By the way
@Syskatine I've never been a big "Hillary is going to prison" guy. Sure, I hope it happens because she's a massive criminal. But I'm a realist. I think the best we can hope for regarding her and Obama is that their legacies are tarnished and ruined for their roles in spy gate.
Now, Spygate... Since the day "Russian Collusion" first appeared, I've been telling you idiots that it was bullshit and that the deep state was simply trying to protect itself from an outsider by getting rid of Trump - first by spying on his campaign and then through a soft coup.
I've told you Brennan will hang (or go to jail for life). I've told you Comey, McCabe, Strock(sp) (not Page - she flipped) and Clapper will face charges. I've told you Obama knew about the spying. I told you about "wiretapping" being a thing. I told you Flynn won't go to prison. I've told you I didn't want Meuller to be fired because I knew he would come back with nothing actionable - because nothing happened. I've told you that the OIG report is coming. I've told you that Huber is investigating but now, that may be superseded by the AG himself investigating spygate.
It's going to get really ugly, but so far as regards the Russiagate vs Spygate thing, I've been 100% right to your 100% bullshit. So, at some point, someone might wonder if you have the brains to check yourself or if at this point you have become an entity of pure gaslight energy projecting wildly into the inter webs and accusing everyone else of things you are demonstrably guilty of.
And brother, buying every bullshit narrative and constantly, habitually, embarrassingly remaining provably wrong has become your niche.
Don't worry. I'll keep reminding you of how right I am and how wrong you were as more and more breaks the other way. Oh... Assange.... I don't really care much one way or another, but I'll go ahead and predict that blows up in your face bigly. You'll know you are right about him if and when he gets indicted for colluding with Russia to hack the DNC servers.
One more thing. Yates looks like a donkey and she'll go to jail too.
Bronze this!