Living in Leftlandia


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
April 23, 2019
Living in Leftlandia
By Deana Chadwell

As children we passed the time pretending to be grownups. We were doctors or cowboys or ballerinas or truck drivers. We built forts and made-up languages. We played school. We imagined our way through grand adventures –- and then, little by little, we turned into adults. Even those who actually became doctors and cowboys faced the reality of those challenging professions. Or we didn’t, and took up voting Democrat, ranting around in marches, and running for office instead.

It’s hard not to notice how little growing up those on the left have actually accomplished. They live in La-la Land, in Leftlandia, saturated in fantasies filled with pots of gold at the ends of LGBT rainbows. They never touch down. Just look at the fairytale multiverse they swoop around in:

  1. Leftlandians actually believe that the world’s climate is something they can control, that man is so much greater than the God Who created the world that humans can use so much toilet paper, or so much gasoline that they can undo creation. They also believe that using fossil fuels to generate electricity with which to run our cars is somehow more environmentally sensible than just using the fossil fuels directly. When someone points out the damage –- both human and environmental –- done by building all those lithium batteries, the Leftlandians just cover their eyes and holler La-La-La-La.
  2. In their unicorn-inhabited world they can pass laws forbidding plastic straws and shampoo bottles and assume that this terrible sacrifice will clean the oceans of the trash dumped into it by billions of people in the third world.
  3. They actually believe they can impose tax hikes on the wealthy and on corporations and said entities will just sit and take it. It doesn’t occur to the left that anyone smart enough to get rich in the first place will be smart enough to hide their money offshore, or move their business to a less onerous tax environment. Remember the little girl in your neighborhood who always wanted to boss everyone around and how mad she’d get when no one would obey her? That’s the left. “I’m the boss!”
  4. They continue to pretend that Marxism is a useful worldview. Evidence, preserved in gruesome history (and the current starvation of the Venezuelan and North Korean people) notwithstanding, they insist on the efficacy of the destruction of capitalism. And they do this while eating food produced by businessmen-farmers, driving cars manufactured by corporations, and wearing clothes created by designer-entrepreneurs. They fail to see the contradiction. Bernie Sanders, the consummate socialist, just declared that, “If you write a bestselling book, you can be a millionaire, too,” evidently unaware of the about-face he had just committed.
    They believe they can tell doctors that they now work for the state and can only earn a state-approved salary. It never occurs to them that many of our doctors will just quit being doctors. Free healthcare is a delicious fable, but not if there is no healthcare to be found at any price. It’s not a magic bean.
  5. They believe they can pretend to be a gender other than what they were born with and that if they can browbeat the rest of us into playing their game, that it will be true. They even believe they can make up new genders no one’s ever heard of before. They might as well imagine themselves to be unicorns as far as reality is concerned, but they’re not concerned with reality. It’s all play-acting.
  6. They believe that they can fake their way into college, go there and spend four years sitting in classes like “Vegan Studies,” smoking dope and drinking beer at frat parties, then walk into the real world and get rich. They think they can do this with college loan debt in six figures and no practical skills. And they think that their plan to soak the rich won’t apply to them.
  7. In Leftlandia, folks are comfortable with declaring women’s rights with half their words and supporting Islam, with its wife-beating, woman-hating, girl-mutilating way of life, with the other. They don’t find it weird that Linda Sarsour, outspoken proponent of Sharia law, should be leading a women’s rally.
  8. They do have trolls and goblins in their world, but they aren’t real. Leftists are afraid of Christians, but not of Muslims -- who clearly state they want to kill us all. They are scared of Jews, and white people and men. They evidently see infants as dangerous as well since they seem so comfortable about killing them.
  9. They believe, all evidence to the contrary, that humans are all basically good -- not including Christians, Jews, white people, and men. Therefore any failings they’re faced with are the fault of “society” or, in other words, the aforementioned groups –- and the NRA. Can’t forget that. As a corollary, they believe that war and crime can be erased by everyone “just getting along, “ which somehow doesn’t mean that they have to be kind to Christians, Jews, white people or men – especially men who belong to the NRA.
  10. They are staunch defenders of license (not liberty), but even more staunch believers in equality, for which they are willing to ditch freedom –- especially freedom of speech. Speech is dangerous and can pop their balloons, so that’s got to go.
  11. Speaking of language, in their postmodern, deconstructionist, intersectional world, words aren’t important. They can mean whatever a leftist wants them to mean. A white nationalist used to be a neo-Nazi skinhead, but now it refers to conservatives in general. A racist used to a person who based his opinion of people on the color of their skin. Now it means anyone who would write an essay like this. Words are bludgeons and no good leftist has any reverence for the sacred contract of language. In their fairytale world no actual truth exists and no moral code either, so there is no needs for honesty.
  12. They believe that the color of their skin matters. They believe their country of origin is important and should be worn like a battle scar.
  13. Which brings up another whole facet of their narrative –- they pretend that they aren’t really individuals, that they are nothing more than cogs in whatever gear they think they’ve been “oppressed” into. I suppose this saves the trouble of actually having to take responsibility for their own lives, but it also makes them slaves and they don’t seem to notice. They also think they can right the wrongs done to one group of long-dead people by taking from modern-day people who had nothing to do with the original transgression.
  14. And they believe they can’t lose. The Trump win in 2016 cracked the magical snow-globe they live in and now the emptiness of the Mueller report has dealt it another terrible blow. Not to worry, though. The fantasy must go on. They are sure that if they yell, “Collusion!” loud enough, Trump will dissolve into a flurry of fairy dust and be gone.
The problem with all this is that it’s impossible to talk to people who live in such a place. They don’t speak the language of truth, of practicality, of reality. They’re still pretending, living in a world where the government is Rumpelstiltskin, endlessly spinning gold out of flax. How can we work to solve problems when all we have to work with are petulant children who are still waiting on their fairy godmother to bring them a dress for the ball?

