Joe Biden officially drops out

Have you read Project 2025?
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Why have you not read it and why are you not interested? It lays out what Trump and his inner circle of supporters/backers want to accomplish if Trump wins in November.

How can you make assertions about the plan if you haven't even taken the time to read it?
1) stop trying to make arguments. You just pile on leading questions instead of having an honest conversation.

2) I never made assertions. I said Trump declined to endorse it.
I am not a Trump person. I am watching this unfold like everyone else. That said, I have been saying to friends for months this is how it was going to go down.

Unless Kamala can improve her approval rating by close to 12% she is not electable. You talked about conspiracy theories. Help my understand how she can improve her ratings with voters while being the Vice President. She has managed to look like a buffoon for 3 1/2 years in support of a guy who's cognitive function is sinking faster than the Titanic. Has Kamala all the sudden stepped into a role or done something positive for the party that makes her tangible much less believable to people who will decide the election? You seem like a guy who is promoting this administration agenda. Tell us all how she is going to prove to people that she is not what she has projected over the last several years.

KH is an absolutely horrid choice IF she is nominated at the convention. The libcomdems have so many problems with this situation now it palatable. The anti-libcomdem ads will be pure joy. If you’re in a state that is a Trump win and you’re up for reelection do you support her or even run harder and faster from her then you did. Iden.
1. What sane young libcomdem with future political viability as a presidential nominee would hook their rising star to that turd?
2. If she doesn’t get the nomination and they elect a honkey they will lose even more of the minority vote they have already lost.
3. If KH is the nominee she will lose. But that’s the end of her political shelf life and she will not be the candidate in 2028. The libcomdems will be able to go with someone infinitely better next cycle.
4. She will have to debate Trump, oh goody goody.
5. She is a bitch to work for and I suspect some of the people that resigned form her orbit will come out and spill the beans.
6. Lot of libcomdems and media now have to play suck up to her and why she would be a great choice for POTUS. Right after trying to convince America for the last 4 years that Joe Biden would be and has been a great president.
7. bet donors don’t donate as much as they would have if a functioning Biden was still in the race.
8. She is an extension of the disastrous 4 years and can not claim one single accomplishment of note, NOT 1!
9. Many people voted for Biden last time because he wasn’t Trump. A majority of them won’t do that again, even more so if KH is the nominee.

I think this is very good for R’s as long as they don’t F it up.
Why have you not read it and why are you not interested? It lays out what Trump and his inner circle of supporters/backers want to accomplish if Trump wins in November.

How can you make assertions about the plan if you haven't even taken the time to read it?
Schlongs ain't the same. Yer mamma might change yer thinking. Remember you spent the first third of yer life with yer pumpkin embedded up her ass. Think about it geniuse. 🤣
And what about Trump's approval rating which is lower than Harris' in some polls?

I don't think she has looked any more like a buffoon than has Trump. Where is your question about how Trump is going to improve his ratings with voters after looking like a buffoon for so long?

Remember, she has been VP for the past few years. A thankless job in many ways and one in which she doesn't often get to be who she wants to be. She had to be and do what the Biden administration what her to be and do.

She now gets to be her self and truly introduce herself to the American people as she be President. You claim to not be a Trump person. Ok, then sit back and watch her. Give her a chance tpeo show you what she is and what she wants to do as Preside

So you are telling us the current administration has told Kamala sit over in the corner. Oh by the way, don't even come close to believing if Joe's 80+ year old heart stops you're our gal. If she was tangible, the party and the administration would have pulled the lever months ago.

Now all the sudden she is thrust into a position of beating a candidate who's real issue with voters on the left is they suffer immensely from Derangement Syndrome. Your comments back to me are what about Trump on this and that. Did not seem to address whst I mentioned earlier. By the way nothing in your comments above says she checks the boxes.

Do you honestly believe the. current administration is functional? I think their record is proving otherwise. So now Kamala has to try to convince voters she is not a puppet. She has no real tangible things done by her or within the current administration to hang her hat on with moderates who have been negatively influenced by this administration. All of that and then she has to get past the fact she was not electable in her own party in 2020. Seems doable, keep telling yourself that as VP she can accomplish all that in 3+ months.

