List the Decisions that Healthy, Adult U.S. Citizens Cannot be Trusted With

Bitter Creek

Heisman Candidate
Apr 24, 2008
List the Decisions that healthy, adult U.S. citizens cannot be trusted to make but a group of elected or appointed citizens must instead make for them:
What to eat
Where to set the thermostat
How big of soda to drink
And last but not least............................where to poop in public without the fear of being arrested.
Originally posted by Bitter Creek:

List the Decisions that healthy, adult U.S. citizens cannot be trusted to make but a group of elected or appointed citizens must instead make for them:
This could be an impossibly long list so I will give you my more provocative sarcastic answers:
Decide if it is acceptable to have consensual sex with a member of the same sex.Decide if it is acceptable to have consensual sex with a member of the opposite sex if that sex does not conform to norms (sodomy laws).Decide if it is acceptable to privately consume substances that can be readily grown on private property (tobacco and pot).The decision to enter into a lifelong pact, commonly called marriage, with another consenting adult of the same sex.Purchase alcoholic beverages and automobiles on a Sunday.Private consumption of pornography made by other consenting adults.Access emergency contraception.Terminate an early term pregnancy.Decide whether or not to have an ultrasound prior to terminating said pregnancy.And a couple on the flip side a few sincere limitations on private behavior:
Consume alcohol or other intoxicants and operate equipment including automobiles that have a probability of doing grievous bodily harm to another.Destruction of another property.Sex with someone incapable of consenting.Relying on the good will or compulsory assistance others when one has been negligent in accounting for oneself (individual mandate is good). Torture or otherwise abuse another human or an animal.etcetcetc
Originally posted by davidallen:

Originally posted by Bitter Creek:

List the Decisions that healthy, adult U.S. citizens cannot be trusted to make but a group of elected or appointed citizens must instead make for them:
The decision to enter into a lifelong pact, commonly called marriage, with another consenting adult of the same sex.
It is impossible to enter into a "marriage" with a member of the same sex.
Originally posted by BIGOSUFAN:

Originally posted by davidallen:

Originally posted by Bitter Creek:

List the Decisions that healthy, adult U.S. citizens cannot be trusted to make but a group of elected or appointed citizens must instead make for them:
The decision to enter into a lifelong pact, commonly called marriage, with another consenting adult of the same sex.
It is impossible to enter into a "marriage" with a member of the same sex.
Impossible is such a tricky word isn't it. I suppose you would be right but only if the nanny state agrees with you...
Originally posted by davidallen:

Originally posted by Bitter Creek:

List the Decisions that healthy, adult U.S. citizens cannot be trusted to make but a group of elected or appointed citizens must instead make for them:
This could be an impossibly long list so I will give you my more provocative sarcastic answers:
Decide if it is acceptable to have consensual sex with a member of the same sex.Decide if it is acceptable to have consensual sex with a member of the opposite sex if that sex does not conform to norms (sodomy laws).Decide if it is acceptable to privately consume substances that can be readily grown on private property (tobacco and pot).The decision to enter into a lifelong pact, commonly called marriage, with another consenting adult of the same sex.Purchase alcoholic beverages and automobiles on a Sunday.Private consumption of pornography made by other consenting adults.Access emergency contraception.Terminate an early term pregnancy.Decide whether or not to have an ultrasound prior to terminating said pregnancy.And a couple on the flip side a few sincere limitations on private behavior:
Consume alcohol or other intoxicants and operate equipment including automobiles that have a probability of doing grievous bodily harm to another.Destruction of another property.Sex with someone incapable of consenting.Relying on the good will or compulsory assistance others when one has been negligent in accounting for oneself (individual mandate is good). Torture or otherwise abuse another human or an animal.etcetcetc
Why are lefties so infatuated with all things sex? Interesting.
Might turn that around to why do conservatives care so much about what happens in a private bed room... But I give you points for a nice attempt at deflecting the conversation.
Originally posted by davidallen:
Might turn that around to why do conservatives care so much about what happens in a private bed room... But I give you points for a nice attempt at deflecting the conversation.
They don't. Nice attempt to twist the issue, though.

Why are lefties across the entire nation looking to suspend due process and enact ridicuous sexual rules and in some cases laws based primairly upon a made up rape story from VA. On top of that, the rules in quesiont will not do a damn thing to stop any rape, the incidnece of which has been falling for some 20+ years to begin with?
This post was edited on 2/11 9:21 AM by Marshal Jim Duncan
Originally posted by davidallen:
Might turn that around to why do conservatives care so much about what happens in a private bed room... But I give you points for a nice attempt at deflecting the conversation.
I don't know why conservatives care so much about what happens in a private bed room, personally couldn't care less, but you seem obsessed with the topic.
Yeah - 3 of 16 bullet points mention sex... obsessed I am. Again, points for the deflection. You are pretty good at this.

