Israel Lies And Lies

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
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You should join Hamas in their fight. Need travel money? Just ask.
My wife and I are talking about taking a vacation to Tahiti this winter, but we’re a little short on funds. I’m asking you to please make up the shortfall. Cash or money order is acceptable.
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And lies some more. Since they are the most moral nation in human history one must concede that Israeli lies are moral lies. The most moral lies in human history.

Terrorist and their propagandist whining and crying about Israel is one of the most laughable parts of this war.
  • 75. In the medicolegal assessment undertaken by the mission team of available photos and videos of crime scenes, a few corpses with conspicuously spread legs were observed. These postures could not be adequately explained by, for instance, “postmortem pugilistic posturing” due to burn damage. The reviewed photos and videos further revealed a minimum of twenty corpses with partially or fully exposed intimate body parts such as breasts and genitalia, resulting from the absence, displacement, or tearing of clothing. Also, at least ten distinct corpses displayed indications of bound wrists and/or tied legs.
  • 75. In the medicolegal assessment undertaken by the mission team of available photos and videos of crime scenes, a few corpses with conspicuously spread legs were observed. These postures could not be adequately explained by, for instance, “postmortem pugilistic posturing” due to burn damage. The reviewed photos and videos further revealed a minimum of twenty corpses with partially or fully exposed intimate body parts such as breasts and genitalia, resulting from the absence, displacement, or tearing of clothing. Also, at least ten distinct corpses displayed indications of bound wrists and/or tied legs.
Keep trying, Medic. You may eventually come to something verifiable as rape.
There is nothing laughable about this or any other war.
Sure it is Dan, you cry about Israel but say nothing about the terrorist. You ignore any and all evidence that doesn't support your belief Israel is responsible for the war and deserved the October 7th attack. It's plainly obvious to everyone but you. Gee I wonder why that is?
Sure it is Dan, you cry about Israel but say nothing about the terrorist. You ignore any and all evidence that doesn't support your belief Israel is responsible for the war and deserved the October 7th attack. It's plainly obvious to everyone but you. Gee I wonder why that is?
I have never said Israel is "responsible" for the war, never. What Israel is responsible for is the genocide it is imposing.
I have never said Israel is "responsible" for the war, never. What Israel is responsible for is the genocide it is imposing.
No you haven't ever said that in so many words, you are not that dumb but you have implied it in your post. Like I've said numerous times your actions tell the truth.

Here is one of the Israeli hostages that was released testifying before the UN. You should watch or read the testimony.
No you haven't ever said that in so many words, you are not that dumb but you have implied it in your post. Like I've said numerous times your actions tell the truth.

Here is one of the Israeli hostages that was released testifying before the UN. You should watch or read the testimony.
That is atrocious and I condemn it with all my being. The perpetrators who abused the woman need to be brought to justice.
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That is atrocious and I condemn it with all my being. The perpetrators who abused the woman need to be brought to justice.

Destroys your preferred narrative of Palestinians not raping women, doesn't it?
Don't worry Dan Israel is in the process of doing just that, despite your opposition to it.
Destroys your preferred narrative of Palestinians not raping women, doesn't it?
Don't worry Dan Israel is in the process of doing just that, despite your opposition to it.
No, Bearcat, it destroys no such thing. I have not doubted that rapes occurred on Oct 7, in fact have said many times I would be surprised if there had been none. What I *have* doubted is that the invaders entered Israel with explicit instructions from their commanders to systematically rape women when they got there. And to date there is not a shred of evidence there were such orders issued or there was massive systematic rape. Like you I condemn rape by anyone at any time, and want the criminals to be caught and pay for their crimes. But I have never understood the psychological necessity of people like Medic to want this to be true. You'd think he'd be relieved to learn that it was an Israeli hoax.
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No, Bearcat, it destroys no such thing. I have not doubted that rapes occurred on Oct 7, in fact have said many times I would be surprised if there had been none. What I *have* doubted is that the invaders entered Israel with explicit instructions from their commanders to systematically rape women when they got there. And to date there is not a shred of evidence there were such orders issued or there was massive systematic rape. Like you I condemn rape by anyone at any time, and want the criminals to be caught and pay for their crimes. But I have never understood the psychological necessity of people like Medic to want this to be true. You'd think he'd be relieved to learn that it was an Israeli hoax.

