Wow, Harry, you packed a lot into two paragraphs. You say you support anything he does in this matter, and that’s fine. I think your are willingly being manipulated. If the link has any credibility I don’t see any other explanation. I won’t attempt to speak for the “others” but as for me I feel not the slightest shame in being against a policy I feel is inappropriate (the wall). It appears to me the Mexican tariff threat was nothing but a monumental con job, something in which Donald Trump excels. As far as your comment about “nit picking on how he makes the sausage” I would only reply that is my job - my duty! - as a sovereign citizen. It’s when citizens meekly accept bad policies that our republic will be in grave danger. You nit picked Obama’s policies, did you not? You cheered as Republicans threw up roadblocks every chance they got, right? Like Rush Limbaugh you wanted him to fail, correct? But now you object when I and others oppose your guy? That’s an inconsistent attitude.
Call me and I’ll tell you where our next job site will be. You can come on out and protest, and I’ll take you to lunch, my treat. I haven’t stopped Trump from doing one single thing he’s wanted to do, he blunders along in spite of my annoyance. That’s probably what will happen if you come to one of my jobs.
Willingly being manipulated? If you want vanilla ice cream and I spend 2 hours trying to convince you that you want vanilla ice cream and I might say things that are exaggerated or the timeline is off for how the ice cream is made are you willingly being manipulated? No. You want it regardless.