MAGA like you said is just a sloganand you asked about liberal vs conservative
then change your words
to republicans
watch post election paul ryan
the republican party got a mandate from maga
MAGA like you said is just a sloganand you asked about liberal vs conservative
then change your words
to republicans
watch post election paul ryan
the republican party got a mandate from maga
Fortunately we don’t live in a democracy.
Lol never heard anybody say it before right wing media started saying it recently. You are such a born follower. GIGO. They say it and you're a freaking parrot. No way in hell you didn't hear that from the hive recently. Boo democracy! They literally tell you what to think and you are such a compliant bitch.
Lol never heard anybody say it before right wing media started saying it recently. You are such a born follower. GIGO. They say it and you're a freaking parrot. No way in hell you didn't hear that from the hive recently. Boo democracy! They literally tell you what to think and you are such a compliant bitch.
Lol never heard anybody say it before right wing media started saying it recently. You are such a born follower. GIGO. They say it and you're a freaking parrot. No way in hell you didn't hear that from the hive recently. Boo democracy! They literally tell you what to think and you are such a compliant bitch.
Exactly.You are dumb. I’ve said that since 5th grade social studies. At no point in my adult life have I aver thought I lived in anything but a representative Constitutional republic. You are truly a paranoid moron if you think that’s a right wing concept.
You are dumb. I’ve said that since 5th grade social studies. At no point in my adult life have I aver thought I lived in anything but a representative Constitutional republic. You are truly a paranoid moron if you think that’s a right wing concept.
It's a hot topic because we have to explain to dumb ass Dims that fact since your all out assault against the electoral college. If you all shut up about eliminating the EC, we'll stop reminding you that we are a representative republic. Simple concept.Buuuuuullshit. I've heard that a half dozen times in the past month and not remotely that frequency befor. It's a white hot incel talking point right now. Good thing we're not a democracy! Wahoo for disproportionate representation! And no, you didn't come up with that out of your ass, you HEARD it somewhere lately and repeated it. Now go follow massah like a sheepdog.
Buuuuuullshit. I've heard that a half dozen times in the past month and not remotely that frequency befor. It's a white hot incel talking point right now. Good thing we're not a democracy! Wahoo for disproportionate representation! And no, you didn't come up with that out of your ass, you HEARD it somewhere lately and repeated it. Now go follow massah like a sheepdog.
I've heard that a half dozen times in the past month and not remotely that frequency befor.
Akkkchoooallly, You are noticing this because the leftist bullshit you consume is pushing the lie that we are a popular vote democracy and need to dump the anachronistic electoral college. You are the definition of a compliant follower, and you are my bitch. Ask anyone.
We've officially been a republic since March 4, 1789. The only thing that's new is the sky screeching tantrums you "progressive" window lickers are throwing about it.Buuuuuullshit. I've heard that a half dozen times in the past month and not remotely that frequency befor. It's a white hot incel talking point right now. Good thing we're not a democracy! Wahoo for disproportionate representation! And no, you didn't come up with that out of your ass, you HEARD it somewhere lately and repeated it. Now go follow massah like a sheepdog.
Buuuuuullshit. I've heard that a half dozen times in the past month and not remotely that frequency befor. It's a white hot incel talking point right now. Good thing we're not a democracy! Wahoo for disproportionate representation! And no, you didn't come up with that out of your ass, you HEARD it somewhere lately and repeated it. Now go follow massah like a sheepdog.
Lol never heard anybody say it before right wing media started saying it recently. You are such a born follower. GIGO. They say it and you're a freaking parrot. No way in hell you didn't hear that from the hive recently. Boo democracy! They literally tell you what to think and you are such a compliant bitch.
Superpokes your definitions are similar to what I thought more of the 70s definitions.There are two sides to the liberal and conservative coin. There is fiscal and there is social. Liberals lean to the left on the political spectrum and tend to be Democrats. Conservatives lean to the right on the political spectrum and tend to be Republicans.
Fiscal liberals believe in government solving the problems of the people and that if people have financial problems that the government should help out. How liberal a person is depends upon what level they thing the government has a role in helping people out financially. A left-wing radical liberal would also be a socialist - the government provides all necessary services for its citizens who cannot provide for themselves. Extreme fiscal liberals believe everyone is entitled to good health care, a home, transportation, a job, and a financial income. Fiscal liberals believe in financial equality and believe the rich should be heavily taxed to help the poor.