This post was edited on 2/11 9:13 AM by davidallen
I sounds like most agree for the most part that everyone has the right to make their own decisions and to do good for or harm to themselves.

Based upon that, does everyone have the right to receive and keep the rewards resulting from their good decisions and responsibility to pay the cost of their poor decisions?
Originally posted by davidallen:
Yeah - 3 of 16 bullet points mention sex... obsessed I am. Again, points for the deflection. You are pretty good at this.

This post was edited on 2/11 9:13 AM by davidallen
Pornography, contraception, pregnancy, consent, marriage, sex. Yep, you're obsessed.

oops forgot sodomy.
This post was edited on 2/11 11:16 AM by long-duc-dong
Originally posted by davidallen:
Yeah - 3 of 16 bullet points mention sex... obsessed I am. Again, points for the deflection. You are pretty good at this.

This post was edited on 2/11 9:13 AM by davidallen
You and Pilt are cut from the same cloth. You guys should share a bed and pillow talk about your supreme intelligence.
I could give a sh*t what two consenting adults do in a private bedroom. I don't care, and it's frankly no one's business.

I do care though when those adults try to redefine a word that has been a fundamental pillar of society for a long time. Or when they try to teach school kids (see Vermont) that their perverse acts are "healthy and normal."
Originally posted by 07pilt:
1. Redefining words.; e.g. tolerance, terrorist, unexpectedly
2. Teaching school children.; especially if you're a man (unless you're gay of course)

Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Most conservative voters I know would agree with the first half of your sarcastic points. But by all means, pretend they are all Mitt Romney.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If both liberals and conservatives agree on the first half of his sarcastic points, it leaves you to wonder how those laws got on the books, and why they are so hard to get off the books.
Wonder? I don't wonder. It's effing obvious.
Guys that make it to the legislative and executive level on the rupublican ticket always have a lot of special interest d*ck to suck.

That doesn't mean the rank and file conservative is the homophobic boogeyman you want to believe he is.

I'm a small Business owner. I don't give a shit about who marries who or what goes on in any jackass's bedroom - straight gay or whatever. And frankly I can't think of very many people I know who feel differently. I am a musician and a professional artist. Most of my peer group would be considered filthy hippies by the people you imagine are conservative voters. Open your mind Mr. progressive
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Wonder? I don't wonder. It's effing obvious.
Guys that make it to the legislative and executive level on the rupublican ticket always have a lot of special interest d*ck to suck.

That doesn't mean the rank and file conservative is the homophobic boogeyman you want to believe he is.

I'm a small Business owner. I don't give a shit about who marries who or what goes on in any jackass's bedroom - straight gay or whatever. And frankly I can't think of very many people I know who feel differently. I am a musician and a professional artist. Most of my peer group would be considered filthy hippies by the people you imagine are conservative voters. Open your mind Mr. progressive
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Agree 100%. It goes on, it has always gone on and it will continue to go on. But, don't tell me that because I don't agree with it makes me a hater. If I was a woman, minority or gay, I would be pissed that someone thinks I am so naive that there is a "war" against me from only the Conservative side. I'd be willing to bet there are as many 'haters" on each side. Liberals are tremendous at offering lip service to issues, but never backing it up with actions.
I grew up in Oklahoma and lived in NYC for a few years so I've lived among both sides of the political spectrum.

No one is as intolerant as the liberals are. Disagree with them in any way, shape or form and you are automatically anti-this and anti-that. And the pure disdain they have for conservatives far outweighs any "hate" I've ever seen from conservatives.
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Wonder? I don't wonder. It's effing obvious.
Guys that make it to the legislative and executive level on the rupublican ticket always have a lot of special interest d*ck to suck.

That doesn't mean the rank and file conservative is the homophobic boogeyman you want to believe he is.

I'm a small Business owner. I don't give a shit about who marries who or what goes on in any jackass's bedroom - straight gay or whatever. And frankly I can't think of very many people I know who feel differently. I am a musician and a professional artist. Most of my peer group would be considered filthy hippies by the people you imagine are conservative voters. Open your mind Mr. progressive
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I don't think anyone is saying that all conservatives are social conservatives, just that there are a lot of social conservatives and they are powerful as evidenced by the fact that we have socially conservative laws that are difficult to repeal.

A lot of the people who don't give a damn about social issues sure are eager to form coalitions with those who do give a damn about social issues as long as they are for lower taxes.
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by davidallen:
Yeah - 3 of 16 bullet points mention sex... obsessed I am. Again, points for the deflection. You are pretty good at this.

