Michael Brown getting 'murdered'

Liberals like to scream Trump or whoever this weeks liberal target is spews divisive rhetoric, all while they are the ones spewing hate and division. Michael Brown wasn't murdered, he was killed by a police officer who justifiably felt his life was in danger. Better Michael Brown be dead than a police office. Naturally those on the left believe it should have been the cop who died.
The DOJ report is available for all to read. The Civil Rights division of the DOJ is filled with far-left radicals. They went to Ferguson to find evidence to pursue legal action vs Officer Wilson. They couldn’t. In fact, the ballistics evidence completely supports and exonerates Officer Wilson. “Hands up, don’t shoot” never happened.
The DOJ report is available for all to read. The Civil Rights division of the DOJ is filled with far-left radicals. They went to Ferguson to find evidence to pursue legal action vs Officer Wilson. They couldn’t. In fact, the ballistics evidence completely supports and exonerates Officer Wilson. “Hands up, don’t shoot” never happened.
Ferguson's version of the Mueller Investigation...stacked deck of investigators 100% aligned against one party and still cannot find any facts or compose 'truth' (thanks, Creepy Joe) sufficient to railroad a brave policeman.
Watching the left fall all over themselves desperately trying to blame racism for all the illegal activity of some of these communities is hilarious. Most people are fairly honest and want to follow the law but with the Democrat policies that have trapped millions in poverty the only option some feel they have is crime and dealing drugs.

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