Liberal and Conservative


Aug 15, 2008
Would y'all explain to me what these two words mean to you.That would give an ignorant
muslim from a s--t hole country ability to understand the intellectuals on this board.
No disrespect but, I've had friends that said Hawaii or Jamaica were shithole countries.
Just uh, establishing a baseline.
Would y'all explain to me what these two words mean to you.That would give an ignorant
muslim from a s--t hole country ability to understand the intellectuals on this board.

Neither are accurate terms. They are two sides of the same globalist coin. The true difference is statism/globalism/collectivism vs liberty.
I think both words have been corrupted.

I don't know what to call myself. I detest big government bureaucratic regulation. I believe people should be able to do has they please as long as it doesn't harm others. Through personal painful experience I am totally anti abortion. There is a human in the womb. I think politicians start out with good intentions but are almost all corrupted by the system. I believe in the goodness of people but also believe that ideology and indoctrination warps people's moral compass. I believe anyone alive should do everything in their power to enjoy everything they do no matter how hard the idiots tell you how bad shit is.
liberalism today means sabatoging this country at every turn until it is no longer exceptional. The hatred for white males burns so hot that sinking the ship and drowning everyone feels righteous. It also means ignoring facts that don’t feel good. Without that aspect today’s liberals don’t exist.

Conservatism means trying desperately to stop that sabotage.
Conservatism means anti-intellectual, mad, generally bereft of any objective morality besides self interest.

It changed after the civil rights act, just as LBJ predicted. The Jim Crow bigots switched parties and haven't looked back.

They also generally torch the economy. Bush I had a recession, Clinton presided over a boom. Bush II had an awful recession, Obama presided over another recovery. Now, as is usual, the GOP is running up huge deficits, I sure hope we dont have the usual GOP recession.
If you’re not a liberal at 25 you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative at 35 you have no brain.

Also like this quote

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
P.J. O'Rourke
I think both words have been corrupted.

I don't know what to call myself. I detest big government bureaucratic regulation. I believe people should be able to do has they please as long as it doesn't harm others. Through personal painful experience I am totally anti abortion. There is a human in the womb. I think politicians start out with good intentions but are almost all corrupted by the system. I believe in the goodness of people but also believe that ideology and indoctrination warps people's moral compass. I believe anyone alive should do everything in their power to enjoy everything they do no matter how hard the idiots tell you how bad shit is.
I agree with you about having fun.
I don't understand the meaning of big government,big being an adjective has no meaning big to one individual maybe small to another.What would you get rid of to have
a small govt.If there were no bureaucratic regulations you don't mean none do you?
I agree with you about having fun.
I don't understand the meaning of big government,big being an adjective has no meaning big to one individual maybe small to another.What would you get rid of to have
a small govt.If there were no bureaucratic regulations you don't mean none do you?
Oh my! Government is so wasteful. It's turned into a perpetual cash machine for government bureaucrats and politicians and their families and friends.

Is there necessary government spending of course. I'm in the 20% camp of government spending is legit.
Oh my! Government is so wasteful. It's turned into a perpetual cash machine for government bureaucrats and politicians and their families and friends.

Is there necessary government spending of course. I'm in the 20% camp of government spending is legit.
The biggest department in the govt is department of defense and 20% would abolish that,
Dems are liberals and Reps are conservatives and over time the definition has changed drastically IMO for both. Both should be judged by their actions and today given modern media their words as well.

I agree with Mega, Dems and Reps are just the opposite aide of the same political coin.

Our country puts way too much emphasis on categorizing people as either a Dem or Rep. I believe most normal people, exclusive of the extreme policies residing in both parties, would find policies acceptable on both sides of the aisle. Unfortunately, MSM and it’s message of hate now forces an either / or category with no mutual gray area. This is why we are so polarized and nothing gets done in Washington DC.

MSM has dumbed down the population so much and created so much hate that it is a Hatfield versus McCoy’s situation.

A strong and honest media that does real unbiased reporting that does not hide editorial cheerleading and party promotion behind the guise of journalistic reporting is so sorely missed in this country. Just so sad the average American has lost faith in their own ability to critically think and to look at actual results and not what some talking head is spoon feeding you to have you believe perception over reality.

Although I currently identify as Rep, probably due to the fact I agree with Trump’s policy over what the Dims now serve up, I have voted Dem in the past (been a long time) and would again if they put forth a candidate that had a reasonable mix of conservative and liberal values that could move us forward. Unfortunately for the Dim party, looks to me those days are long gone. Perhaps they have to destroy themselves from the edges in order to rebuild themselves, but I am not certain MSM and the puppet master behind the curtain will allow that.

So for me, it is about best options, Rep party offers that right now and in my mind, not even close, the Dim party has become a clown and freak show at your local fair.
Now I know you are simply trolling. You obviously don't want a real conversation.
I am not just trolling I want to understand,the definition of liberal and conservative;
The definition I have gotten are all different maybe one thing is common and that is less government,
but how, nobody seems to know.
The largest vote bank in US is neither democrat nor republican they are independents
that is why I wanted to know the difference between what you guys think is conservative or liberal without slogans.
I am not just trolling I want to understand,the definition of liberal and conservative;
The definition I have gotten are all different maybe one thing is common and that is less government,
but how, nobody seems to know.
The largest vote bank in US is neither democrat nor republican they are independents
that is why I wanted to know the difference between what you guys think is conservative or liberal without slogans.
No you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't be throwing out other definitions of democracy as opposed to listening to what we have to say. You wouldn't be throwing out eliminating the department of defense - you'd be listening.

