Joe Biden officially drops out

(1) Those Democrats who voted for Biden were also voting for Harris. Biden/Harris. You seem to forget this.

(2) Delegates will decide because delegates decide at all conventions, including Republican conventions.

(3) Delegates have decided party presidential nominees throughout our nation's history. It is the process. Has been for over 200 years.
What worries me is yer opinion. God dam almighty.
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(1) Those Democrats who voted for Biden were also voting for Harris. Biden/Harris. You seem to forget this.

(2) Delegates will decide because delegates decide at all conventions, including Republican conventions.

(3) Delegates have decided party presidential nominees throughout our nation's history. It is the process. Has been for over 200 years.
All decent points. I don’t think many people actually cast a vote for VP. You think republicans voted for Mike pence? Again.. Kamala was very unpopular. It’s why she didn’t make it to Iowa. What has she done as VP? Border Czar right? How’s that going?
Going to continue the ridiculous project 2025 propaganda… it’s all they got.. and abortion

There is absolutely nothing ridiculous about Project 2025. Have you read it? Be honest.

That plan is scary and dangerous and Democrats are going to continue to talk about it. Americans are going to continue to read it and be shocked by it. As they should be.
And Democrats rejected Biden in 1988 and 2008. Trump was rejected in 2000.

Did it stop either from later being elected President? No.
Decent comparison but a significantly more recent rejection and her favorability numbers across both parties have been consistently poor.
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There is absolutely nothing ridiculous about Project 2025. Have you read it? Be honest.

That plan is scary and dangerous and Democrats are going to continue to talk about it. Americans are going to continue to read it and be shocked by it. As they should be.
It’s ridiculous to tie to Trump because he’s rejected it multiple times. You just haven’t accepted it because Dems keep using the talking point.
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I've been right here posting. I called for President Biden to step down right after the debate on this board. I've been consistent that I think President Biden should step aside and that Harris should be the nominee.

So, where have you been?
Yes, you've been right beside joes dead ass for some time. Who would argue yer pride? What's Mom's cooking like?

How many conspiracy theories do you believe in? And do you believe in any conspiracy theories involving what Trump does?

I am not a Trump person. I am watching this unfold like everyone else. That said, I have been saying to friends for months this is how it was going to go down.

Unless Kamala can improve her approval rating by close to 12% she is not electable. You talked about conspiracy theories. Help my understand how she can improve her ratings with voters while being the Vice President. She has managed to look like a buffoon for 3 1/2 years in support of a guy who's cognitive function is sinking faster than the Titanic. Has Kamala all the sudden stepped into a role or done something positive for the party that makes her tangible much less believable to people who will decide the election? You seem like a guy who is promoting this administration agenda. Tell us all how she is going to prove to people that she is not what she has projected over the last several years.
All decent points. I don’t think many people actually cast a vote for VP. You think republicans voted for Mike pence?
Yes, in 2020. They knew if they voted for Trump they were getting Pence too. Did you not know this in 2020?

If Trump had stepped aside before the convention in 2020, the nomination would have gone to Pence.

Again.. Kamala was very unpopular. It’s why she didn’t make it to Iowa.

Unpopularity had nothing to do with Harris in 2020. It was politics. The Democratic Party decided they wanted Biden as the nominee and Harris recognized this was going to be the case early on. She understood that she couldn't have success in the Biden lane of the Democratic Party and she wasn't going to be able to have success in the progressive lane because of Sanders and Warren. So she dropped out early, threw her support behind Biden angling for the VP spot, and got it. Looks very smart now doesn't it?

btw, this is very similar to what Biden did in 2008. He recognized it was going to be between Obama and Clinton and dropped out to maneuver for the VP spot. Had nothing to do with being unpopular. Everything to do with politics and being smart politically.
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and her favorability numbers across both parties have been consistently poor.
Trump's favorability numbers are low, lower than Harris' in a number of polls. Are you making the claim that Trump can't be elected President because many Americans don't like him?

btw, Harris' favorability ratings in the Democratic Party are not low.
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It’s ridiculous to tie to Trump because he’s rejected it multiple times.
No it's not because numerous people surrounding Trump are tied to it, including Trump himself. Trump is just lying because he now recognizes how much political damage Project 2025 is going to do to him. For some reason, you choose to believe another lie from Trump.🙄

You better get ready because you are going to hear a lot more about Project 2025 before November. As you should.
No it's not because numerous people surrounding Trump are tied to it, including Trump himself. Trump is just lying because he now recognizes how much political damage Project 2025 is going to do to him. For some reason, you choose to believe another lie from Trump.🙄

You better get ready because you are going to hear a lot more about Project 2025 before November. As you should.
lol have fun with that
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Unless Kamala can improve her approval rating by close to 12% she is not electable.
And what about Trump's approval rating which is lower than Harris' in some polls?

Help my understand how she can improve her ratings with voters while being the Vice President. She has managed to look like a buffoon for 3 1/2 years
I don't think she has looked any more like a buffoon than has Trump. Where is your question about how Trump is going to improve his ratings with voters after looking like a buffoon for so long?

Tell us all how she is going to prove to people that she is not what she has projected over the last several years.
Remember, she has been VP for the past few years. A thankless job in many ways and one in which she doesn't often get to be who she wants to be. She had to be and do what the Biden administration what her to be and do.

She now gets to be her self and truly introduce herself to the American people as she be President. You claim to not be a Trump person. Ok, then sit back and watch her. Give her a chance to show you what she is and what she wants to do as President.
Going to continue the ridiculous project 2025 propaganda… it’s all they got.. and abortion

She’s. The. Worst. So cringeworthy

(1) Those Democrats who voted for Biden were also voting for Harris. Biden/Harris. You seem to forget this.

(2) Delegates will decide because delegates decide at all conventions, including Republican conventions.

(3) Delegates have decided party presidential nominees throughout our nation's history. It is the process. Has been for over 200 years.

I am not a Trump person. I am watching this unfold like everyone else. That said, I have been saying to friends for months this is how it was going to go down.

Unless Kamala can improve her approval rating by close to 12% she is not electable. You talked about conspiracy theories. Help my understand how she can improve her ratings with voters while being the Vice President. She has managed to look like a buffoon for 3 1/2 years in support of a guy who's cognitive function is sinking faster than the Titanic. Has Kamala all the sudden stepped into a role or done something positive for the party that makes her tangible much less believable to people who will decide the election? You seem like a guy who is promoting this administration agenda. Tell us all how she is going to prove to people that she is not what she has projected over the last several years.
About Kamala. Have any of us ever seen a more capable "border czar?" I've seen polls telling me this woman of "color" has lower approval than Joe. Remember. It was leftists who informed me of Kamala's and my color content.
There is absolutely nothing ridiculous about Project 2025. Have you read it? Be honest.

That plan is scary and dangerous and Democrats are going to continue to talk about it. Americans are going to continue to read it and be shocked by it. As they should be.

Is that like Agenda 2030?
Approval ratings, which can change, don't dictate whether a President is good or not. For example, Harry Truman had very low approval ratings when he left office on 1953. Over time though, as Americans looked back, his approval rating increases and he is now considered one of greatest Presidents.

btw, Trump had low approval ratings as President too and still does.
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