Mega, now do you see?


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
These winners using their constitutional rights just got 20 more in their column last night with the tights and makeup crowd. Shit is getting real, isn't it? Since it's your ox getting gored now, does this make you rethink your gun control stance?
You make me sick sometimes but I know that is your purpose in life. The fuel for your glee.

Of course since this Muslim hates gays so much, if only obtaining a gun was made more difficult by paperwork or waiting periods this never would have happened. He couldn't have doused it in gas or driven his car through the front door.

Obviously if someone in there had been legally carrying a gun they could have saved lives but the club probably had a ban on guns. Why didn't this Muslim follow the gun laws!!!??? So frustrating!!
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These winners using their constitutional rights just got 20 more in their column last night with the tights and makeup crowd.
So, people have a constitutional right to kill other people? You're a complete dumbass.

Of course you psychotic liberals love to see folks killed so you can mount your shabby little soapbox and start dry humping it. You limp dicks don't even wait for anything resembling factual information to come out and you always end up looking like a pile of shit for brains.

Please explain what gun control measures would have prevented this act of terrorism. Be specific. Try to avoid your usual drooling in your lap dumbassery and actually answer the question as an adult would.

Oh, and nice slam on gay folks you posted Cupcake. Maybe people that hate gays, like you, shouldn't own guns.
Trump hoping for ISIS, and the other one hoping for a bitter clinger. Pretty sad.
So, the night club in question allowed guns and suicide vests?

I'm not sure -- guns apparently killed these people, and they were legal and easy to get about 6 inches from the front door.

Do you even bother making arguments that aren't obtuse? You must think that quantity of arguments > quality. No wonder Trump's your nominee.
I'm not sure -- guns apparently killed these people, and they were legal and easy to get about 6 inches from the front door.

Do you even bother making arguments that aren't obtuse? You must think that quantity of arguments > quality. No wonder Trump's your nominee.

As per usual you've got nothing. Your starting this thread could be on a Wikipedia page providing an example of "obtuse".

As per usual you've got nothing. Your starting this thread could be on a Wikipedia page providing an example of "obtuse".

I see your inane point above about Paris pretty much dried up when the same logic was applied to your entire country. Didn't phase you though -- you just pivoted and had an equally obtuse response, like a disproven birther that just shifts to Benghazi.
I see your inane point above about Paris pretty much dried up when the same logic was applied to your entire country. Didn't phase you though -- you just pivoted and had an equally obtuse response, like a disproven birther that just shifts to Benghazi.

Oh, bless your heart, you thought you made a cogent point?
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Radical Islam is the much bigger issue than a redneck with a gun, but you already know this.

Fundamental Islam at its very core is utterly vile and evil, period.
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I think the victims and their families in the Stillwater Homecoing tragedy shoul be able to sue Hyundai.

Well, if Hyundai designed the car to kill people, or they handed a drunk the keys... yes, they should get sued. Great analogy.

If a firearm manufacturer creates a product to kill people, or gives a lunatic a gun, then they should get sued.

Again, you're so obtuse and mentally constipated you literally can not or will not self-evaluate an argument.
Radical Islam is the much bigger issue than a redneck with a gun, but you already know this.

Fundamental Islam at its very core is utterly vile and evil, period.

I agree with the last sentence. I'll wager more gun deaths in this country have happened with redneck guns than radical islam guns.
Oh, bless your heart, you thought you made a cogent point?

Well, casting France as an example of bad gun policy, when they have a small fraction of our firearm deaths, is so stupid that only a brainwashed conservative would try it. You have to literally ignore decades of data to make that point. Which you did of course, because you can't square why entire countries with gun control have a tiny fraction of our firearm deaths. So you go with one emotional episode and pretend that's the logical approach.

I can not think of a poster that is more demonstrably wrong as frequently as you -- find that birth certificate yet? You were posting lots of articles and had some wisdom on that topic too, as I recall.
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Enable victims of mass shootings to sue manufacturers and suppliers of the weapons.

Bye. I'll miss your anger and personal attacks.

Tell me you did not just post this. Lawsuits are going to prevent the evil of radical Islam? That is really your argument? Did your parents put lead paint in you and your brothers cribs on purpose or was it an accident?
Tell me you did not just post this. Lawsuits are going to prevent the evil of radical Islam? That is really your argument? Did your parents put lead paint in you and your brothers cribs on purpose or was it an accident?

