Liberal Dr Naomi Wolfe apologizes to conservatives

The rest of you should fall in line.
Naomi Wolf is an example of what I call "an honest leftist." They're out there, they exist. And they're on their knees begging their fellow leftists to open their eyes and see how their ideology has been hijacked and a bastard interpretation has been used to manipulate those who Sunburnt calls "the slow." I have always known/assumed the "slow" would never listen to anyone on the right, they're the enemy after all. But I thought they would at least listen and consider what one of their fellow leftists would say. That's why the majority of the links I provide come from people on the left. Unfortunately the "slow" are so dug in to their manipulated beliefs they not only don't listen they even willingly villify their own.
I don’t agree with Mr Carlson’s interpretation of the videos as depicting “mostly peaceful chaos.”[] I do think it is a mistake to downplay how serious it is when a legislative institution suffers a security breach of any kind, however that came to be.
Congratulations you have accomplished you goal of proving you are a dumb ass today. How many consecutives days has it been now?
Congratulations you have accomplished you goal of proving you are a dumb ass today. How many consecutives days has it been now?

With the amount of grammatical errors involved in this post…

one can only conclude:


carry on
Naomi Wolf is an example of what I call "an honest leftist." They're out there, they exist. And they're on their knees begging their fellow leftists to open their eyes and see how their ideology has been hijacked and a bastard interpretation has been used to manipulate those who Sunburnt calls "the slow." I have always known/assumed the "slow" would never listen to anyone on the right, they're the enemy after all. But I thought they would at least listen and consider what one of their fellow leftists would say. That's why the majority of the links I provide come from people on the left. Unfortunately the "slow" are so dug in to their manipulated beliefs they not only don't listen they even willingly villify their own.
They're experiencing cognitive dissonance. It can't be true according to their own world view, therefore it isn't true
Naomi Wolf is an example of what I call "an honest leftist." They're out there, they exist. And they're on their knees begging their fellow leftists to open their eyes and see how their ideology has been hijacked and a bastard interpretation has been used to manipulate those who Sunburnt calls "the slow." I have always known/assumed the "slow" would never listen to anyone on the right, they're the enemy after all. But I thought they would at least listen and consider what one of their fellow leftists would say. That's why the majority of the links I provide come from people on the left. Unfortunately the "slow" are so dug in to their manipulated beliefs they not only don't listen they even willingly villify their own.
Manchin's bout fed up also man. 👍
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Her words, Dan.

Are you gonna chickensh!t around the facts again?

carry on
Dance around facts? No. Those words were part of an entire apology that she had accepted the "spin" that her side had been feeding her, that she accepted it without examination, just accepted it because that's what her team was telling her. It came as quite a shock to her that she had been lied to by her own team. That was the gist of the entire article. Being dismayed that she had been tricked and manipulated by her team did not mean she accepted everything Carlson was saying. And that's what the words you quoted were saying.
Dance around facts? No. Those words were part of an entire apology that she had accepted the "spin" that her side had been feeding her, that she accepted it without examination, just accepted it because that's what her team was telling her. It came as quite a shock to her that she had been lied to by her own team. That was the gist of the entire article. Being dismayed that she had been tricked and manipulated by her team did not mean she accepted everything Carlson was saying. And that's what the words you quoted were saying.

Do you think it’s possible she’s been cowtowing to the right because she knows that’s where the easy money is nowadays???

carry on
Do you think it’s possible she’s been cowtowing to the right because she knows that’s where the easy money is nowadays???

carry on
Good grief, exactly as the Democrats in the Twitter files hearing were accusing yesterday. Example number 2,335,765 of you being an easily manipulated dumb ass
Naomi Wolf is an example of what I call "an honest leftist." They're out there, they exist. And they're on their knees begging their fellow leftists to open their eyes and see how their ideology has been hijacked and a bastard interpretation has been used to manipulate those who Sunburnt calls "the slow." I have always known/assumed the "slow" would never listen to anyone on the right, they're the enemy after all. But I thought they would at least listen and consider what one of their fellow leftists would say. That's why the majority of the links I provide come from people on the left. Unfortunately the "slow" are so dug in to their manipulated beliefs they not only don't listen they even willingly villify their own.
Not all leftists fall below the average mean number of 98. Many, many, many of them do. How does the board's majority know? They just won't stop reminding us.