Deana Chadwell blogs at She is also an adjunct professor and department head at Pacific Bible College in southern Oregon. She teaches writing and public speaking.
And Robert Mugabe came to power in Southern Rhodesia in the early eighties. After installing Marxist economic policies, the new Zimbabwe ended it's reign as the bread basket of the African continent. Today, Africa's crown jewel health care system has no doctors. They all fled.

Our own Robert Mugabe began government takeover of our health care system and Marxist style government regulation. I thank the Great Father we still have elections, although the left is attempting our country's first coup.
Hmmm. Any other differences in their healthcare besides government price setting (that's actually negotiable, unlike Medicare)? The Netherlands are a single payer system, right?
Lots of differences but the price setting seems to been your main beef. (Medicare price list is negotiated by the AMA no?)
Lots of differences but the price setting seems to been your main beef. (Medicare price list is negotiated by the AMA no?)
My "main beef" is price setting? "Medicare price list?" What is that?

Medicare sets reimbursement rates. Providers don't get to negotiate. The AMA can only lobby Congress. They don't get to negotiate either. Medicare pays about $0.87 per every $1.00 spent on the actual cost of providing healthcare to Medicare beneficiaries. Do you know what percentage of the cost of providing healthcare gets paid in the Netherlands? If so, it shouldn't be difficult for you to figure out why a heart cath in the US is a lot more expensive (outside of unfunded government mandates, the differences in medical malpractice, etc).
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If so, it shouldn't be difficult for you to figure out why a heart cath in the US is a lot more expensive
Because costs can just be passed on to private insurers so there is no need to contain them?
Canada has a single pay RATIONED health care system. And yes, I've spent time at Blaine, WA U. S. Customs visiting with Canadians on charter buses making their way south to pay for U. S. health care. I've logged hours at the bus stop bench at Rich Foods in down town Buffalo doing same.

Netherlands has a population of 17 million. Look how well our own VA single pay system works. About as well as Great Britain's single payer.
Canada has a single pay RATIONED health care system. And yes, I've spent time at Blaine, WA U. S. Customs visiting with Canadians on charter buses making their way south to pay for U. S. health care. I've logged hours at the bus stop bench at Rich Foods in down town Buffalo doing same.

Netherlands has a population of 17 million. Look how well our own VA single pay system works. About as well as Great Britain's single payer.

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Ironic or not that Leftlandia and Portlandia are synonymous with lily white Oregon. Does this mean Oregon is filled with privileged white supremacists?
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I don't know how well the VA works. The UK's rationed system does work better than the US healthcare system at large.

Is Mick Jagger going to get a heart valve in the UK or Canada? Not hardly. No one with means will. Mick will not wait 8 weeks to see a heart specialist. There is no wait time for Prince Harry. People with means come to the U. S. The UK has a rationed health care system. Some people with out means die.

