I'm saying that:
1. "Settled" science was deceptively described by Medic. Medic said no more snow, no polar icecaps, etc. was already supposed to happen as a matter of settled science. It was never settled science that Nebraska would be a wasteland by 1996, etc. He finds an unsubstantiated quote from fox (which can't be sourced) and says that was settled science. It's clumsy and deceptive tactic that shows he has to mislead and play word games to make a case. This is why I don't trust the skeptic community - it seems like there's always misdirection.
2. The "settled" part of the science is that carbon results in climate change, which is more extreme and hotter over time. It's deceptive to say that it was settled that there wouldn't be snow by 2013. Medic moved the goal post really quickly after his characterization of "settled" science was addressed.
3. You and medic are also pretending that scientific conclusions aren't refined, narrowed, improved, etc. over time. Name me a scientific discipline that hasn't improved over time. I can name dozens off the top of my head. You guys characterize that as a weakness of climate science, which shows you're not objective. You would never say "Oncology is incompetent and untrustworthy discipline" because of unsuccessful treatments and theories they pursued in the late 1970's.
4. Most skeptics, if pushed just a little, will demonstrate they're not interested in truth or objectivity. Take a look at Medic's response to a very fair question: What's the other side? That's a very fair question to someone that is objective. Instead, he lied and mischaracterized settled science. I've asked Glove on multiple occasions what degree of proof would be required to prove to him that carbon is causing climate change. It's always a deflection. There is simply no science that would ever satisfy these skeptics -- they just don't want it to exist, so presto, they manufacture arguments.
5. Many of the skeptic claims parrot professional corporate denials from the tobacco industry. Lots of close parallels. Just the nature of the arguments that we've all heard before is compelling to me.
6. It's always easy to punch holes in a theory. There's lots of data that temperatures are becoming much, much hotter. I could play the skeptic's game and say that the skeptic community also denied that for a long time, too. That doesn't determine whether it's getting hotter, though.
All of these combine to pretty conclusively establish the skeptics are full of shit, imo. I welcome objective science and objective analysis, but the usual sophistry and PR arguments just aren't compelling.
At least you gave a reasoned response. Thank you sys.
1 & 2) Its always been the alarmist camp that has called global warming "settle science". And its these same alarmists that make the wild predictions about sea levels rising 20 feet (as in Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth). So while you are right, I don't think anyone really believes that all of the wild predictions are going to occur and that science has foretold it. But its disingenuous of you to abstractly separate the alarmists from their dire (and thus far unrealized proclaimations of doom).
3) Not at all. In fact, I'd love to see that. But instead, every time some questions a finding, its the alarmist camp that rises to name calling and denegrating those that question. I do think that some (like Trump) have been absurd in their denial statements, and that there are some that are absolutely close-minded in the acceptance of either side. But when scientists are denigrated for questioning the results, thats when climatologists lose me and their positions lose credibility.
4) Not sure I follow this, but I imagine that both sides have its blind followers. I've raised a number of points that you chose to ignore in order to address other fallacies presented by Medic or others. For example, do you agree that based on the availability of very significant government funding, its in the scientists best interest to draw conclusions that promote the dramatization of man-made global warming?
5) The tobacco industry said what it said in order to keep its gravy train going. You choose to believe that the energy companies say what they say to keep their carbon-based gravy train going. However, you refuse to believe that the alarmists aren't also motivated to be alarmists in order to keep their gravy train going.
6) Not sure I follow your meaning its easy to punch holes in the denier's theories? I'm not sure I've seen many denier's theories. I know they've questioned the data. This goes back to the challenge I have of the climatologists processes. Many of the studies refuse to release their raw data for inspection. Where it has been released, there has been clear and confirmed modification of the data. Usually its documented as modeling adjustments or other scientific (and potentially justified) reasons. But when someone questions those reasons, they are ostracized to the "denier" community.
In the end, I don't know that the truth is. What I do know is that I'm skeptical of anyone who lacks transparency and is pushing for more power, both of which strongly describe the global warming alarmist community.