Kamala is beating Trump by 67 points among this group

I think this my 2 clown has to be a troll. God help him if he lives in Oklahoma unless he is an OU administrator or president. Something is a bit off with the goons to be kind.
I completely agree with you about the “sins” of the Democrats as you have opined. You are 100% spot on! How about DJT? I say the man is a pathological narcissistic liar. Do you agree with me on that?
Donald Trump is a narcissist no doubt, does he exaggerate his accomplishments, certainly. I do not believe he makes up stories out of nowhere, no. Trump as been a celebrity his whole life so it hard to make something up when everyone knows everything about you.

I don't believe for a second Trump ever sexually assaulted anyone. Donald Trump had beautiful women throwing themselves at him his entire life. So interview with a Penthouse pinup girl she dated Trump in the 90's and said he was very good in bed. Why would he assault these dogs that say he attacked them. No way.

For all of Donald Trump's faults I prefer him to be our President over anyone else and certainly any Democrat.

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