Labtop for my 7 year old daughter


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 14, 2003
EX-wife wants to get her one for Christmas...

I am completely against this... absolutely no parenting controls around it... and I know for a fact she will not be watching her every move on the computer..

I'm hearing if anything, and that is a big if, would be an IPOD...

Am I off base on this?
You can set an administrative login account and then create a specific one for your daughter...if that is the route you end taking. It can severely limit what she can or can't do.

But, as a 7 year-old, a laptop seems a little overboard to me...
I may be old fashioned, but real games and time spent with children are more important. To me, electronic gadgets are another thing to babysit kids while parents watch garbage on tv. A lot of parents give in to the "keeping up with the Jones' kids" when in the long run it hurts them. My kids were given laptops for their high school graduation, 2010 and 2011. Surely the world hasn't changed that much.
Originally posted by shortbus:
Get her a chrome book and put all the parenting controls on it that you want.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

I agree with this 100%. They're cheap and should be able to do anything your 7 year old wants.
thanks for input fellas... i'm with TPOKE but will be looking into the Chrome.... it just sucks b/c there is not much I can do to keep it from happening...
Make a deal with the ex.

If you get the laptop, she has to take classes.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by pokem:

thanks for input fellas... i'm with TPOKE but will be looking into the Chrome.... it just sucks b/c there is not much I can do to keep it from happening...
Thanks pokem. I can come across too blunt sometimes. My wife and I aren't perfect parents, but when the families get together, and this anywhere from 7 on up in age, the young ones can't wait to sit down and play a card or board game. Even the youngest ones love the banter and friendly competition. Years ago my daughter was getting ready to go out and a couple of her friends were at the house on a Friday night. They were ready to leave when a light freezing drizzle shut off the electricity. My wife and I lit some candles and we started playing UNO. this went on for about 45 minutes when the lights came back on. I looked at the girls and said, "You gals probably want to head to something more exciting." My daughter's two friends looked at each other and said, "This is kind of fun." Even today my kid's favorite memories are the ones we did things like that. Don't let technology replace reality.

This post was edited on 12/11 7:09 PM by TPOKE
Couldn't agree more TPOKE.

Hell, we went to the dollar store yesterday and picked up some marbles. Has anyone every played a game marbles? I'm not gonna lie, it was fun!!! We played marbles for damn near 2 hours...
My kids have had cellphones since they were 8. Tablets, laptops, etc. but we still play uno, phase 10, dominoes, etc. we play monopoly but on an iPad. Way easier on the iPad. Not quite the same, but takes less time (see: one hour instead of three!).

Just because they have a laptop does not mean it has to replace other family time.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I agree bus. I think technology important for kids to learn at an early age but not the primary learning method. Trust me, PONG almost ruined my life.