Yea right......
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KH is an absolutely horrid choice IF she is nominated at the convention. The libcomdems have so many problems with this situation now though.
1. What sane young libcomdem with future political viability would want to run with her?
2. If she doesn’t get the nomination and they elect a honkey they will lose even more of the minority vote they have already lost.
3. If KH is the nominee she will lose. But that’s the end of her political shelf life and she will not be the candidate in 2028. The libcomdems will be able to go with someone infinitely better next cycle.
4. She will have to debate Trump, oh goody goody.
5. She is a bitch to work for and I suspect some of the people that resigned form her orbit will come out and spill the beans.
6. Lot of libcomdems and media now has to play suck up to her and why she wools be a great choice for POTUS. Right after trying to convince America for the last 4 years that Joe Biden would be and has been a great president.
7. Be donors don’t donate as much as they would have if a functioning Biden was still in the race.
8. She is an extension of the disastrous 4 years and can not claim one single accomplishment of note, NOT 1!
9. Many people voted for Biden last time because he wasn’t Trump. A majority of them won’t do that again, even more so if KH is the nominee.

I think this is very good for R’s as long as they don’t F it up.

Someone within Trump's team needs to call Petco and buy 200 muzzles and not allow him within 500 feet of a X app.
Why have you not read it and why are you not interested? It lays out what Trump and his inner circle of supporters/backers want to accomplish if Trump wins in November.

How can you make assertions about the plan if you haven't even taken the time to read it?

He’s not interested because your flailing does not change the fact that:

* Trump wasn’t involved in it
* It’s policy recommendations from over 100 different conservative groups, not a platform
* Trump is a moderate

We don’t care what it says because it’s not something that Trump will support, let alone implement. He literally called the authors right-wing extremists, akin to left-wing extremist groups. I actually watched the clip, and that’s the longest clip of Trump I’ve probably watched since 2018.
1) stop trying to make arguments. You just pile on leading questions instead of having an honest conversation.

2) I never made assertions. I said Trump declined to endorse it.
I'm not trying to make arguments, I'm asking you questions. And Trump's statements are not trustworthy on this You would know this if you had read the plan and understand it's background. Which you clearly haven't done.

So again, why have you not read it and why are you not interested? How can you make assertions about the plan if you haven't even taken the time to read it? Why do you not want to know about something that is clearly very important in this election?
KH is an absolutely horrid choice IF she is nominated at the convention. The libcomdems have so many problems with this situation now it palatable. The anti-libcomdem ads will be pure joy. If you’re in a state that is a Trump win and you’re up for reelection do you support her or even run harder and faster from her then you did. Iden.
1. What sane young libcomdem with future political viability as a presidential nominee would hook their rising star to that turd?
2. If she doesn’t get the nomination and they elect a honkey they will lose even more of the minority vote they have already lost.
3. If KH is the nominee she will lose. But that’s the end of her political shelf life and she will not be the candidate in 2028. The libcomdems will be able to go with someone infinitely better next cycle.
4. She will have to debate Trump, oh goody goody.
5. She is a bitch to work for and I suspect some of the people that resigned form her orbit will come out and spill the beans.
6. Lot of libcomdems and media now have to play suck up to her and why she would be a great choice for POTUS. Right after trying to convince America for the last 4 years that Joe Biden would be and has been a great president.
7. bet donors don’t donate as much as they would have if a functioning Biden was still in the race.
8. She is an extension of the disastrous 4 years and can not claim one single accomplishment of note, NOT 1!
9. Many people voted for Biden last time because he wasn’t Trump. A majority of them won’t do that again, even more so if KH is the nominee.

I think this is very good for R’s as long as they don’t F it up.
Triggered lol!

Your worst political nightmare is about to come true wind. Get ready.
So you are telling us the current administration has told Kamala sit over in the corner.
I'm saying that she had to be Vice President and she had to do and say what the Biden administration wanted her to say and do. She has been in the shadows, as all VPs are.

Think, for example, of George H.W. Bush in 1988.

If she was tangible, the party and the administration would have pulled the lever months ago.
Wrong. President Biden was the incumbent President. The only reason people came forward to pressure Biden to step aside was because of what they saw at the debate. It was clearly a disasterous debate for Biden.

It sounds like you are getting close to another conspiracy theory here with this argument.

Now all the sudden she is thrust into a position of beating a candidate who's real issue with voters on the left is they suffer immensely from Derangement Syndrome. Your comments back to me are what about Trump on this and that. Did not seem to address whst I mentioned earlier.
Derangement syndrome? Really?🙄

Do Republicans have a derangement syndrome directed at Democrats? At the Clintons? At Obama? At Biden? At Harris now?

