Liberals hate the new tax plan, except when they think it's Bernie's plan.

Too funny!

This shows how people are programmed to not do their own independent research.

It would have taken less than 2 minutes to find out this basic information.
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I guess the fact that our best economists also think this plan is toilet paper asswiping material means nothing lol.

Guess we’ll see. If or when (high probability of the latter) this plan fails and I say I told ya so, I’m sure this board will happily accept defeat, right?
I guess the fact that our best economists also think this plan is toilet paper asswiping material means nothing lol.







I know they only show the oafs that fall for this but it doesn't seem that hard to find them.

All the Republicans had to do to get Dimocrats on board was to call it a historical free shit giveaway instead of a tax cut. Make the dumbasses believe that they are getting someone else's money instead of their own and they'd fill the streets in jubilation.

When it comes to the low information left, it's all about the messaging, not the substance.
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All the Republicans had to do to get Dimocrats on board was to call it a historical free shit giveaway instead of a tax cut. Make the dumbasses believe that they are getting someone else's money instead of their own and they'd fill the streets in jubilation.

When it comes to the low information left, it's all about the messaging, not the substance.


Conservatives exhibit less cognitive ability than liberals do. Or that's what it says in the social science literature, anyway. A 2010 study using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, for example, found that the IQs of young adults who described themselves as "very liberal" averaged 106.42, whereas the mean of those who identified as "very conservative" was 94.82. Similarly, when a 2009 studycorrelated cognitive capacity with political beliefs among 1,254 community college students and 1,600 foreign students seeking entry to U.S. universities, it found that conservatism is "related to low performance on cognitive ability tests." In 2012, a paper reported that people endorse more conservative views when drunk or under cognitive pressure; it concluded that "political conservatism may be a process consequence of low-effort thought."
And NZ with more deflection, can’t answer the truth, posts useless memes.

Wash, rinse, repeat. This is just too easy.

Conservatives exhibit less cognitive ability than liberals do. Or that's what it says in the social science literature, anyway. A 2010 study using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, for example, found that the IQs of young adults who described themselves as "very liberal" averaged 106.42, whereas the mean of those who identified as "very conservative" was 94.82. Similarly, when a 2009 studycorrelated cognitive capacity with political beliefs among 1,254 community college students and 1,600 foreign students seeking entry to U.S. universities, it found that conservatism is "related to low performance on cognitive ability tests." In 2012, a paper reported that people endorse more conservative views when drunk or under cognitive pressure; it concluded that "political conservatism may be a process consequence of low-effort thought."
Lol. It's hilarious that none of those links work. Even funnier that this was posted by the lefty grown ass adult living with his parents in Sand Springs.... lol
Lol. It's hilarious that none of those links work. Even funnier that this was posted by the lefty grown ass adult living with his parents in Sand Springs.... lol

Yes...medical issues forced a move back home for me. It was an unfortunate life-changing event. Lol Is that the best shot you can take?’ve outed your thin-skinned lack of intelligence. Amazing case rested.
You posted a paragraph with 3 non-working links. I doubt you actually typed it yourself. You were too chickenshit to link the actual article, likely because the source is just an empty leftist mouthpiece, or maybe you wanted to try to pose it as your own work.

I then pointed out that you, a lefty, were the grown ass adult living at home with your parents. That's funny considering you posted, unsuccessfully I might add, that conservatives exhibit less cognitive ability than liberals do.

You literally can't make this shit up. This board needed you back ClinToon. You never fail to provide laughs.
"Comparing strong Republicans with strong Democrats, Carl finds that Republicans have a 5.48 IQ point advantage over Democrats. Broadening party affiliation to include moderate to merely leaning respondents still results in a Republican advantage of 3.47 IQ points and 2.47 IQ points respectively."

Hahahahahahaha! I'm guessing you didn't bother to read the shit you posted. Links in the article don't work, by the way.

Go spend the day helping your folks out with something ClinToon. They deserve it.

Haha...I’m sure the Tax Policy Center, The Joint Committee on Taxation, the Congressional Budget Office, the Wharton School of Business, the Brookings Institution, the Federal Reserve, Goldman Sachs, etc. were just grasping too lol
The Reagan tax cuts were unpopular but after they kicked in and people saw how they benefited Reagan won re-election in huge landslide.

What are all these Dems and libs going to do when people in the lower brackets find out many of them will be paying nothing and getting more cold hard cash given to them if they have children. Or when middle income people find out their rates have been reduced and they get a nice bump in their paychecks or when they file and they see their standard deductions are doubled so they pay the lower rate on a much lower amount of their income.

Did businesses do well with this new tax code. Yes some of them come out very well but that was the goal, incentivize companies to do business in the USA.

The reason they are doing everything in their power to disparage this is because they a scared to death it's actually going to do what Republicans say it will do.

80% of taxpayers, according to the Wall Street Journal, will get a tax cut.
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During Reagan's presidency, the national debt nearly tripled, and the U.S. went from being the world's largest creditor nation to the world's largest debtor nation in under eight years.[3][4]
President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative to the size of the economy. These factors helped bring the federal budget into surplus from fiscal years 1998-2001, the only surplus years after 1969. Debt held by the public, a primary measure of the national debt, fell relative to GDP throughout his two terms, from 47.8% in 1993 to 31.4% in 2001.[1]
President Clinton oversaw a very robust economy during his tenure. The U.S. had strong economic growth (around 4% annually) and record job creation (22.7 million). He raised taxes on higher income taxpayers early in his first term and cut defense spending, which contributed to a rise in revenue and decline in spending relative to the size of the economy. These factors helped bring the federal budget into surplus from fiscal years 1998-2001, the only surplus years after 1969. Debt held by the public, a primary measure of the national debt, fell relative to GDP throughout his two terms, from 47.8% in 1993 to 31.4% in 2001.[1]
Taxed into prosperity!
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The DNC email told it all.

"And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."
The DNC email told it all.

"And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."
Very telling on how they view their own supporters.

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