Libs how do you explain this? Border agents union


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Apr 21, 2006
What other experts do you have that counters this?


The union that represents 16,000 Border Patrol agents is throwing its weight behind Donald Trump. That is a first for the National Border Patrol Council, which has never endorsed a candidate in the primaries before. The union says it's doing so now because, quote, "we need a person in the White House who doesn't fear the media, doesn't embrace political correctness and doesn't need the money." Well, the president of the Border Patrol Council is Brandon Judd. He told me he's been talking with Donald Trump, including about that wall Trump wants to build on the border with Mexico.

That’s a really great point. I never thought of it that way. Thanks for contributing.

Well, I don't want you stressing out over those border agents if the White House has it solved.

What's next? I hear NK gave up their nukes last Christmas Eve.
@Syskatine can we get a hysterical tantrum over this obvious lie? I know how you have been against lying for about two years now.

Democrats have poured cold water on the idea that they would support anything close to that. Schumer, in his remarks Saturday, said that the wall was a "bone to the hard right" and that they had proposed $1.3 billion for "border security."

"I’ve heard the president and his allies in the media say that Democrats don’t support border security. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democrats have always been for smart and effective ways to secure our border," he said. "We are pushing for technology, like drones and sensors, and inspection equipment."

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