You framed a debate, said you wanted to learn, and then started trying to characterize one side. That's called trolling.
No you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't be throwing out other definitions of democracy as opposed to listening to what we have to say. You wouldn't be throwing out eliminating the department of defense - you'd be listening.

You framed a debate, said you wanted to learn, and then started trying to characterize one side. That's called trolling.
I replied to some one on the board who wanred 20% of the govt budget to stay rest of it was waste.I asked him how and you answered. If you want to be spokesman please explain to keep of 20)% spending and still keep the defence department
If I was wrong in understanding the poster and all he wanted to limit goverment spending by twenty percent than how.
What are the department would he abolish,.
( understood tea party and what they wanted.
But now I am totally confused.
some one said that they like trum policies which one,the only policy getting attention is immigration.
Is this the only problem facing your govt.and country,

You say you don't understand and want to learn. Yet you constantly talk in absolutes like you are the expert on a topic. You ask for opinions and don't wait to listen to the replies before trying to cast your own perception on them.

So enjoy me no longer paying attention to you.
Conservatism means anti-intellectual, mad, generally bereft of any objective morality besides self interest.

It changed after the civil rights act, just as LBJ predicted. The Jim Crow bigots switched parties and haven't looked back.

They also generally torch the economy. Bush I had a recession, Clinton presided over a boom. Bush II had an awful recession, Obama presided over another recovery. Now, as is usual, the GOP is running up huge deficits, I sure hope we dont have the usual GOP recession.
No you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't be throwing out other definitions of democracy as opposed to listening to what we have to say. You wouldn't be throwing out eliminating the department of defense - you'd be listening.

You framed a debate, said you wanted to learn, and then started trying to characterize one side. That's called trolling.
ostatedchi. When I was at okla state this is how liberal and conservatives were defined.
Liberal: They want more involvement of govt in peoples life.
Conservative: They do not like change want to maintain status quo
Then came the tea party movement they were against deficit spending and wanted
a balanced budget.
Todays liberal and conservative are fighting like cats and dogs it was not like that
when I was there. I went to listen to George Mcgovern invited by the young democrats.
I also went to listen to Reagan invited by young republicans, Of course there were opposites sitting in the room but there was courtesy I guess it was a different time.
All the definitions I have heard on this thread are ambiguous when I asked the questions I wanted to understand what did the person mean.
One poster described the difference as statism/Globalism/Collectivism vs liberty'
Two of these terms are associated with communism though wrongly and I pasted the definition of democracy being a sort of collectivism.
All I wanted to know the definitions of todays mind which I am sorry to say I didn't
The question remains what is the meaning of these two words or today we are only relying on slogans
ostatedchi. When I was at okla state this is how liberal and conservatives were defined.
Liberal: They want more involvement of govt in peoples life.
Conservative: They do not like change want to maintain status quo
Then came the tea party movement they were against deficit spending and wanted
a balanced budget.
Todays liberal and conservative are fighting like cats and dogs it was not like that
when I was there. I went to listen to George Mcgovern invited by the young democrats.
I also went to listen to Reagan invited by young republicans, Of course there were opposites sitting in the room but there was courtesy I guess it was a different time.
All the definitions I have heard on this thread are ambiguous when I asked the questions I wanted to understand what did the person mean.
One poster described the difference as statism/Globalism/Collectivism vs liberty'
Two of these terms are associated with communism though wrongly and I pasted the definition of democracy being a sort of collectivism.
All I wanted to know the definitions of todays mind which I am sorry to say I didn't
The question remains what is the meaning of these two words or today we are only relying on slogans

ali the context of liberal and conservative as it relates to mcgovern and reagan are no longer

obamas liberal and clinton’s subsequent pandering to become elected changed everything

per government physical policy
government it too big to ever be small again

socially america will never be conservative again

marijuana is legal
sports gambling is legal
gay/lesbian marriage is legal

now conservative equates to maga
liberal equates to cowing

so in my opinion you got it right
it’s slogans
ali the context of liberal and conservative as it relates to mcgovern and reagan are no longer

obamas liberal and clinton’s subsequent pandering to become elected changed everything

per government physical policy
government it too big to ever be small again

socially america will never be conservative again

marijuana is legal
sports gambling is legal
gay/lesbian marriage is legal

now conservative equates to maga
liberal equates to cowing

so in my opinion you got it right
it’s slogans
Thanks RDCIDAD this explains a lot it is just slogans.As you described govt cannot be reduced and all the policies that republicans stood for have changed,besides abortion.
Thanks RDCIDAD this explains a lot it is just slogans.As you described govt cannot be reduced and all the policies that republicans stood for have changed,besides abortion.

government can be reduced
look at trumps EPA

but it’s not a move towards true states rights conservatism
Thanks RDCIDAD this explains a lot it is just slogans.As you described govt cannot be reduced and all the policies that republicans stood for have changed,besides abortion.

and you asked about liberal vs conservative

then change your words

to republicans

watch post election paul ryan

the republican party got a mandate from maga
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