You're done. Fin. Don't post, or you're not a man of your word.

Lawsuits make it hard to get those guns. Note that I'm not even waiting for the background check/gun pedigree to be known, just the chilling affect of getting sued will dry up these nitwits' ease of access.

You can still post on other boards, not just this one. I'm only allowing that because I'm compassionate and forgiving and I want to set a good example for you to follow. The sensible move is to stick by my guns and censor your lunacy on all these boards.
Lawsuits make it hard? Muslims will just give up because it's hard. If this was somehow even close to being true, which we all know including you it is not, You haven't even addressed the black market or stealing guns yet.
You're done. Fin. Don't post, or you're not a man of your word.

Lawsuits make it hard to get those guns. Note that I'm not even waiting for the background check/gun pedigree to be known, just the chilling affect of getting sued will dry up these nitwits' ease of access.

You can still post on other boards, not just this one. I'm only allowing that because I'm compassionate and forgiving and I want to set a good example for you to follow. The sensible move is to stick by my guns and censor your lunacy on all these boards.
Uh huh. According to your dumbass logic, dicks rape people, not the people that own them. Let's punish the dicks and their parents for creating them. Makes so much sense. Maybe if nobody gave birth, rape would not be possible?

How is it Australia still has gun crime, dipshit? How is it suicidal people still kill themselves in the same number without guns, dipshit? Australia is a freakin island. How in the F do guns keep appearing in the hands of the criminals?

Too bad your shrieking idiotic drivel is once again proving to be stupidly false. Mr. Radical Muslim was a licensed security officer and had a statewide firearm license. So much for your commun since gun lawz, Cupcake. Maybe the Dumbass in Chief will call this one workplace violence too, or blame it on right wing gay haters...
Why shouldn't I be allowed to own a gun designed to kill a person in self defense?
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Why shouldn't I be allowed to own a gun designed to kill a person in self defense?
You shouldn't according to the liberals. You see, once they ban guns, and confiscate them all, criminals and nefarious folks will magically have none either. Then we'll be in this utopia where those killer guns will no longer roam the streets.

Kind of like meth. It's illegal and nearly impossible to make in any quantity in the US so it's impossible to get.
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These winners using their constitutional rights just got 20 more in their column last night with the tights and makeup crowd. Shit is getting real, isn't it? Since it's your ox getting gored now, does this make you rethink your gun control stance?


Also, predictable and stupid. Like actual low intelligence kind of stupid.
Obama and Hillary have done nothing to stop it, and it is beyond time for real, grown-up leaders to take control.
They want to open the doors and import tens of thousands of them. It goes past them having done nothing to stop it. They want to knowingly increase the problem.
It is very strange to see passionate gun control ramblings from a very passionate gun owner. His ownership of 30 guns is well over the national average and is well within the definition of "gun nut." I'm guessing he's really anti-gun control and just likes to do this satirical liberal gun control schtick to get under the skin of other gun owners.

Or, he's a liar...
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Are you culpable in not addressing the real issue? Are you an enabler? You're speaking like an enabler.
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Donald Trump was just elected president of the United States. Until we keep Muslims out of the country these acts of terrorism will keep happening over and over again. Obama and Hillary have done nothing to stop it, and it is beyond time for real, grown-up leaders to take control.

This might be correct.

Libs are SO ****ing stupid in this area of policy. Because they can't see the enemy, they enable the enemy by not engaging it appropriately.

Shame on Obama, Hillary, @syskatine ,@CowboyUp
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Donald Trump was just elected president of the United States. Until we keep Muslims out of the country these acts of terrorism will keep happening over and over again. Obama and Hillary have done nothing to stop it, and it is beyond time for real, grown-up leaders to take control.
I wish you were right but I just don't see it. Liberals care more about not offending muslims than they do the safety of our citizens. Pretty sobering really.
These winners using their constitutional rights just got 20 more in their column last night with the tights and makeup crowd. Shit is getting real, isn't it? Since it's your ox getting gored now, does this make you rethink your gun control stance?

If you weren't a moron, you would've waited until after it was announced that he was a security guard with bob
I cannot believe that sys came on here early this morning and thought it made sense to finally show us rednecks how the 2nd amendment was the reason 50 people died in this terrorist attack.

It's like an alternate universe where completely stupid people live.

You can't believe it? pretty easy to predict.

As was his homophobia.
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