One would think any member here could understand this excruciatingly simple question: What color can we expect when red and blue is mixed? This is not hard. This is not classical mechanics.
Cmon man lol…don’t be a completely intellectually dishonest chickensh!t and admit the political persuasions of the majority (and likely significant majority) of Substack readers.

Easy Money

carry on
Where could she post her opinions/articles so that you would be more likely to listen to what she has to say? I’m assuming you’re thinking she’s a sellout because she posts on Substack, which I gather you think is a hotbed of right-wing activism. So tell me where she could have written the exact same article and you would take it seriously.

Are all of these people sellouts?

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Where could she post her opinions/articles so that you would be more likely to listen to what she has to say? I’m assuming you’re thinking she’s a sellout because she posts on Substack, which I gather you think is a hotbed of right-wing activism. So tell me where she could have written the exact same article and you would take it seriously.

Are all of these people sellouts?

Her political transformation reached a new apogee in May when she enjoyed a love-in with former Donald Trump strategist Steve Bannon on his WarRoom podcast. "I appreciate your help," she told the field marshal of the American right, as she thanked his followers for the "support and help and resources" they are giving to her 'Five Freedoms' campaign against vaccine passports, mandatory masks and emergency laws. Bannon, in turn, lauded her efforts and promised "we are going to have you back on."

Easy Money lol

carry on

Her political transformation reached a new apogee in May when she enjoyed a love-in with former Donald Trump strategist Steve Bannon on his WarRoom podcast. "I appreciate your help," she told the field marshal of the American right, as she thanked his followers for the "support and help and resources" they are giving to her 'Five Freedoms' campaign against vaccine passports, mandatory masks and emergency laws. Bannon, in turn, lauded her efforts and promised "we are going to have you back on."

Easy Money lol

carry on
Look at that Spin!


Her political transformation reached a new apogee in May when she enjoyed a love-in with former Donald Trump strategist Steve Bannon on his WarRoom podcast. "I appreciate your help," she told the field marshal of the American right, as she thanked his followers for the "support and help and resources" they are giving to her 'Five Freedoms' campaign against vaccine passports, mandatory masks and emergency laws. Bannon, in turn, lauded her efforts and promised "we are going to have you back on."

Easy Money lol

carry on
So you’re contending that only the political right has been opposed to masks, mandatory vaccines, etc.? Here’s where I think you’re confused: you look upon anything and anyone you think is “right-wing” is necessarily wrong, evil and is to be despised and fought against without exception, that it and he or she are diametrically the opposite of anything left-wing, they are so far apart there is absolutely no common ground between them, the political right is to be shunned and vilified without exception because it can never be right about anything. Because you think that way you refuse to listen to or consider the possibility that they may be right about something, their opinion might resemble yours to a degree, and any leftist that does not see things that way, that sees common ground on occasion Is a sellout, a traitor and should be treated as such. That is such an immature anti-intellectual attitude, it makes societal advancement impossible. There’s a lot more I’d like to say, but I’ll stop there.
So you’re contending that only the political right has been opposed to masks, mandatory vaccines, etc.? Here’s where I think you’re confused: you look upon anything and anyone you think is “right-wing” is necessarily wrong, evil and is to be despised and fought against without exception, that it and he or she are diametrically the opposite of anything left-wing, they are so far apart there is absolutely no common ground between them, the political right is to be shunned and vilified without exception because it can never be right about anything. Because you think that way you refuse to listen to or consider the possibility that they may be right about something, their opinion might resemble yours to a degree, and any leftist that does not see things that way, that sees common ground on occasion Is a sellout, a traitor and should be treated as such. That is such an immature anti-intellectual attitude, it makes societal advancement impossible. There’s a lot more I’d like to say, but I’ll stop there.


Did I ever say only the political right is anti-mask / anti-vaccine? Your late-stage dementia told you so, huh? I am contending - and correctly so - that the majority (and likely significant majority) of it comes from the right. Many churches, for starters…

Does she have to be a TrAiToR / SeLLOuT to know where the Easy Money is right now? Also more dementia talking.

What has she been right about? Still waiting, Dan…patiently lol

carry on