List the Decisions that Healthy, Adult U.S. Citizens Cannot be Trusted With

Originally posted by MegaPoke:

..... I've never been in any other real life situation where it's so hard to get people to understand fairly quickly that I am an anti-establishment libertarian with no love for either party...
Next time you want to call me a lefty - just call me ambidextrous... Enough so that I frustrate people from both sides of the aisle.
Originally posted by davidallen:

Originally posted by MegaPoke:

..... I've never been in any other real life situation where it's so hard to get people to understand fairly quickly that I am an anti-establishment libertarian with no love for either party...
Next time you want to call me a lefty - just call me ambidextrous... Enough so that I frustrate people from both sides of the aisle.
I may just not get the joke, but when have I ever called anyone a lefty? If your genuine goal is to frustrate people on both sides of the aisle, that's a quality goal. Proceed.
The propensity of posters to immediately put others into a bucket around here is astonishing. Not saying you have done so, just trying to make a joke of it...
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Originally posted by syskatine:

Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Most conservative voters I know would agree with the first half of your sarcastic points. But by all means, pretend they are all Mitt Romney.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm not trolling you, Mega, but..... you voted for Romney, didn't you? Supported him? Will vote for the republican party again in this next election? I don't understand your hatred for Obama. You almost categorically seem to agree with him on virtually every substantive issue, but affiliate yourself with conservatives. What has the republican party done for you? What is it that Obama did that while you apparently agree with him on social issues, you don't like him?

It's none of your business who I voted for. Having said that, No. I did not vote for Romney. I also did not vote for Obama. Oklahoma doesn't allow for 3rd party voting in presidential elections and until they do, I refuse to settle for something that only represents 40-50% of my beliefs over someone that represents 30-40% of them. I've taken a lot of heat from republicans on this board if you care to remember, because they tell me that it's better to vote for good enough, or at least "better than Obama" than to "waste" my vote. Screw them. It'll be a cold day in Hell before I vote for someone based on the speed at which they are destroying this Republic being marginally slower than the other asshole.

Today I heard a radio talking head - don't know who - some right wing guy. Reviewing a movie he hadn't seen (50 shades of suck) based on a book he hasn't read (my wife made me try to read it. Terrible) delivering his opinion that the movie was "trash" and butchering the premise of the stupid, simplistic story so badly I changed the channel. Not because I disagreed that the movie probably sucks - I'm sure it does. But because he didn't let his ignorance keep him from stating his opinion. That's annoying from anyone and fan boys from both parties do it all the time. How can you review something you didn't see or read?

Way too often, fan-boy supporters of either party are like that guy - company line, talking point, 'my tribe is better than your tribe' guys. No thanks. Hearing that guy on the radio reminded me I have almost nothing in common with a person who thinks like that, but the way I see it - it's not a republican vs dem thing. It's an establishment vs liberty thing and I owe no allegiance to anyone who isn't a fairly strict Constitutionalist, first and foremost.

Anyway - I'm a libertarian. I've told you that at least a dozen times.. The Republican party has done little if anything for me, but Obama has done even less - which is actually kind of hard to achieve. Seriously, f*** that guy.
Same problem as the affordable care act. No one except Scott Gruber ever read it.
No I am not a red state right wing nutjob.

But I agree with the sentiment; and I am also FB friends with plenty of people who are currently slamming 50 Shades without ever reading it or seeing it. Myself, I haven't seen it or read it; so I'm clearly not able to comment on it.

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