Oh so it's not a big deal to you unless Hamas's leadership ordered their followers to rape women. Do you hear yourself Dan? SMFH
Oh so it's not a big deal to you unless Hamas's leadership ordered their followers to rape women. Do you hear yourself Dan? SMFH
For crying out loud I just wrote that I want justice brought to every rapist. Where do you get the idea it's not a big deal to me? What's also a big deal to me is the truth, and Israel flat out lied about there being systematic rape carried out by orders from Hamas leadership on Oct 7, and when challenged to show their evidence they got very quiet.
Black Spy or White Spy?

For crying out loud I just wrote that I want justice brought to every rapist. Where do you get the idea it's not a big deal to me? What's also a big deal to me is the truth, and Israel flat out lied about there being systematic rape carried out by orders from Hamas leadership on Oct 7, and when challenged to show their evidence they got very quiet.
Lied about women getting raped and murdered? No what you want is to play semantics in an effort to down play your terrorist buddies actions.
Keep trying, Medic. You may eventually come to something verifiable as rape.
I know how difficult facts are for you, Dodge. These are what facts look like. I know it's not a Jew hating astrologer blog so your confusion is somewhat understandable.

There's a theme in the UN report that you're definitely not sharp enough to have picked up on even if you weren't too chickenshit to read it. The report refers to your beloved Hamas rape in terms of plural. Do you know what plural means? I have to ask because you've made it clear to everyone that you don't know what the word "mass" means.
I know how difficult facts are for you, Dodge. These are what facts look like. I know it's not a Jew hating astrologer blog so your confusion is somewhat understandable.

There's a theme in the UN report that you're definitely not sharp enough to have picked up on even if you weren't too chickenshit to read it. The report refers to your beloved Hamas rape in terms of plural. Do you know what plural means? I have to ask because you've made it clear to everyone that you don't know what the word "mass" means.
Why don’t you tell me, Medic, what you think “mass” means in the context of Oct 7 rapes? I don’t know how many Hamas fighters were involved in the invasion and attack, do you? 2000? 3000? 5000? Please pick a number - you choose! - and then say what percentage of the invaders have to be rapists for you to say proves it was a systematic crime ordered from on high. You’ve been dancing around with vague and unpronounced numbers. Put it on the line and say how many rapes - a specific number - you think is accurate. Where in your mind does the descriptive “mass” begin? 500 rapists out of 2000 invaders? More than 500? Less? Whatever number you come up with would you please point me to the section in the UN report that verifies your number?
Why don’t you tell me, Medic, what you think “mass” means in the context of Oct 7 rapes? I don’t know how many Hamas fighters were involved in the invasion and attack, do you? 2000? 3000? 5000? Please pick a number - you choose! - and then say what percentage of the invaders have to be rapists for you to say proves it was a systematic crime ordered from on high. You’ve been dancing around with vague and unpronounced numbers. Put it on the line and say how many rapes - a specific number - you think is accurate. Where in your mind does the descriptive “mass” begin? 500 rapists out of 2000 invaders? More than 500? Less? Whatever number you come up with would you please point me to the section in the UN report that verifies your number?
Hmmm,, strange how all of a sudden the terrorist to rape ratio is all important to you, while the fractionally small number of civilian deaths in comparison in a full scale war are in your eyes gynecide. Hypocrite much?
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Why don’t you tell me, Medic, what you think “mass” means in the context of Oct 7 rapes? I don’t know how many Hamas fighters were involved in the invasion and attack, do you? 2000? 3000? 5000? Please pick a number - you choose! - and then say what percentage of the invaders have to be rapists for you to say proves it was a systematic crime ordered from on high. You’ve been dancing around with vague and unpronounced numbers. Put it on the line and say how many rapes - a specific number - you think is accurate. Where in your mind does the descriptive “mass” begin? 500 rapists out of 2000 invaders? More than 500? Less? Whatever number you come up with would you please point me to the section in the UN report that verifies your number?
Geezus Dodge, are you going senile too? I've been clear in more than one post that my definition of "mass" is anything more than one. You're the dude that can't seem to figure out what it means despite numerous conversations on the subject. See your mindless drivel quoted above if you need your latest example.