This post was edited on 2/11 9:13 AM by davidallen
Pornography, contraception, pregnancy, consent, marriage, sex. Yep, you're obsessed.

oops forgot sodomy.
This post was edited on 2/11 11:16 AM by long-duc-dong
A little help for you:
Pornography is not sex. With that tidbit I suspect your romantic relationships may improve.Contraception is not sex. A common fallacy among many I know, but just because you think ahead and carry a rubber does not mean you are having sex. This isn't 6th grade. Pregancy is not sex. Pregnancy may occur as a result of sex, but they are not the same thing. Just like taking a dump is not the same as eating rib eye.Marriage is not sex. Many of us may wish it were, but it is not.Sodomy - OK that was about sex.Consensual Sex being Okie Dokie - yeah that counts as sex.Personally I think my ratio of sex to non sexual items is healthy. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.
Originally posted by racernhra:

Originally posted by davidallen:
Yeah - 3 of 16 bullet points mention sex... obsessed I am. Again, points for the deflection. You are pretty good at this.

This post was edited on 2/11 9:13 AM by davidallen
You and Pilt are cut from the same cloth. You guys should share a bed and pillow talk about your supreme intelligence.
I apologize if complete sentences make you feel inferior. Will try and mix it up a bit so you don't feel so intimidated by the conversation. If it helps sometimes I just go all stream of consciousness and forget punctuation.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Wonder? I don't wonder. It's effing obvious.
Guys that make it to the legislative and executive level on the rupublican ticket always have a lot of special interest d*ck to suck.

That doesn't mean the rank and file conservative is the homophobic boogeyman you want to believe he is.

I'm a small Business owner. I don't give a shit about who marries who or what goes on in any jackass's bedroom - straight gay or whatever. And frankly I can't think of very many people I know who feel differently. I am a musician and a professional artist. Most of my peer group would be considered filthy hippies by the people you imagine are conservative voters. Open your mind Mr. progressive
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I don't think anyone is saying that all conservatives are social conservatives, just that there are a lot of social conservatives and they are powerful as evidenced by the fact that we have socially conservative laws that are difficult to repeal.

A lot of the people who don't give a damn about social issues sure are eager to form coalitions with those who do give a damn about social issues as long as they are for lower taxes.
And I would add that plenty of lousy politicians on the left are willing to go to bed with unions, trial lawyers, and the like in pursuit of votes and dollars.

Mega, it is funny hearing you complain about being lumped in with the Romney crowd when you are just as quick to typecast anyone with progressive beliefs as lapdogs of the POTUS.

It is possible to be a socially progressive, libertarian minded capitalist... truly it is.
Originally posted by davidallen:
A little help for you:
Pornography is not sex. With that tidbit I suspect your romantic relationships may improve.Contraception is not sex. A common fallacy among many I know, but just because you think ahead and carry a rubber does not mean you are having sex. This isn't 6th grade. Pregancy is not sex. Pregnancy may occur as a result of sex, but they are not the same thing. Just like taking a dump is not the same as eating rib eye.Marriage is not sex. Many of us may wish it were, but it is not.Sodomy - OK that was about sex.Consensual Sex being Okie Dokie - yeah that counts as sex.Personally I think my ratio of sex to non sexual items is healthy. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.
Weak. You probably patted yourself on the back after hitting the post message button on this one. You really need to put the booze down before you sit behind the computer and make yourself look silly. For someone who's always claiming how smart you are you just failed miserably on this one.
But hey, your probably at that phase in your life where weight is an issue, and your probably hitting the viagra pretty hard so I'll cut you some slack and let you vent your sexual frustrations through the art of posting on a message board.
I've never been able to understand the concept of how killing an unborn child, the most defenseless and vulnerable among us, is an example of "progress."
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

But hey, your probably at that phase in your life where weight is an issue, and your probably hitting the viagra pretty hard so I'll cut you some slack and let you vent your sexual frustrations through the art of posting on a message board.
Keep digging, you might find a bone yet...
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Most conservative voters I know would agree with the first half of your sarcastic points. But by all means, pretend they are all Mitt Romney.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm not trolling you, Mega, but..... you voted for Romney, didn't you? Supported him? Will vote for the republican party again in this next election? I don't understand your hatred for Obama. You almost categorically seem to agree with him on virtually every substantive issue, but affiliate yourself with conservatives. What has the republican party done for you? What is it that Obama did that while you apparently agree with him on social issues, you don't like him?
Originally posted by BIGOSUFAN:
I've never been able to understand the concept of how killing an unborn child, the most defenseless and vulnerable among us, is an example of "progress."
A serious question for you BIG - at what point in the progression from an unfertilized egg, to a fertilized egg, to a blastocyst, to an implanted embryo, to a fetus, to viability outside the womb - at what point does that become a concern of the WE rather than the SHE?

