Buddy, if having the time you do to recreationally dig up 250 year-old whigs n' britches is the currency of winning, you are the grand heavyweight champion. I could care less. I'll give you something factual that supports my views:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
It takes very simple grammatical construction to see that the security of a free state was the objective behind the second amendment. The historical context was they did not have or really want standing armies, so private guns were important to defend the government. Now we have standing armies. Everything has changed.
Uh huh, except the Constitution provided for a standing army.
You really don't know anything except the liberal talking points. That's embarrassing for you. Geez dude, understanding history isn't rocket science.