This sounds bad for both the program and for Jrob.
A totally new light was shed on the situation today in a statement by Jrob. He reported the situation immediately to the appropriate Minnesota authorities. He did not handle this on his own as most of the stories intimated. His statement can be seen on flowrestling. Immediate and mandatory drug testing was initiated by the University on suspected wrestlers. The one thing that is not clear is that the statement indicates the drug tests were not specifically for Xanax which was the drug involved. In any event if his statement is correct he went through the proper channels to handle this. To answer your question Micco the police are investigating the criminal aspect of this presently and the University of Minnesota authorities will initiate their own inside investigation when the police investigation is complete. The statement castigated the press for their initial stories which indicated Jrob handles this in house without notifying the authorities. I would think that whoever the athletes were that had this controlled drug had to have obtained them through theft by someone as there is no way they could amass this amount of drugs otherwise. I hope everything that JRob said in his statement is true and that it was handledIs Xanax a regulated drug? If so, taking control of 2,500 or so pills and disposing of them could get him in hot, hot water. What was his motivation in taking them? To protect the wrestlers, or to protect the program from a ore tidally harmful and embarrassing pr mess? Was he going to just discipline the kids (stairs et al), or suspend them for, at a minimum, having 2,500 pills (alleged number)? How did they acquire those pills?
Way more unanswered questions that I'm sure will be investigated.
A totally new light was shed on the situation today in a statement by Jrob. He reported the situation immediately to the appropriate Minnesota authorities. He did not handle this on his own as most of the stories intimated. His statement can be seen on flowrestling. Immediate and mandatory drug testing was initiated by the University on suspected wrestlers. The one thing that is not clear is that the statement indicates the drug tests were not specifically for Xanax which was the drug involved. In any event if his statement is correct he went through the proper channels to handle this. To answer your question Micco the police are investigating the criminal aspect of this presently and the University of Minnesota authorities will initiate their own inside investigation when the police investigation is complete. The statement castigated the press for their initial stories which indicated Jrob handles this in house without notifying the authorities. I would think that whoever the athletes were that had this controlled drug had to have obtained them through theft by someone as there is no way they could amass this amount of drugs otherwise. I hope everything that JRob said in his statement is true and that it was handled
correctly by him and the university.
Xanax is definitely a controlled substance and is a Benzodiazepam. It is not an opiate like Oxycontin but is similar to another Benzodiazepam Valium. It is given for depression but when used illegally the dosage goes up and when mixed with alcohol it is potent and can be life threatening. I have seen on the mat where some are pooh-poohing its use saying it is not near heroin in strength or as one poster called it "heroine"-apparently reading too many bodice ripper romance novels. It is very dangerous and can be habit forming just like valium. I reserve my judgement on JRob before he investigaions are through but with a new athletic director already putting him on paidj leave it is not looking good for the former Cowboy.hopefully the kids are never allowed on a collegiate wrestling mat again. Just doesn't seem right not having the Gophers in the mix at the finals.