Jimmy Carter

Disclaimer: Haven't read the thread, with that said...
  • Jimmy Carter is an Annapolis Grad & served in WW II v. Trump, who said his Viet Nam was avoiding STDs in the NY club scene.
    • ...btw ...this reminds me of a story my deceased father used to tell me (an OSU Man, by the way). He left OSU, joined the Army to serve in Korea. (To be fair, I'm not trying to paint him as some war hero because he was alway clear to me... he was not and never claimed to be. He spent most of his Korean service time in Germany.) But as an older man, talking to me as a young boy he used to tell me... he hated the hypocrisy of all the Regan-ites in our little town. Of course, they were all good Christian Men, but not a god-damn one of them signed up for Korea or Viet Nam. They all took conscious objectors status to avoid service and save their lillywhite, pussy asses. But yet, I garan-gawd-damn-tee-you, they loved God & Country. Very Trumpian of them... don't ya think?
    • step0000.jpg
  • Jimmy Carter has been married to the same woman for 69 years v. Trump, a thrice married philanderer, who lied to the American people & paid off playboy models and porn stars to keep their mouths shuts.
  • so ya... **** you, if can sit on this site and criticize Jimmy Carter and yet suck Trump's dick. He's a traitor and a scumbag.
    • As an you think he properly cleaned off all Putin's cum off his chin???
BTW, I hated GhwB, but he was no god damn traitor.
Would you like a tissue? Carter sucked sweaty smelly balls. All the sweaty smelly balls. That's why you don't have yeast making sourdough loaves on yours today.

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