For me there isn't some hard point, some milestone, rather it is somewhere before viability that there is a moral imperative to protect the life. When it comes to policy, I think you err on the side of protecting the fetus so you move the date at which the state has a vested interest somewhere around week 20. Horrible decision to make.

Without a doubt one of the most troubling moral issue we have. One that I have struggled with for some time.
When the embryo implants and begins to grow, it is a human being (a little one no doubt). Every single renowned Embryologist agrees on that. As does every single Embryology textbook out there. And every human being has a right to life.

Look up pics of what a 16 week-old or twenty week-old human in the womb looks like. The fact that we allow the slaughter of these little guys/gals is the biggest social justice issue of our time. And don't get me started on what the process itself (abortion) entails. It's barbaric and certainly meets the criteria for "torture."
Originally posted by BIGOSUFAN:
When the embryo implants and begins to grow, it is a human being (a little one no doubt). Every single renowned Embryologist agrees on that. As does every single Embryology textbook out there. And every human being has a right to life.

Look up pics of what a 16 week-old or twenty week-old human in the womb looks like. The fact that we allow the slaughter of these little guys/gals is the biggest social justice issue of our time. And don't get me started on what the process itself (abortion) entails. It's barbaric and certainly meets the criteria for "torture."
Hear! Hear!
Originally posted by davidallen:

Without a doubt one of the most troubling moral issue we have. One that I have struggled with for some time.
Something we can agree on. I have struggled with this issue as well. Protecting the most innocent thing there is is a no brainer. When you get into rape and incest that's where I have problems.
Originally posted by syskatine:

Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Most conservative voters I know would agree with the first half of your sarcastic points. But by all means, pretend they are all Mitt Romney.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm not trolling you, Mega, but..... you voted for Romney, didn't you? Supported him? Will vote for the republican party again in this next election? I don't understand your hatred for Obama. You almost categorically seem to agree with him on virtually every substantive issue, but affiliate yourself with conservatives. What has the republican party done for you? What is it that Obama did that while you apparently agree with him on social issues, you don't like him?

It's none of your business who I voted for. Having said that, No. I did not vote for Romney. I also did not vote for Obama. Oklahoma doesn't allow for 3rd party voting in presidential elections and until they do, I refuse to settle for something that only represents 40-50% of my beliefs over someone that represents 30-40% of them. I've taken a lot of heat from republicans on this board if you care to remember, because they tell me that it's better to vote for good enough, or at least "better than Obama" than to "waste" my vote. Screw them. It'll be a cold day in Hell before I vote for someone based on the speed at which they are destroying this Republic being marginally slower than the other asshole.

Today I heard a radio talking head - don't know who - some right wing guy. Reviewing a movie he hadn't seen (50 shades of suck) based on a book he hasn't read (my wife made me try to read it. Terrible) delivering his opinion that the movie was "trash" and butchering the premise of the stupid, simplistic story so badly I changed the channel. Not because I disagreed that the movie probably sucks - I'm sure it does. But because he didn't let his ignorance keep him from stating his opinion. That's annoying from anyone and fan boys from both parties do it all the time. How can you review something you didn't see or read?

Way too often, fan-boy supporters of either party are like that guy - company line, talking point, 'my tribe is better than your tribe' guys. No thanks. Hearing that guy on the radio reminded me I have almost nothing in common with a person who thinks like that, but the way I see it - it's not a republican vs dem thing. It's an establishment vs liberty thing and I owe no allegiance to anyone who isn't a fairly strict Constitutionalist, first and foremost.

Anyway - I'm a libertarian. I've told you that at least a dozen times.. The Republican party has done little if anything for me, but Obama has done even less - which is actually kind of hard to achieve. Seriously, f*** that guy.
Originally posted by davidallen:

Mega, it is funny hearing you complain about being lumped in with the Romney crowd when you are just as quick to typecast anyone with progressive beliefs as lapdogs of the POTUS.

It is possible to be a socially progressive, libertarian minded capitalist... truly it is.
I am mainly drawing from my experience on this board. I guess it's because everything is black and white text based, but I've never been in any other real life situation where it's so hard to get people to understand fairly quickly that I am an anti-establishment libertarian with no love for either party.

Socially progressive.... I guess that's a fairly nebulous thing to be. I would argue that I am exactly that, but I also think that a fetus is essentially an American who can't vote - while a knocked up mom can. So I come down on the side of conservatives there. Otherwise, who cares who marries who? Nothing makes me want to punch a politician in the mouth more than seeing one waste energy being passionate about defining the word "marriage."

It's a contract. And the government shouldn't be involved one way or another.

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