Kathy Griffin... Griffith? What's her name?

Meanwhile, this freshman in high school just won the Connecticut state championship the 100m dash.

Pictured running next to last year's 100m dash winner (on the right, currently a junior).

Compare their shoulders and quads. LOL



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Google "Trump effigy" and take note of all the hundreds of images of random yokels burning him that nobody said anything about.

Use your big boy brain and see if you can sense any difference between a celebrity doing a shoot that will be seen worldwide and some idiot in Bumfuk Tennessee burning a scarecrow with an Obama mask.

You go next. This is fun.

Well, my finger slipped and I accidentally googled "Obama effigy." Sweet Jesus. Give it a whirl and then just let the pearl clutching and faux-outrage go. You've seen as bad or worse shit for 8 years.

And this assumption that it only counts if it's a "celebrity" -- I give exactly two shits. Now someone that has obtained "celebrity" status has some special credibility or significance over the guy that runs a shoe shop?
Well, my finger slipped and I accidentally googled "Obama effigy." Sweet Jesus. Give it a whirl and then just let the pearl clutching and faux-outrage go. You've seen as bad or worse shit for 8 years.

And this assumption that it only counts if it's a "celebrity" -- I give exactly two shits. Now someone that has obtained "celebrity" status has some special credibility or significance over the guy that runs a shoe shop?

I wasn't outraged. I was showing you how to find something directly comparable to your pic. It's plainly obvious.
I picked the right time to start playing more blues.
You are coming up on the riskiest years of your life as a blues musician. Switch to rap before you reach you 60s, very few rappers have died in their 60s.
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Meanwhile, this freshman in high school just won the Connecticut state championship the 100m dash.

Pictured running next to last year's 100m dash winner (on the right, currently a junior).

Compare their shoulders and quads. LOL


I think there's a lab that generates Alzheimer-infused Archie Bunker clones and turns them loose on this board.

WTH? Jews are getting a free pass now? NOTHING?!?
Evil white men.

This is the shit that's going to finally make libs call bullshit

When Dave gets banned from goat yoga because he's a evil white male, he's going to have to start asking questions about supporting a side that gives f'all about him.
I love conservative emo threads.

Harry and Alpha, while you're both batshit crazy you have two of the all-time great posts. Harry's meme of the geezer still gets me. Alpha, you had a post about 10 seconds after news broke of Underwood leaving that ranks up there.

Now, Saturday morning goat yoga's calling. Alpha's scenario is old news -- live around some hard, old school indians that haven't gotten the race memos from the last 80 years. They hate whitey. Always have, always will and don't really give af who knows.
Perhaps the greatest graph I have ever seen.

I'm sure the mothers and families of dead rappers wouldn't like it (good luck whitesplaining your amusement to them).

But let's take this a little further.

The War on Poverty (under LBJ) started in 1965 -- we've spent at least 15 trillion (some estimates are at 22 trillion) on taxpayer-funded anti-poverty programs since 1965.

Look at what happened to percentage black children raised out of wedlock beginning in 1965, when the War on Poverty began. (right chart below)


On a society-wide scale, children raised by single parents (especially a single mother), have significantly lower educational attainment, and higher chances of criminal behavior.

Source 1:

Source 2:

We have decades of sociological studies showing that children (especially boys) have far better outcomes when raised by two parents living together, than 1 parent + government programs. (of course, there are individual exceptions)

In this context, the first NWA music album was released in 1988 -- it's widely credited with introducing Gangsta Rap (and glamorizing gangster behavior) to mainstream American youth in an extremely exciting fashion.

Almost everyone who was aged 12 to 25 in 1989 will remember the time period when the first NWA album came out, and its effect on people. (Unbelievably powerful cultural force)


Very interesting quote from Rolling Stone article above:

"In 1986, O'Shea "Ice Cube" Jackson, born and raised in a two-parent, middle-class home in South Central—and always more interested in music and books than in gangs"

Before the NWA album dropped in 1988, mainstream hip hop images and lyrics was generally lighter, and more entertainment based (there were some exceptions).

After the NWA album in the 1990s, mainstream hip hop became *much* darker, glamorizing behaviors that don't lead to good outcomes.

Considering there were a lot less fathers in homes to help prevent their children (esp adolescent boys) from engaging in destructive behaviors (and to tell teach their children that most hip hop was glamorizing bad behaviors) --- the effects of gangster rap (from the early 90s on) on culture were not hard to predict.

This is coming from someone who has always enjoyed hip hop (not my favorite music, but I like some of it)

With all of that said, some of you will be able to better understand some of these old school rappers talking about their experiences with the music industry -- and the subject matter of rap music lyrics. (On selling their souls etc)
I'm sure the mothers and families of dead rappers wouldn't like it (good luck whitesplaining your amusement to them).)
Dear biggy's mom,

I'm sorry for your loss but check out this x axis and these people who can't figure out why rappers haven't died of old age
Dear biggy's mom,

I'm sorry for your loss but check out this x axis and these people who can't figure out why rappers haven't died of old age
It's Biggie and, while I get your point, he's probably not the best example. A big reason why he is dead is bc that lifestyle was glamorized.
It's Biggie and, while I get your point, he's probably not the best example. A big reason why he is dead is bc that lifestyle was glamorized.

Only 30 years after California introduced gangsta rap to the world (and glamorized the gangster lifestyle throughout the entire 1990s), who could have imagined this result in the next generation of California youth?

It's Biggieand, while I get your point, he's probably not the best example. A big reason why he is dead is bc that lifestyle was glamorized.
Yeah it is weird that I couldn't think of any rappers that died from natural causes, I wonder why. Probably rapping staves off heart disease and cancer. Though, Fife Dawg was murdered by Dr. Pepper.
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"They played the victim beautifully. Kathy … &#$@ them. F@& them all. No one believes you meant to threaten Trump. Trump is such a senile idiot, all he has is Twitter fights. Ignore him. Like the leaders of all the other countries in the world. Ignore him.”

Alec Baldwin
"They played the victim beautifully. Kathy … &#$@ them. F@& them all. No one believes you meant to threaten Trump. Trump is such a senile idiot, all he has is Twitter fights. Ignore him. Like the leaders of all the other countries in the world. Ignore him.”

Alec Baldwin

It's sort of like you liking a @davidallen post.
Yeah it is weird that I couldn't think of any rappers that died from natural causes, I wonder why. Probably rapping staves off heart disease and cancer. Though, Fife Dawg was murdered by Dr. Pepper.
I'm still laughing at "Biggy"