Fiscal conservatives believe in small government. This means low taxes, minimal government regulations on business and industry, and less government welfare/entitlement programs. In other words, people should help themselves rather than expect the government to provide it for them. Fiscal conservatives tend to believe that you make your own way. This is also known as Social Darwinism - survival of the fittest. Fiscal conservatives tend to be upper class and business people.
Then you have social liberals and conservatives.
Social liberals believe that people should be free to do what they want, as long as it doesn't harm others. Want to have an abortion? It's your right. Want to do drugs/smoke weed? It's your right. Want to marry someone of the same sex, or a dog, or a horse, or a tree? It's your right.Want to burn the flag or speak out against the government? It's your right. Social liberals tend to be against wars and the military. Social liberals are against the death penalty. Social liberals are against free ownership of guns. Social liberals tend to believe that there are too many laws and too many people in jail. Social liberals tend to believe in the saying "live and let live" and "modernity."
Social conservatives believe in high moral standards and law and order. Social conservatives are against legalization of drugs and want stiff penalties for drug dealers. Social conservatives believe in the right to life for unborn children. Social conservatives believe burning the flag and speaking out against wars in unpatriotic. Social conservatives see homosexuality and gay marriage as sinful. Social conservatives are for the death penalty and strict enforcement of laws. Social conservatives believe in a person's right to own a gun. Family values, law and order, God-fearing, patriotic people - those are conservative. Social conservatives tend to be Christians. Social conservatives believe in old fashioned ways and fundamentalism.
There you have it.
Oh, one other thing. You have people who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. They hate that the government take people's money and makes laws on the people. People who fall into this category are libertarians.
Of course it is. There are always shades of grey. I want a government that stays out of my life for the most part. The role of government is to protect me from you and you from me. Not me from myself. Stay out of my billfold and my bedroom. And nobody is entitled to what someone else has earned.Superpokes your definitions are similar to what I thought more of the 70s definitions.
But the strange aspect is that people who may call themselves social liberals may not believe in every thing you said and that goes with social conservatives.
I had this baptist friend who went to church on sundays and wednesday did not drink
but smoked weed and some how or the other justified it in his mind and to us. Similarly I had liberal friends who believed in death penalty.
Being patriotic and family values and being christian. I know people who would agree with all aspects of your definition of conservative but are jews or muslims
or athiest.
I think moral values also differ, liberal or conservatives may support helping of the poor because of their christian values.
I guess it is difficult to define liberal or conservative,
Solid take. You took way more time than I ever would.There are two sides to the liberal and conservative coin. There is fiscal and there is social. Liberals lean to the left on the political spectrum and tend to be Democrats. Conservatives lean to the right on the political spectrum and tend to be Republicans.
Fiscal liberals believe in government solving the problems of the people and that if people have financial problems that the government should help out. How liberal a person is depends upon what level they thing the government has a role in helping people out financially. A left-wing radical liberal would also be a socialist - the government provides all necessary services for its citizens who cannot provide for themselves. Extreme fiscal liberals believe everyone is entitled to good health care, a home, transportation, a job, and a financial income. Fiscal liberals believe in financial equality and believe the rich should be heavily taxed to help the poor.
Fiscal conservatives believe in small government. This means low taxes, minimal government regulations on business and industry, and less government welfare/entitlement programs. In other words, people should help themselves rather than expect the government to provide it for them. Fiscal conservatives tend to believe that you make your own way. This is also known as Social Darwinism - survival of the fittest. Fiscal conservatives tend to be upper class and business people.
Then you have social liberals and conservatives.
Social liberals believe that people should be free to do what they want, as long as it doesn't harm others. Want to have an abortion? It's your right. Want to do drugs/smoke weed? It's your right. Want to marry someone of the same sex, or a dog, or a horse, or a tree? It's your right.Want to burn the flag or speak out against the government? It's your right. Social liberals tend to be against wars and the military. Social liberals are against the death penalty. Social liberals are against free ownership of guns. Social liberals tend to believe that there are too many laws and too many people in jail. Social liberals tend to believe in the saying "live and let live" and "modernity."