Mick received his heart valve successfully in New York on April 4. No wait time.
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Is Mick Jagger going to get a heart valve in the UK or Canada? Not hardly. No one with means will. Mick will not wait 8 weeks to see a heart specialist. There is no wait time for Prince Harry. People with means come to the U. S. The UK has a rationed health care system. Some people with out means die.

Mick received his heart valve successfully in New York on April 4. No wait time.
You got me there. US system is better for legendary rock stars.
Brilliant comparison as usual!
If your thesis is that the US has higher costs than other countries because of the regulatory environment, you are going to have to provide a shred of evidence.
If your thesis is that the US has higher costs than other countries because of the regulatory environment, you are going to have to provide a shred of evidence.
I don't think I'm the one thinking healthcare costs are due to a one trick pony. I'm also not the guy that is trying to compare apples and radial tires.

Did we settle on the Netherlands not being a single payer system like Bernie is proposing? Are there any other differences between the Netherlands and the US that might be of interest in regards to comparing healthcare costs? Before we dive into the whole of Europe, I think we should flesh out the differences in the healthcare system you keep touting and our own.
I don't think I'm the one thinking healthcare costs are due to a one trick pony. I'm also not the guy that is trying to compare apples and radial tires.

Did we settle on the Netherlands not being a single payer system like Bernie is proposing? Are there any other differences between the Netherlands and the US that might be of interest in regards to comparing healthcare costs? Before we dive into the whole of Europe, I think we should flesh out the differences in the healthcare system you keep touting and our own.
Not a dodge at all. You brought up the Netherlands, not me. So far we've discovered that the Netherlands does not have a single payer system like Comrade Sanders is pushing. I'm curious about what else is different. Trust me, we'll get to the whole of Europe.

What else is different? The Netherlands not being a single payer system is kind of a big difference if we're going to use that to promote Berniecare. For some strange reason, I don't think that's the only major difference.
Isn't our Medicare scheduled to go bust in 2024?
2026. But they can just cut payments to providers to prop it up a few more years. Doctors are itching to work for free. Not getting paid your actual cost is a good thing according to our resident socialist 07pilt. He works in manufacturing and never turns a profit. He doesn't even bother recouping costs. He just keeps cutting salaries to make ends meet.
2026. But they can just cut payments to providers to prop it up a few more years. Doctors are itching to work for free. Not getting paid your actual cost is a good thing according to our resident socialist 07pilt. He works in manufacturing and never turns a profit. He doesn't even bother recouping costs. He just keeps cutting salaries to make ends meet.

Robert Mugabe's digs are down the street from one of the most modern hospitals in the world. When Robert falls ill, he's flown to Malaysia. No doctors to staff the hospital.

Actually I need to bone up. Robert was finally removed from office by coup. I think it was last year.

I see South Africa plans to follow the Robert Mugabe model. Government takeover of minority white owned farms. Mugabe ran the minority French farmers out and soon the people were starving. Heck. If a man can grow a good water melon, who cares what color he is?
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Not a dodge at all. You brought up the Netherlands, not me. So far we've discovered that the Netherlands does not have a single payer system like Comrade Sanders is pushing. I'm curious about what else is different. Trust me, we'll get to the whole of Europe.

What else is different? The Netherlands not being a single payer system is kind of a big difference if we're going to use that to promote Berniecare. For some strange reason, I don't think that's the only major difference.
I brought up the Netherlands as a demonstration that the costs you are so fond of talking about aren't set in stone and are actually set by a market where providers can pass along the 13% of costs unpaid by medicare to private insurers and their unwitting customers.

I concede whatever point you are trying to make about the difference between Berniecare and the Netherlands.

A key similarity between the Netherlands and the status quo ante in the US is that provision of healthcare is highly regulated. So the question remains, if costs are inflexible how is it possible for the Netherlands to provide healthcare so much cheaper than the US. Please don't dodge again.
2026. But they can just cut payments to providers to prop it up a few more years. Doctors are itching to work for free. Not getting paid your actual cost is a good thing according to our resident socialist 07pilt. He works in manufacturing and never turns a profit. He doesn't even bother recouping costs. He just keeps cutting salaries to make ends meet.
33 trillion over 10 years instead of 35 is exactly the same as working for free.

In manufacturing we have to make a profit on every order because we don't have a bag holder that we can pass losses along to.

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