Mega, now do you see?

How exactly did the terrorists get their AK47 rifles in France to pull off their attacks (Paris, Charlie Hebdo)? They didn't get them legally.

This will not be answered. It never is. Ever. It's unanswerable when the solution is gun control. Least of all, will that vapid tw*t have an answer.

(twit... twat would be unkind)
Seriously, in this whole tortured, ill advised, homophobic, thread, that is the question that he must, but cannot answer. For him to be taken remotely seriously ever again, he has to explain this. He can't, so he will ignore it in the same way he ignores his (or his woman's) lies about gun ownership.
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The only two scenarios for their having AK47s are:

They got them in France or,

They got them outside of France and traveled into France with them.

Either way, those beautiful French gun laws didn't work. According to authorities, the Paris terrorists probably got their guns in Belgium, another country with very strict gun laws. They got a grenade launcher too!

Really strange these guns exist in places with strict gun laws and folks can get them without anybody knowing until they shoot people with them. Really strange.
2. I'd rather live in America where I have the right to bear arms and know that I am 250% more likely to be struck by lightning than be murdered by a gun.
You are very roughly 45 times more likely to die of a gun shot than be struck by lightning. I don't think it diminishes your point all that much.
DavidAllen, the killer's father shouldn't have been here at all. The killer was gay, a democrat, a radicalized Muslim (by his radical father). What is Obama going to do about it? What will the Hagster do about it? Answer: not a damned thing, because the Democrat Party is now The Sharia Party.
It's amusing watching the incompetent dipshits on the DemocRAT side preaching about people having tolerance toward Muslims, who are ironically the most intolerant group of people in the planet.

Tolerance toward gays. Tolerance for the group that actively murders them for being gay.

Tolerance for all religions. Tolerance for the group whose religion advocates the enslavement or death of all nonbelievers.

Equal rights for women. Tolerance for the group who treats women like property and slaves.

Sexual assault awareness, prevention, and prosecution. Tolerance for the group that has rape as an acceptable part of their culture and actually kills females, including children, for accusing someone of rape.

Leniency for crimes committed. Tolerance for the group that chops off body parts as punishment.

Protections for minorities. Tolerance toward the group who kills them for being a minority.

You know, I'd love to think not all Muslims think in terms of the radical ones. I really would. But they as a religion are so cloaked in secrecy, never speak up except for obvious public stunts by groups like CAIR, and have an accepted and required practice of lying to further the cause, so I really can't tell who is who. If radical Muslims truly only represent the minority at about 5% (75 million), the other 95% need to start opening their mouths against Islamic terrorism. Oh wait.

Tolerance for the group that will kill their own for speaking out against radical Islam...

So, tolerance for a group that wants to see me and my family wiped from the planet and will do it when given the chance? It's going to take a lot more than bullshit speeches from a Muslim sympathizer to convince me now.
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It's amusing watching the incompetent dipshits on the DemocRAT side preaching about people having tolerance toward Muslims, who are ironically the most intolerant group of people in the planet.

Tolerance toward gays. Tolerance for the group that actively murders them for being gay.

Tolerance for all religions. Tolerance for the group whose religion advocates the enslavement or death of all nonbelievers.

Equal rights for women. Tolerance for the group who treats women like property and slaves.

Sexual assault awareness, prevention, and prosecution. Tolerance for the group that has rape as an acceptable part of their culture and actually kills females, including children, for accusing someone of rape.

Leniency for crimes committed. Tolerance for the group that chops off body parts as punishment.

Protections for minorities. Tolerance toward the group who kills them for being a minority.

You know, I'd love to think not all Muslims think in terms of the radical ones. I really would. But they as a religion are so cloaked in secrecy, never speak up except for obvious public stunts by groups like CAIR, and have an accepted and required practice of lying to further the cause, so I really can't tell who is who. If radical Muslims truly only represent the minority at about 5% (75 million), the other 95% need to start opening their mouths against Islamic terrorism. Oh wait.