The UN report specifically mentions "gang rape." What do you think the "gang" part means? Or is that outside your knowledge as well?
Geezus Dodge, are you going senile too? I've been clear in more than one post that my definition of "mass" is anything more than one. You're the dude that can't seem to figure out what it means despite numerous conversations on the subject. See your mindless drivel quoted above if you need your latest example.

The UN report specifically mentions "gang rape." What do you think the "gang" part means? Or is that outside your knowledge as well?
Just say a number, Medic. More than one is not specific. The argument is not about whether there was rape or not. It has never been about that. The argument, well my side of the argument, has always been the Israeli use of the term “systematic,” the contention being that orders were handed down to the invaders to go find some women and rape them as part of their assignment during the attack. There is not a shred of evidence of that. “Mentioning” a gang rape is not specific. And even if it happened (and I can believe it did) does not show anything systematic. For me orders to systematically rape by a couple thousand attackers would have specifics that Israel will not share. I’m sorry this makes you mad. It’s not personal, at least it’s not to me.
Just say a number, Medic. More than one is not specific. The argument is not about whether there was rape or not. It has never been about that. The argument, well my side of the argument, has always been the Israeli use of the term “systematic,” the contention being that orders were handed down to the invaders to go find some women and rape them as part of their assignment during the attack. There is not a shred of evidence of that. “Mentioning” a gang rape is not specific. And even if it happened (and I can believe it did) does not show anything systematic. For me orders to systematically rape by a couple thousand attackers would have specifics that Israel will not share. I’m sorry this makes you mad. It’s not personal, at least it’s not to me.
More than one is very specific, Dodge. It means two or more, otherwise known as > 1. This isn't difficult and despite my better judgment, I actually suspect you know that. I know you're looking for any number that you can add one to so that mass rape can never have occurred. Sorry Dodge, that's not a stance I'll ever take on the subject of rape. One was too many and I'll remind you again that rape is never resistance.

The UN report specifically lists gang rape as something they found evidence supporting occurred. Gang rape is a very specific thing if you're not trying to foolishly be intentionally obtuse. Hell, maybe you are actually that clueless. Gang rape is considered "systematic" by anyone with common sense. It's used as a weapon all over the world. ISIS, Haiti, Ukraine, China, even the US. I'm not sorry I don't believe Hamas shitbags are actually better than the other shitbags that use gang rape as a weapon.

Dodge, you don't make me mad and I have no idea why you think I would take anything from a random message board blowhard personally. I think you're projecting if I'm being honest. Look, it's real easy to keep me from trolling you. Don't post absurdly stupid shit and I won't call you out on it.
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More than one is very specific, Dodge. It means two or more, otherwise known as > 1. This isn't difficult and despite my better judgment, I actually suspect you know that. I know you're looking for any number that you can add one to so that mass rape can never have occurred. Sorry Dodge, that's not a stance I'll ever take on the subject of rape. One was too many and I'll remind you again that rape is never resistance.

The UN report specifically lists gang rape as something they found evidence supporting occurred. Gang rape is a very specific thing if you're not trying to foolishly be intentionally obtuse. Hell, maybe you are actually that clueless. Gang rape is considered "systematic" by anyone with common sense. It's used as a weapon all over the world. ISIS, Haiti, Ukraine, China, even the US. I'm not sorry I don't believe Hamas shitbags are actually better than the other shitbags that use gang rape as a weapon.

Dodge, you don't make me mad and I have no idea why you think I would take anything from a random message board blowhard personally. I think you're projecting if I'm being honest. Look, it's real easy to keep me from trolling you. Don't post absurdly stupid shit and I won't call you out on it.
I suppose it’s your use of unnecessary personally insulting rhetoric that leads me to believe I’ve made you mad. But I could be wrong. Maybe that’s just the kind of person you are.
How were you threatened? Only a liberal can't recognize the difference between an insult and a threat.

For someone who claims to not be a liberal, you sure have started acting like one for the past year.
In what way?
HamasDan is the biggest Liberal on the Forum. He will say otherwise but his posts show it.
My wife and I are talking about taking a vacation to Tahiti this winter, but we’re a little short on funds. I’m asking you to please make up the shortfall. Cash or money order is acceptable.
Fresh out but could probably come up with some if you want to go to Palestine or Iran.