

Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
Even CNN now admits masks don't work- not that they are experts or tell the truth but they are the epitome of fake news.

Masks are not even considered primary PPE-
Stopping mosquitos with chainlink.

Have I said y'all been duped? Walking around triple masked not only do you lose your man card- you look like fools.

Mowing the yard keeps some particles out understandable- Wearing them bc bureaucrats and big Pharma wanting your money tells you to you're just pathetic
I have no problem with people wearing masks. If that's what they want to do have at it. I don't even have a problem with a business requiring people to wear a mask to enter said business. What I have a problem with is government mandating or coercing businesses and people to wear a mask and take a somewhat questionable, unproven and ineffective vaccine. Government doesn't rule me or anyone else, we rule government or at least that's the way is supposed to be.
I have no problem with people wearing masks. If that's what they want to do have at it. I don't even have a problem with a business requiring people to wear a mask to enter said business. What I have a problem with is government mandating or coercing businesses and people to wear a mask and take a somewhat questionable, unproven and ineffective vaccine. Government doesn't rule me or anyone else, we rule government or at least that's the way is supposed to be.
Don't have a prob with people wearing- As long as they're not wearing bc media scares and lies to them and govt and Fauchi lies and mandates.

Seeing how there's zero peer reviewed studies on masks working against the Coof- I have a huge problem with Home Depot, Sonic etc making their employees wear them. Leftist coerce business to do this and it keeps them at the fore front of the fear porn. Many studies say masks are bad for those that wear them all day- Means to me the biz cares diddly poo about their employees.

Spanish flu was the same scenario- made people wear masks all day and caused infections from the masks that got into the lungs and caused bacterial pneumonia which caused way more sickness and death.

The fact we all stand by and let them
Do this to us is disgusting- I have a huge problem with people going along to get along- it is our biggest problem.

Even Fauchi (POS) admitted the largest cause of death during the spanish flu was due the the infection causing masks- anyone doubting this look it up. Obedience with lockdowns led to masks, obedience with masks led to experimental shots being coerced and our kids injected- obedience to a vile and corrupt govt IS the problem.
Don't have a prob with people wearing- As long as they're not wearing bc media scares and lies to them and govt and Fauchi lies and mandates.

Seeing how there's zero peer reviewed studies on masks working against the Coof- I have a huge problem with Home Depot, Sonic etc making their employees wear them. Leftist coerce business to do this and it keeps them at the fore front of the fear porn. Many studies say masks are bad for those that wear them all day- Means to me the biz cares diddly poo about their employees.

Spanish flu was the same scenario- made people wear masks all day and caused infections from the masks that got into the lungs and caused bacterial pneumonia which caused way more sickness and death.

The fact we all stand by and let them
Do this to us is disgusting- I have a huge problem with people going along to get along- it is our biggest problem.

Even Fauchi (POS) admitted the largest cause of death during the spanish flu was due the the infection causing masks- anyone doubting this look it up. Obedience with lockdowns led to masks, obedience with masks led to experimental shots being coerced and our kids injected- obedience to a vile and corrupt govt IS the problem.
If people are too stupid to see through the narrative that's their problem not mine and none of my business. I understand businesses requiring employees to wear mask. They don't want the blow back from the mask crowd and understand those that do not wear mask could give a shit as long as they are not required.
If people are too stupid to see through the narrative that's their problem not mine and none of my business. I understand businesses requiring employees to wear mask. They don't want the blow back from the mask crowd and understand those that do not wear mask could give a shit as long as they are not required.
Yes sir but live and let live doesn't work if people keep enabling the left and Govt to take More and more of our freedoms- I haven't flown anywhere since the BS Psy op started- there are enablers bc when people keep doing what they say - they are going to keep hammering the piss out of us- not enough to live and let live here when people are complying to what corrupt big bro says. People need to stand up and say enough is enough and call out the demons.

Not our kids faults they are getting injected with poison to make their hearts swell and be dead in 5 years or sooner- it's the go along to get along crowd- way more people needed to be standing up instead of on their knees the last two years- we let our kids down big time IMHO. Adults can be duped and take the shots and suffer the consequences- our kiddos didn't sign up for this BS.

And separating kids and putting masks on them is also evil- and we "men" as a society let this $hit take place- we should be utterly ashamed.