Tolerance for the group that will kill their own for speaking out against radical Islam...

So, tolerance for a group that wants to see me and my family wiped from the planet and will do it when given the chance? It's going to take a lot more than bullshit speeches from a Muslim sympathizer to convince me now.

5% of all Muslims? Statistically insignificant. It's one of the great religions. Be tolerant.
But gun deaths are hovering around .00003% (3 in 100,000)? HOLY FU**!!! BAN GUNS!
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We might consider banning Muslims from owning guns though. Statistically they've been responsible for 100% of Islamic inspired terrorism.
We might consider banning Muslims from owning guns though. Statistically they've been responsible for 100% of Islamic inspired terrorism.
I say that we blame the FBI and president for not shredding the constitution we claim to hold so dear.

You mean to tell me we couldn't arrest this guy for pre crime?
I say that we blame the FBI and president for not shredding the constitution we claim to hold so dear.

You mean to tell me we couldn't arrest this guy for pre crime?
Apparently not. And I do hold Obama responsible for the neutering of the FBI in favor of not offending Muslim groups in regards to counter terrorist training. Not that the King gives a rats ass about the opinions of his peasants though.

A gun ban for Muslims would be targeted, to the point, would be effective in reducing their radical sector's ability to get them, and something the NRA would likely support. We're in it to solve the problem right?
Apparently not. And I do hold Obama responsible for the neutering of the FBI in favor of not offending Muslim groups in regards to counter terrorist training. Not that the King gives a rats ass about the opinions of his peasants though.

A gun ban for Muslims would be targeted, to the point, would be effective in reducing their radical sector's ability to get them, and something the NRA would likely support. We're in it to solve the problem right?
I honestly can't tell if you are being sarcastic.
I honestly can't tell if you are being sarcastic.
Why would I be? You lefty types clearly think doing something with firearms will prevent terrorist attacks. Clearly some folks don't support infringement on the Second Amendment to handle a problem they aren't part of. So....

If you're willing to support Second Amendment infringement, let's focus the infringement on those who are clearly causing the terrorist problem, Muslims.

Maybe lefties don't care about actually solving the problem and only want to use things like the Orlando terrorist attack to further their political causes. I hope not. That would be slimy and chickenshit.
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How about censoring out dangerous rhetoric that can influence attacks, while we are revising the constitution.
Why would I be? You lefty types clearly think doing something with firearms will prevent terrorist attacks. Clearly some folks don't support infringement on the Second Amendment to handle a problem they aren't part of. So....
You object when you are called a conservative and your views are lumped in with them. I don't care about gun control. It is a distraction. Especially after mass shootings.
If you're willing to support Second Amendment infringement, let's focus the infringement on those who are clearly causing the terrorist problem, Muslims.
Translation: If the 2nd amendment doesn't mean that anyone can have instant and unrestricted access to whatever firearm they want, then lets get rid of the 1st and 5th amendments as well.
Maybe lefties don't care about actually solving the problem and only want to use things like the Orlando terrorist attack to further their political causes. I hope not. That would be slimy and chickenshit.
I don't doubt that in the beginning both sides were arguing in good faith and the gun controllers really wanted to stop gun violence and the gun keepers really did worry about the constitution and freedom. I knew that I had wondered astray when gun control was more about pissing off the gun fetish suburban white guys who never really shoot anyone, rather than stopping gun violence. I can piss off the Applebee's set without taking their guns. I always suspected that the gun huggers quit arguing in good faith when they stridently oppose literally any regulation even innocuous things like trigger locks. The confluence of mass shooting and Muslims has confirmed it. Guns kill 35000 people every year, no big deal, but look out for Muslim terrorists coming to kill you. The second amendment is inviolable, but lets make special laws for Muslims and quit worrying about due process.
You object when you are called a conservative and your views are lumped in with them. I don't care about gun control. It is a distraction. Especially after mass shootings.

