Looks like the Brits have arrested Julian Assange.

He looks like Trevor Slattery.
I can take the punches. It’s better than your, I’m am bleeding, therefore I am the victor style.

That’s the thing. You just love to take the punches. You can’t wait until your next beatdown. You are addicted to the fight and it doesn’t matter what the facts are or what level of hypocrisy you reach, it’s just on to the next antagonism. Some people are hurt and embarrassed they fell for the Russia thing. A normal person would re-evaluate what’s real and what’s not. Not you. It’s the fight, not the truth or context, just the fight. You are Heath Ledgers joker.
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So in liberal land, trump has purged the fbi of decent America loving people and put his puppet in charge of the doj. The US then calls for Assange to be extradited to the US to face charges because trump loves him for helping him win the election. Am I getting this right? And Putin wanted all of this to happen why?
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That’s the thing. You just love to take the punches. You can’t wait until your next beatdown. You are addicted to the fight and it doesn’t matter what the facts are or what level of hypocrisy you reach, it’s just on to the next antagonism. Some people are hurt and embarrassed they fell for the Russia thing. A normal person would re-evaluate what’s real and what’s not. Not you. It’s the fight, not the truth or context, just the fight. You are Heath Ledgers joker.

I still haven’t got to read that darn little report yet. Neither has the President by his own admission.
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So in liberal land, trump has purged the fbi of decent America loving people and put his puppet in charge of the doj. The US then calls for Assange to be extradited to the US to face charges because trump loves him for helping him win the election. Am I getting this right? And Putin wanted all of this to happen why?
Ummm the sealed indictment has been around long before Barr. It was accidentally leaked last year when old Beauregard was still recused. So it’s been done far at least a year, at least.
Ummm the sealed indictment has been around long before Barr. It was accidentally leaked last year when old Beauregard was still recused. So it’s been done far at least a year, at least.

But fascist trump has been president for how long? What’s going on here?
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If this guy had leaked truthful dirt on the RNC and not DNC all you lefties who want his head on a spike would be giving him the hero treatment.

I think a public trial in the US may come back to bite the Democrats. Careful what you wish for lefties.
Enemy of America, friend of Putin. You figure it out.
Enemy of America, friend of Putin. You figure it out.
So you say. He claims he didn't get his DNC dirt from Russia. He'll get a chance to prove it with a trial.

For the record I'm not sure what to believe. With Brennen and Clapper in charge of I don't trust any intelligence that was produced about the 2016 election under their watch.
If this guy had leaked truthful dirt on the RNC and not DNC all you lefties who want his head on a spike would be giving him the hero treatment.

I think a public trial in the US may come back to bite the Democrats. Careful what you wish for lefties.

Ifs and buts. He's a criminal and obvious liar and will get a trial if he wants it. He's a Putin stooge. Like Biff.
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If this guy had leaked truthful dirt on the RNC and not DNC all you lefties who want his head on a spike would be giving him the hero treatment.

I think a public trial in the US may come back to bite the Democrats. Careful what you wish for lefties.
He would have a Nobel Peace Prize or Presidential Medal of Freedom and an all expense paid trip to Disneyworld.