Kathy Griffin... Griffith? What's her name?

And the photographer defends this as "art." I guess it's an in the eye of the beholder thing. I'm not sure that a picture depicting someone holding the severed head of anyone is something many people would consider art unless they are ISIS terrorists.

They are getting blasted by all sides of the political spectrum.
I thought her career was already over.
Another, damage is already done hit piece. Oh, I might have went too far, sorry. It's still out there, though. (Just like the Russians). She was deplorable and unfunny before she did this.
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Kathy is exploring the subterranean levels of Hollywood now. CNN just dumped her from her one night per year New Year's Eve gig.
Kathy is exploring the subterranean levels of Hollywood now. CNN just dumped her from her one night per year New Year's Eve gig.
I actually liked her and Anderson Cooper.
One douche bag move justifies another, right?

You defend every douche bag move by the left with your Pee Wee Herman defence.

"I know you are but what am I?"

It's okay now Head. This is all just non-pc. The left agrees (I'm now a spokesman for the entire left) that pc has run amok and we're stamping it out. We're focusing on his 11 year old next. If you think that's wrong, then you're just a butthurt, liberal snowflake.

Chewbacca says "Hi" btw.
It's okay now Head. This is all just non-pc. The left agrees (I'm now a spokesman for the entire left) that pc has run amok and we're stamping it out. We're focusing on his 11 year old next. If you think that's wrong, then you're just a butthurt, liberal snowflake.

Chewbacca says "Hi" btw.

Is it true that her 2020 campaign slogan is "Let the Wookiee win?"

She's a disgusting pig of a human. But I wasn't personally offended by the photo. It was in poor taste, but there's no accounting for taste.

It says more about her than it does about Trump.
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One douche bag move justifies another, right?

You defend every douche bag move by the left with your Pee Wee Herman defence.

"I know you are but what am I?"

It's okay now Head. This is all just non-pc. The left agrees (I'm now a spokesman for the entire left) that pc has run amok and we're stamping it out. We're focusing on his 11 year old next. If you think that's wrong, then you're just a butthurt, liberal snowflake.

Chewbacca says "Hi" btw.
If I had ever used the name "Chewbacca" in reference to Mrs. Obama then you might gotten me with a slight sting.

But once again you don't know sh!t of what you speak.
Let's take turns. Go.


Google "Trump effigy" and take note of all the hundreds of images of random yokels burning him that nobody said anything about.

Use your big boy brain and see if you can sense any difference between a celebrity doing a shoot that will be seen worldwide and some idiot in Bumfuk Tennessee burning a scarecrow with an Obama mask.

You go next. This is fun.