Translation: If the 2nd amendment doesn't mean that anyone can have instant and unrestricted access to whatever firearm they want, then lets get rid of the 1st and 5th amendments as well.

I don't doubt that in the beginning both sides were arguing in good faith and the gun controllers really wanted to stop gun violence and the gun keepers really did worry about the constitution and freedom. I knew that I had wondered astray when gun control was more about pissing off the gun fetish suburban white guys who never really shoot anyone, rather than stopping gun violence. I can piss off the Applebee's set without taking their guns. I always suspected that the gun huggers quit arguing in good faith when they stridently oppose literally any regulation even innocuous things like trigger locks. The confluence of mass shooting and Muslims has confirmed it. Guns kill 35000 people every year, no big deal, but look out for Muslim terrorists coming to kill you. The second amendment is inviolable, but lets make special laws for Muslims and quit worrying about due process.
Ahhh, and there it is. The Second Amendment is inviolable. I agree with that.

Many of those gun deaths are from suicide. I don't worry much about those since dead folks have a hard time killing live folks. Many of the rest are gang related. I don't worry about those either since I'm not a gang banger.

So statistically, folks are safe from gun violence unless you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (think terrorists, or robbery, or eating at Luby's) or some shit bag mistakes your house for his. That's when self protection comes in handy, should the need ever arise. It should be my choice how to defend myself within the constraints of the Second Amendment, not the government's. If we can let the Second Amendment be open to reinterpretation, why can't the rest of the Bill of Rights be as well? I'm not the crazy paranoid type, but I have grown less trustful of the shit bag, self-serving elitists that rule our government today, so I'm not inclined to budge on any right afforded to me by the Constitution.

Most gun owners are in favor of background checks sufficient to weed out those who shouldn't have them. On that note, why aren't folks who legally can't buy a gun aggressively prosecuted when they try? That might solve some problems. Another conversation for another time.

Many gun folks are in favor of new fangled trigger locks, provided they WORK. The infant industry hasn't been able to demonstrate a high degree of reliability and there remain plenty of challenges to perfect them. Trigger lock that only works when my finger pulls the trigger? I'm all for them. Don't confuse resistence to Obama's unrealistic time demands on an unfinished technology with resistence to the technology.

And many gun owners support closing loopholes. Some of the proposals have been far out there though. The problem with the administration using "common sense gun reform/gun laws" is that the definition begins to vary by who is talking. I'm for reform to keep guns out of the hands of shit bags, but the administration should be VERY transparent about what they propose and what would actually get passed. I'm dubious from the standpoint that this administration has repeatedly had an issue with transparency and I can no longer trust what they say will be the reality. I suspect most that don't support "common sense gun reform" feel the same way. Maybe the next administration won't have the integrity issues this one does. If Hillary is elected, I'm out on it for another 4 years. Trump? I'm not going to make a current judgement.

And yes, I've been very sarcastic. I think Muslims should arm themselves against the extremists in their ranks as well. Head in the sand isn't getting shit done.
PS pilt, I apologize for lumping you in with the left. You seem to usually lean left so I assumed. Your point about being lumped with conservatives was spot on. I'm far from a conservative. There just don't seem to be any hardcore conservatives on here to argue hardcore conservative bullshit with.
Ahhh, and there it is. The Second Amendment is inviolable. I agree with that.

Many of those gun deaths are from suicide. I don't worry much about those since dead folks have a hard time killing live folks. Many of the rest are gang related. I don't worry about those either since I'm not a gang banger.

So statistically, folks are safe from gun violence unless you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (think terrorists, or robbery, or eating at Luby's) or some shit bag mistakes your house for his. That's when self protection comes in handy, should the need ever arise. It should be my choice how to defend myself within the constraints of the Second Amendment, not the government's. If we can let the Second Amendment be open to reinterpretation, why can't the rest of the Bill of Rights be as well? I'm not the crazy paranoid type, but I have grown less trustful of the shit bag, self-serving elitists that rule our government today, so I'm not inclined to budge on any right afforded to me by the Constitution.