Social conservatives believe in high moral standards and law and order. Social conservatives are against legalization of drugs and want stiff penalties for drug dealers. Social conservatives believe in the right to life for unborn children. Social conservatives believe burning the flag and speaking out against wars in unpatriotic. Social conservatives see homosexuality and gay marriage as sinful. Social conservatives are for the death penalty and strict enforcement of laws. Social conservatives believe in a person's right to own a gun. Family values, law and order, God-fearing, patriotic people - those are conservative. Social conservatives tend to be Christians. Social conservatives believe in old fashioned ways and fundamentalism.
There you have it.
Oh, one other thing. You have people who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. They hate that the government take people's money and makes laws on the people. People who fall into this category are libertarians.
You are right about shades of grey. I remember this couple in whose house you couldn't say damn forget everything else.Church going.The husband did not believe in any entitlements besides social security and medicare and voted for Nixon.Of course it is. There are always shades of grey. I want a government that stays out of my life for the most part. The role of government is to protect me from you and you from me. Not me from myself. Stay out of my billfold and my bedroom. And nobody is entitled to what someone else has earned.
I'm fiscally conservative and socially generally liberal.
It isn't the government's role to take from me in order to give it to someone else.
It isn't the government's role to tell me how to live my life as long as I'm not interfering in other's lives.
Pretty much it.
Liberals like Sys think conservative ideology is shaped and formed by activists and media. Why does he think this? Because that is how liberal ideology is shaped and formed.
It all comes down to this. Liberals like Sys lack discernment (which is from God). They are missing that component from their circuit. They are told what to think and say. They cannot comprehend the conservative mind. It’s in a dimension they don’t live in, nor can they live in. They are Non-Playable Characters.
I find myself in shades of grey in my beliefs also. I don't like Trump but cannot understand most of the dems running for 2020.But I do believe in climate change and evolution.
Revenue for running this country was originally intended to come from tariffs charged on trade. It was intended to limit the amount of money needed to run government and therefore the size of government.You are right about shades of grey. I remember this couple in whose house you couldn't say damn forget everything else.Church going.The husband did not believe in any entitlements besides social security and medicare and voted for Nixon.
Wife mor religious than him voted for Mcgovern totally believed in all the entitlements
that poor people had. Both of them were against rise in income tax. Where the hell would the govt get the money from.
Mega goes to get a dork incel meme using dork nomenclature. Your responses are comic affirmation of my thesis
I have no idea what "incel" and your affirmation is nothing but confirmation bias. Nothing to be terribly proud of, really.
I'll say this for you, you may be dumb but you are absolutely awesome at embarrassing yourself.
Conservatism means anti-intellectual
You think anybody with a full set of teeth and educated worldview is embarrassing. Go get some more talking points.
You have become the simplest caricature of yourself - now resorting to dehumanizing people who share your education from your alma mater, but disagree with you politically as toothless and uneducated.
You've completely lost the ability to argue your point, be funny or make a cogent argument. You have been reduced to angry stereotyping and gaslighting.
Sad as it is, it's gonna get worse for you before it gets better. Lots of bad news coming in the days ahead - so stay hydrated. Get some sleep. And by all means keep asking anything yet and using your silly hashtag #bornfollower - which is a truly sad case of projection.
Where intellectual means believing that there are 72 fluid gnders
Did they get Biff yet?It's not a matter of general political disagreement. You hear, believe and repeat sophistry and propaganda over and again. I watch it real time. When I've called your attention to it the false nature of your information doesn't jeopardize the source, you celebrate. That shitty behavior gets called for what it is.
Did they get Biff yet?
How is your list of things that Biff has done to help Vlad coming along? Got a time frame for its release? You must have at least nonety things on it by now.
Or not giving a shit what someone calls themself. Liberty. Be who you wanna be, make government stay out of personal lives, etc.
And forcing others to ignore science in the name of hurt feelings
You hear, believe and repeat sophistry and propaganda over and again. I watch it real time.
When I've called your attention to it the false nature of your information doesn't jeopardize the source, you celebrate.