The shadow government of political appointees that are still in office because the Democrats are dragging their feet regarding Trump nominees are going to get exposed and this is going to end up being more egg on the face of an increasingly irrelevant Democratic party.
That simply isn't true, there has been no delaying on the part of the Democrats, the primary cause of the delay is because that Trump HAS NOT NOMINATED People to those posts!
From announcement to confirmation hearing has, on the average, happened at a pace of 15 days, which is about double that of Obama and Bush. But we're still talking about two weeks, not two months. Considering the difficult time the Ethics Commission has had collecting the nominees paper work, vet it and return their report to the Senate, this is right on pace with past presidents. (Trumps nominees have been very slow to provide the necessary paperwork and documentation, that element of the delay is 100% on them.)
But here's the problem for Trump (and you sure as hell can't blame this on anyone but the administration), at this point they have only named candidates for 34 out of the 1,212 positions, which require Senate confirmation! Out of the roughly 4,000 positions he can fill without Senate approval, he's also way behind compared to past Administrations.
We're almost 4 months away from when he won the election and it appears little was done, or they've had problems finding candidate, to fill those positions. Can't pass the buck on this one, Trump has the ball in his court, Senate can't confirm anyone if there's no one presented to them to confirm.
I would add this to the mix, something I know about 1st hand to a large degree. No one within the Administration can give a straight answer to the question: "Who is the Director, or Acting Director of the United States Patent & Trademark Office?" There's been numerous articles the last few weeks in various IP publications, blogs, etc. about how no can get an answer. This includes a fairly prominent IP attorney who lodged a FOIA request asking them to identify the Director, and the response came back that they could not identify the person at this time. This could become an impediment as per the Patent Statute, in order for a patent to be valid it must be signed (or ordered signed) by the Director or Acting Director. So the question has been, since the Patents are still bearing the name of the former Director, are they actually valid? (The Director doesn't have to sign them directly, but must "order" that they be signed in his/her name.) The guy filed the FOIA request well over a month ago and has received inconsistent answers from all involved with no one being able to give him a definitive answer to a very simple question.