Most gun owners are in favor of background checks sufficient to weed out those who shouldn't have them. On that note, why aren't folks who legally can't buy a gun aggressively prosecuted when they try? That might solve some problems. Another conversation for another time.

Many gun folks are in favor of new fangled trigger locks, provided they WORK. The infant industry hasn't been able to demonstrate a high degree of reliability and there remain plenty of challenges to perfect them. Trigger lock that only works when my finger pulls the trigger? I'm all for them. Don't confuse resistence to Obama's unrealistic time demands on an unfinished technology with resistence to the technology.

And many gun owners support closing loopholes. Some of the proposals have been far out there though. The problem with the administration using "common sense gun reform/gun laws" is that the definition begins to vary by who is talking. I'm for reform to keep guns out of the hands of shit bags, but the administration should be VERY transparent about what they propose and what would actually get passed. I'm dubious from the standpoint that this administration has repeatedly had an issue with transparency and I can no longer trust what they say will be the reality. I suspect most that don't support "common sense gun reform" feel the same way. Maybe the next administration won't have the integrity issues this one does. If Hillary is elected, I'm out on it for another 4 years. Trump? I'm not going to make a current judgement.

And yes, I've been very sarcastic. I think Muslims should arm themselves against the extremists in their ranks as well. Head in the sand isn't getting shit done.
Like I said, gun control isn't my hill to die on. Glad you were being sarcastic.
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PS pilt, I apologize for lumping you in with the left. You seem to usually lean left so I assumed. Your point about being lumped with conservatives was spot on. I'm far from a conservative. There just don't seem to be any hardcore conservatives on here to argue hardcore conservative bullshit with.
Depends on what you mean by hardcore. I am pretty sure MJD subscribes to the Federalist.
Depends on what you mean by hardcore. I am pretty sure MJD subscribes to the Federalist.
I guess I haven't seen anything hardcore from him that makes me cringe. A lot of harmless lefty crap doesn't make me cringe either. The Bill of Rights is cringe worthy to me. Fiscally responsible government is cringe worthy to me. Equal rights is cringe worthy for me. Not living in a ridiculously over PC'd society is cringe worthy. National security is cringe worthy. Probably some others.

Religion stuff? Nope. Abortion? I'm for limited use for rape, harm to the mother, etc, but generally apathetic about the rest, but don't agree with it. Gay marriage? Yes, I'm for it. Transgender bathroom issue? Was OK with the few accomodations until it has became well politicized. Now I'm creeped out by the thought of creeps that might take advantage.

I wasn't a fan of Bush 2.0 (I voted Gore). Not a fan of Obama. Hillary is a liar. Trump is crazy. Likely Gary Johnson for me this time and then bitch at all the folks who voted Clinton or Trump.
The only two scenarios for their having AK47s are:

They got them in France or,

They got them outside of France and traveled into France with them.

Either way, those beautiful French gun laws didn't work. According to authorities, the Paris terrorists probably got their guns in Belgium, another country with very strict gun laws. They got a grenade launcher too!

Really strange these guns exist in places with strict gun laws and folks can get them without anybody knowing until they shoot people with them. Really strange.

Sophistry. Of course their laws work - much better than ours do if you look at the total number of firearm victims. Look at the graph above. You won't come out and say it, but you assume that one incident means the French firearm model is a failure. Maybe, maybe not, but it is far more successful across the country, over time, year after year, than ours. We have many thousands more than they do. And it's so easy to address. You strictly regulate semi-autos and up. The hunting crowd won't give a shit, and Mega can pass his old. 223 to his grandson.