The reason I asked you questions about Trump is because you are claiming you don't support Trump. If that is the case, let's see you turn the table and ask similar questions about Trump that you are asking about Harris. Because that is going to be the choice now.

btw, it isn't just voters on the left who aren't voting for Trump. It is also Independents and even some Republicans.

By the way nothing in your comments above says she checks the boxes.
What boxes do you not think she checks? And can you admit that she does check a number of important boxes?

Do you honestly believe the. current administration is functional? I think their record is proving otherwise.
Yes they have been and are functional. President Biden has been a good President and has accomplished a lot. Vice President has a strong record to run on as she emerges to be her own person, to show how she would lead this nation moving forward.

She has no real tangible things done by her or within the current administration to hang her hat on with moderates who have been negatively influenced by this administration.
This is false. There are numerous areas she is going to be able to point to (economy, abortion, etc.).

All of that and then she has to get past the fact she was not electable in her own party in 2020.
And (using your words not mine) Biden was not electable in his own party in 1988 and 2008. Yet he was eventually elected President. Trump was not electable in 2000, yet he was eventually elected President.

On top of that, Trump literally lost four years! The American people fired him while electing Harris Vice President. Have you just forgotten that?

Seems doable,
Since you claim to not be a Trump supporter, are you going to step back and give Harris a chance? Yes or no?
He’s not interested because your flailing does not change the fact that:

* Trump wasn’t involved in it
* It’s policy recommendations from over 100 different conservative groups, not a platform
* Trump is a moderate

So you really believe Trump's lie that he had nothing to do with this when so many people around him had a lot to do with it? You really believe Trump's lies that he has nothing to do with this when he has actually publicly talked about doing many of the actions found in the plan?

Dang man, are you really that easy? And then you claim Trump is a moderate? Seriously?

I have some real nice ocean front property in Arizona that I would love to sell to you. Real cheap too. You game?

We don’t care what it says because it’s not something that Trump will support, let alone implement.
How do you know this? You haven't even read it. You don't even know what is in it. If you read itz for example, you would quickly see some things that Trump has already publicly advocated for. Which would show to you how Trump is lying to you, as he always does!

Now, tell me you aren't in a cult. You believe everything Trump tells you and you refuse to read anything that may challenge what Trump is telling you or potentially make you question Trump's true intentions.

You aren't interested in being informed. If you were, you would read Trump's Project 2025.
Why doesn’t it bother you that your team lied about everything Biden?
No one lied to be about everything concerning Biden.

Sounds cultish, right?
Are you paying attention?

Many in the Democratic Party wanted President Biden to step aside. They spoke their minds, put forth their opinions that were not supportive of Biden. And now Biden has stepped aside.

What about any of this is cultish? Speaking out against the leader is cultish? lol🤣🤣

There is nothing cultist about what is going on with the Democratic Party. Far from it.

Exactly. And I'm not shocked.

btw, this is what is truly cultish. Your refusal to research Project 2025 on your own and willingness to just accept what your dear leader is telling you.

So drop your projection. Admit what you are. A Trump cultist. Someone who can't even read a document on his own of his dear leader tells him not to. Own it for once.
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No one lied to be about everything concerning Biden.

Are you paying attention?

Many in the Democratic Party wanted President Biden to step aside. They spoke their minds, put forth their opinions that were not supportive of Biden. And now Biden has step aside.

What about any of this is cultish? Speaking out against the leader is cultish? lol🤣🤣

There is nothing cultist about what is going on with the Democratic Party. Far from it.

Exactly. And I'm not shocked.

btw, this is what is truly cultish. Your refusal to research Project 2025 one your own and just accept what your dear leader is telling you.

So drop your projection. Admit what you are. A Trump cultist. Someone who can't even read a document on his own of his dear leader tells him not to. Own it for once.

Dude, you said you would vote for Biden after the debate.

For me to approach that level of insanity I’d have to make a blood offering.
I’m gonna say this one time. Kamala has a Hillary problem. Women don’t like her. She’s a bitch.
Well recent polling has shown her approval rating is higher among black women than Biden's. I've not seen any recent polling of white women or other American women on their views of Harris.

This sounds more like one of your hateful opinions than actual political fact.
Dude, you said you would vote for Biden after the debate.
Yes, because I will never vote for Trump. I want to defeat Trump and what he stands for.

But what you fail to acknowledge is that I called for Biden to step aside. Did I not? That isn't an act of a cultist. How many Trump cultists do you see asking him to step aside, questioning him, etc.?