Jimmy Carter

Sanctions have been lifted on Rusal by our Treasury Department.

From that article...

The fact is, President Trump has been quite tough on Russia.

So much so, the sanctions resemble a Russian nesting doll: one sanction of top of another, on top of another.

Just last April, the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.

The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.

The sanctions were significant — among the toughest sanctions ever placed on individuals in a foreign country, with the exception of perhaps Iran and North Korea. Yet like many of Trump’s successes, it received minimal mainstream media coverage.

During his first month in office in January 2017, President Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia for its unlawful 2014 annexation of Crimea. With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.

Even Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a hand in the actions, stating that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

In August 2017, Trump signed a bill slapping even more sanctions on Russia — this time specifically aimed at the country’s energy and defense industries. Congress made the legislation Trump-proof, meaning that no executive order could ever undo such sanctions; yet Trump signed it anyway.

In fact it was Trump — not Obama — who ordered the closure of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City that appeared to be a threat to American security.

It was also President Trump who shuttered the Russian consulate in Seattle.

To be sure, Obama kicked 35 Russian diplomats out of the country after suspected election meddling by Russia, but only after Trump won the 2016 election. It is questionable whether he would have done so had Hillary Clinton succeeded in being the victor.

Furthermore, it was President Trump who led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the Russian government was suspected of carrying out a nerve agent attack in the United Kingdom against one of their former spies. President Trump moved swiftly to expel 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil, and other countries followed suit by expelling dozens as well.

In addition to stringent sanctions, President Trump has also called out Russia publicly.

During a landmark speech last year in Poland, Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil deliveries to keep their people warm during the winter, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year.

The Trump administration even offered to help identify alternative energy sources for the region. Trump’s remarks on European soil was the energy industry equivalent of Reagan’s “tear down that wall” speech.

Compare all of the above actions to Obama’s milquetoast policy on Russia and outright appeasement on issues such as the “red line” that Russia blew right past in Syria. Obama’s lackluster track record with Russia is in stark contrast to the Trump administration that has already, in its first 18 months, surpassed what Obama did over a total of eight years.

From that article...

The fact is, President Trump has been quite tough on Russia.

So much so, the sanctions resemble a Russian nesting doll: one sanction of top of another, on top of another.

Just last April, the Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections.

The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again. He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf.

The sanctions were significant — among the toughest sanctions ever placed on individuals in a foreign country, with the exception of perhaps Iran and North Korea. Yet like many of Trump’s successes, it received minimal mainstream media coverage.

During his first month in office in January 2017, President Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia for its unlawful 2014 annexation of Crimea. With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine.

Even Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a hand in the actions, stating that there would be no easing of the sanctions until Russia meets its obligations under the 2015 Minsk agreement — the ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

In August 2017, Trump signed a bill slapping even more sanctions on Russia — this time specifically aimed at the country’s energy and defense industries. Congress made the legislation Trump-proof, meaning that no executive order could ever undo such sanctions; yet Trump signed it anyway.

In fact it was Trump — not Obama — who ordered the closure of Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City that appeared to be a threat to American security.

It was also President Trump who shuttered the Russian consulate in Seattle.

To be sure, Obama kicked 35 Russian diplomats out of the country after suspected election meddling by Russia, but only after Trump won the 2016 election. It is questionable whether he would have done so had Hillary Clinton succeeded in being the victor.

Furthermore, it was President Trump who led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the Russian government was suspected of carrying out a nerve agent attack in the United Kingdom against one of their former spies. President Trump moved swiftly to expel 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil, and other countries followed suit by expelling dozens as well.

In addition to stringent sanctions, President Trump has also called out Russia publicly.

During a landmark speech last year in Poland, Trump lambasted Russia for using oil to hold NATO’s Eastern European countries hostage. Trump underscored the dangers of those countries’ dependence on Russian oil deliveries to keep their people warm during the winter, leading to their inability to criticize Russia the rest of the year.

The Trump administration even offered to help identify alternative energy sources for the region. Trump’s remarks on European soil was the energy industry equivalent of Reagan’s “tear down that wall” speech.

Compare all of the above actions to Obama’s milquetoast policy on Russia and outright appeasement on issues such as the “red line” that Russia blew right past in Syria. Obama’s lackluster track record with Russia is in stark contrast to the Trump administration that has already, in its first 18 months, surpassed what Obama did over a total of eight years.
Opinion article from the Hill ain’t gonna do it.
It helps with delusions too.

Thank the lord for JC.