You'll note Glove folded his tent. Again. He's like Rush Limbaugh -- best when nobody actually takes him out of the helmet. And such simple questions, too.
Sophistry. Of course their laws work - much better than ours do if you look at the total number of firearm victims. Look at the graph above. You won't come out and say it, but you assume that one incident means the French firearm model is a failure. Maybe, maybe not, but it is far more successful across the country, over time, year after year, than ours. We have many thousands more than they do. And it's so easy to address. You strictly regulate semi-autos and up. The hunting crowd won't give a shit, and Mega can pass his old. 223 to his grandson.

You'll note Glove folded his tent. Again. He's like Rush Limbaugh -- best when nobody actually takes him out of the helmet. And such simple questions, too.
Folded my tent? You've done nothing in this thread except start it with even greater than your usual idiotic drivel, get beaten to a pulp (rhetorically) by at least a half dozen posters including myself, post some meaningless drivel of a graph, and then been made to look like a bombastic fool once again.

A quick check will note this is my first post in nearly 24 hours in any of the forums on this site.
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Sophistry. Of course their laws work - much better than ours do if you look at the total number of firearm victims. Look at the graph above. You won't come out and say it, but you assume that one incident means the French firearm model is a failure. Maybe, maybe not, but it is far more successful across the country, over time, year after year, than ours. We have many thousands more than they do. And it's so easy to address. You strictly regulate semi-autos and up. The hunting crowd won't give a shit, and Mega can pass his old. 223 to his grandson.

You'll note Glove folded his tent. Again. He's like Rush Limbaugh -- best when nobody actually takes him out of the helmet. And such simple questions, too.

Pretty sure the average simpleton could piece together that his point is that France's gun control laws did exactly jack shit to keep terrorists from bringing actual assault weapons into Paris at will.

The effectiveness or lack of same of their laws on garden variety violent crime is a different matter. Obviously.
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Sophistry. Of course their laws work - much better than ours do if you look at the total number of firearm victims. Look at the graph above. You won't come out and say it, but you assume that one incident means the French firearm model is a failure. Maybe, maybe not, but it is far more successful across the country, over time, year after year, than ours. We have many thousands more than they do. And it's so easy to address. You strictly regulate semi-autos and up. The hunting crowd won't give a shit, and Mega can pass his old. 223 to his grandson.

You'll note Glove folded his tent. Again. He's like Rush Limbaugh -- best when nobody actually takes him out of the helmet. And such simple questions, too.
Maybe HilLIARy has a reset button for you? Take it. You're still retarded, but it's the best you can hope for.
Sophistry. Of course their laws work - much better than ours do if you look at the total number of firearm victims. Look at the graph above. You won't come out and say it, but you assume that one incident means the French firearm model is a failure. Maybe, maybe not, but it is far more successful across the country, over time, year after year, than ours. We have many thousands more than they do. And it's so easy to address. You strictly regulate semi-autos and up. The hunting crowd won't give a shit, and Mega can pass his old. 223 to his grandson.

You'll note Glove folded his tent. Again. He's like Rush Limbaugh -- best when nobody actually takes him out of the helmet. And such simple questions, too.
Uh huh. Preach on dumbass. Orlando is listening.

Nothing but the usual unfactual snot infused drivel from the leftist bootlicker.

Snot on!
Do you even context, bro?

Unless Squeak is a drug dealer or suicidal, your numbers are pure shit.
In anticipation of your stupid pedantry, I used only 7.5% of gun deaths.

If we don't assume we know anything about his mental state or involvement in crime he is 480 more likely to die from a gunshot than from lightning.
In anticipation of your stupid pedantry, I used only 7.5% of gun deaths.

If we don't assume we know anything about his mental state or involvement in crime he is 480 more likely to die from a gunshot than from lightning.

I like his chances.

In anticipation of your sad beta male hand wringing, I won't even ask about the significance of your 7.5% number.
Honest question. Do you perceive getting shot to death as a daily threat? If so, maybe it's where you live and how you make money.
If you are honestly asking that question after reading this thread, you are an idiot.
If you are honestly asking that question after reading this thread, you are an idiot.

Look at you with the personal attacks today!
