

Any objective person can watch that and tell the narrator is, at a minimum, exaggerating.
There we go. His first described episode is a blonde gal getting (shocking! violently! one of the worst scenes! Those are his words) hit in the head with a metal pole. Where? Her head didn't move, no blood, noone rushed to her aid... and then she attacked someone off frame. The video doesn't match his narrative.

Then, it says she was quickly maced by another punk. Okay, multiple people acted like they were avoiding something. That's it. Even assumingit was mace, who did it? Someone getting back at the apocryphal first assailant?

Any objective person can watch that and tell the narrator is, at a minimum, exaggerating.
Even your information hive CNN had plenty of video. It isn't a big secret that the left is full of violent rioting crybabies. Having your head stuck in your ass is no way to live son.
Yawn. These right-wing demagogues are a dime a dozen. I looked him up. So he's a gay ann coulter? Now I get why you guys are all like:


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