Disclaimer: Haven't read the thread, with that said...
  • Jimmy Carter is an Annapolis Grad & served in WW II v. Trump, who said his Viet Nam was avoiding STDs in the NY club scene.
    • ...btw ...this reminds me of a story my deceased father used to tell me (an OSU Man, by the way). He left OSU, joined the Army to serve in Korea. (To be fair, I'm not trying to paint him as some war hero because he was alway clear to me... he was not and never claimed to be. He spent most of his Korean service time in Germany.) But as an older man, talking to me as a young boy he used to tell me... he hated the hypocrisy of all the Regan-ites in our little town. Of course, they were all good Christian Men, but not a god-damn one of them signed up for Korea or Viet Nam. They all took conscious objectors status to avoid service and save their lillywhite, pussy asses. But yet, I garan-gawd-damn-tee-you, they loved God & Country. Very Trumpian of them... don't ya think?
    • step0000.jpg
  • Jimmy Carter has been married to the same woman for 69 years v. Trump, a thrice married philanderer, who lied to the American people & paid off playboy models and porn stars to keep their mouths shuts.
  • so ya... **** you, if can sit on this site and criticize Jimmy Carter and yet suck Trump's dick. He's a traitor and a scumbag.
    • As an you think he properly cleaned off all Putin's cum off his chin???
BTW, I hated GhwB, but he was no god damn traitor.
  • Like
Reactions: Pokeabear
Disclaimer: Haven't read the thread, with that said...
  • Jimmy Carter is an Annapolis Grad & served in WW II v. Trump, who said his Viet Nam was avoiding STDs in the NY club scene.
    • ...btw ...this reminds me of a story my deceased father used to tell me (an OSU Man, by the way). He left OSU, joined the Army to serve in Korea. (To be fair, I'm not trying to paint him as some war hero because he was alway clear to me... he was not and never claimed to be. He spent most of his Korean service time in Germany.) But as an older man, talking to me as a young boy he used to tell me... he hated the hypocrisy of all the Regan-ites in our little town. Of course, they were all good Christian Men, but not a god-damn one of them signed up for Korea or Viet Nam. They all took conscious objectors status to avoid service and save their lillywhite, pussy asses. But yet, I garan-gawd-damn-tee-you, they loved God & Country. Very Trumpian of them... don't ya think?
    • step0000.jpg
  • Jimmy Carter has been married to the same woman for 69 years v. Trump, a thrice married philanderer, who lied to the American people & paid off playboy models and porn stars to keep their mouths shuts.
  • so ya... **** you, if can sit on this site and criticize Jimmy Carter and yet suck Trump's dick. He's a traitor and a scumbag.
    • As an you think he properly cleaned off all Putin's cum off his chin???
BTW, I hated GhwB, but he was no god damn traitor.

Damn, you mad bro?
Disclaimer: Haven't read the thread, with that said...
  • Jimmy Carter is an Annapolis Grad & served in WW II v. Trump, who said his Viet Nam was avoiding STDs in the NY club scene.
    • ...btw ...this reminds me of a story my deceased father used to tell me (an OSU Man, by the way). He left OSU, joined the Army to serve in Korea. (To be fair, I'm not trying to paint him as some war hero because he was alway clear to me... he was not and never claimed to be. He spent most of his Korean service time in Germany.) But as an older man, talking to me as a young boy he used to tell me... he hated the hypocrisy of all the Regan-ites in our little town. Of course, they were all good Christian Men, but not a god-damn one of them signed up for Korea or Viet Nam. They all took conscious objectors status to avoid service and save their lillywhite, pussy asses. But yet, I garan-gawd-damn-tee-you, they loved God & Country. Very Trumpian of them... don't ya think?
    • step0000.jpg
  • Jimmy Carter has been married to the same woman for 69 years v. Trump, a thrice married philanderer, who lied to the American people & paid off playboy models and porn stars to keep their mouths shuts.
  • so ya... **** you, if can sit on this site and criticize Jimmy Carter and yet suck Trump's dick. He's a traitor and a scumbag.
    • As an you think he properly cleaned off all Putin's cum off his chin???
BTW, I hated GhwB, but he was no god damn traitor.

Both of my grandads were decorated war heroes in WW2. They both word for word said that commie from Georgia was one of the worst things that happened to our country.

History proved them right.
Disclaimer: Haven't read the thread, with that said...
  • Jimmy Carter is an Annapolis Grad & served in WW II v. Trump, who said his Viet Nam was avoiding STDs in the NY club scene.
    • ...btw ...this reminds me of a story my deceased father used to tell me (an OSU Man, by the way). He left OSU, joined the Army to serve in Korea. (To be fair, I'm not trying to paint him as some war hero because he was alway clear to me... he was not and never claimed to be. He spent most of his Korean service time in Germany.) But as an older man, talking to me as a young boy he used to tell me... he hated the hypocrisy of all the Regan-ites in our little town. Of course, they were all good Christian Men, but not a god-damn one of them signed up for Korea or Viet Nam. They all took conscious objectors status to avoid service and save their lillywhite, pussy asses. But yet, I garan-gawd-damn-tee-you, they loved God & Country. Very Trumpian of them... don't ya think?
    • step0000.jpg
  • Jimmy Carter has been married to the same woman for 69 years v. Trump, a thrice married philanderer, who lied to the American people & paid off playboy models and porn stars to keep their mouths shuts.
  • so ya... **** you, if can sit on this site and criticize Jimmy Carter and yet suck Trump's dick. He's a traitor and a scumbag.
    • As an you think he properly cleaned off all Putin's cum off his chin???
BTW, I hated GhwB, but he was no god damn traitor.
those items you mentioned are great assets but don't mean shit when it comes to good for the country or bad for the country. So what he's been married all those years...what does that qualify him for? Nothing. He was out of his league and will be remembered as one of the worst presidents ever.
Speaking about conscientious objectors during vietnam...hell, I participated but I don't blame those guys one bit for what they did. It turns out they didn't die face down in some rice paddy for nothing. Back then you had a lot of guys looking for a way out...some found it and some didn't. They were far from traitors.

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