Worked late tonight and caught part of this on the way home. Really caught my attention. Isn't it convenient these leaks and wire taps target Trump's cabinet? Posting my thoughts in green. The rest are quotes from the linked story.
An excerpt from the show.
"This is crucially important. Everybody’s missing the point. The incredible scandal here is the Obama administration was investigating top officials in the Trump campaign, maybe even Trump himself during the course of the election!
Listen to this from the WSJ today.
‘U.S. investigators have examined contacts Attorney General Jeff Sessions had with Russian officials during the time he was advising Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, according to people familiar with the matter.’
They were investigating a sitting United States Senator who hadn’t done anything? They’re investigating a sitting Attorney General who hasn’t done anything? Based on what premise? The fact that he was advising Donald Trump? Is this not appalling and shocking to you?"
Now I know the usual suspects will say Levin is a "conservative," but he's no fan of Trump. Far more often than not, he's ripping Trump.
To me this was the crux of his piece.
"In the next segment, Levin went on to tie this Obama investigation of Sessions in with the Michael Walsh piece from a few days ago that showed how the NSA was given expanded powers by Obama to share all of this information with more agencies; and then tied it all in with the NY Times piece that exposed how the Obama administration was rushing to spread this information all over the administration before they got out."
An excerpt from the show.
"This is crucially important. Everybody’s missing the point. The incredible scandal here is the Obama administration was investigating top officials in the Trump campaign, maybe even Trump himself during the course of the election!
Listen to this from the WSJ today.
‘U.S. investigators have examined contacts Attorney General Jeff Sessions had with Russian officials during the time he was advising Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, according to people familiar with the matter.’
They were investigating a sitting United States Senator who hadn’t done anything? They’re investigating a sitting Attorney General who hasn’t done anything? Based on what premise? The fact that he was advising Donald Trump? Is this not appalling and shocking to you?"
Now I know the usual suspects will say Levin is a "conservative," but he's no fan of Trump. Far more often than not, he's ripping Trump.
To me this was the crux of his piece.
"In the next segment, Levin went on to tie this Obama investigation of Sessions in with the Michael Walsh piece from a few days ago that showed how the NSA was given expanded powers by Obama to share all of this information with more agencies; and then tied it all in with the NY Times piece that exposed how the Obama administration was rushing to spread this information all over the administration before they got out."