Intervention or Resignation


So, I just did a little bit of research. These 6 companies are all publicly owned.

Chairman and CEO of Time Warner: Jeff Bewkes Not Jewish
Chariman and CEO of Viacom: Robert Bakish Not Jewish
Chairman and CEO of NewsCorp: Rupert Murdoch Not Jewish
Chairman and CEO of GE: Jeffrey Immelt Not Jewish

More BS propaganda from you.

@NZ Poke
Crickets from you on this.
@NZ Poke

So, let me break this down.

@wino says that Trump's presidency has been a "shitshow", suggesting that either he has been ineffective or chaotic/dramatic (or some combination of those things).

You respond by claiming that it is not Trump's fault, it is the fault of the corporate media, which is now synonymous with the Democratic Party.

Then you not so subtly point out that the corporate media is primarily owned by individuals who are Jewish.

You follow that up with quotes that point out that the government doesn't want citizens to be smart, they want them to be dumb, do their job, and not question the government.

Seems to me that you are suggesting that a small number of wealthy Jews are surreptitiously trying to run this country while keeping the general public in the dark. They have too much power and work only in their own best interests, which run counter to the interest of the general public.

That's straight out of the Nazi playbook, and right in line with the narrative they were feeding to the German people prior to the Holocaust.

And then you seem to take umbrage that I have stated that you are antisemitic. Well, if the shoe fits....

I will agree with you that a lot of corporate media outlets are owned by wealthy Jews. But, so are a lot of diamond brokerages. Along with a lot of professional athletic teams/venues. There are also a lot of very wealthy individuals, in this country, who are not Jewish. Many of them are also liberals. Just because someone is a successful businessman, does not make them a plotting evil person, regardless of their culture/religion. Maybe the Jewish individuals, who own corporate media giants, simply found a business that could be profitable and were good businessmen who made a lot of money doing it. It doesn't have to be some kind of plot to pull the wool over the public's eyes. If they align more with Democratic party politics, I can't blame them for allowing their companies to lean more to the left. Just like if you bought CNN tomorrow, it would morph significantly more to the right over time.

As far as the shitshow goes, maybe you should stop blaming the media and start looking at the guy in the White House. He is a novice politician and he makes it more clear on a daily basis. He hasn't shown an ability to surround himself with experienced individuals and listen to their advice. As a result, he has been unable to accomplish much of anything (other than Gorsuch, which would have been tough for him to screw up), and he seems to make a critical error on almost a daily basis. The media might be being too hard on him, but that might be because he has frozen them out whenever possible, and attacked them on a regular basis. He certainly hasn't done anything to try to have a smoother relationship with the media. He brought this situation on himself, at least to some degree.

I watched Good Morning America this morning, and it was a Trump bash-fest. Not a single talking head, on the show, is Jewish (at least I don't think so). I'm sure you will claim that they are just towing the company line, but ABC is owned by Disney, and the largest shareholder in Disney is Lauren Jobs, widow of Steve Jobs (also not Jewish). Maybe GMA just doesn't like Trump because he treats the media like shit. Or, maybe they really believe that he is making crucial errors and that it is their responsibility to report the news.

Crickets on this too.

You are not doing a good job of showing the rest of us that I am mislabeling you when I say you are an antisimite.

People are indoctrinated for their entire lives to not go there (or even ask simple questions -- or else a particular version of "the race card" gets played).

The problem is when you start doing actual research and examination -- then you learn that way more people died under Stalin and the Bolsheviks than in the holocaust --- and exponentially more people died in the "Great Leap Forward" under Mao than Stalin. (Yet few people in the west know about these tragedies -- in pop culture and history, tragedies generally begin and end with the holocaust)

I'm not minimizing the holocaust at all, but when it comes to creating deaths in the 20th century, communism wins by massive margin.


This book should be mandatory reading for students alongside holocaust literature.

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People are indoctrinated for their entire lives to not go there (or even ask simple questions -- or else a particular version of "the race card" gets played).

The problem is when you start doing actual research and examination -- then you learn that way more people died under Stalin and the Bolsheviks than in the holocaust --- and exponentially more people died in the "Great Leap Forward" under Mao than Stalin. (Yet few people in the west know about these tragedies -- in pop culture and history, tragedies generally begin and end with the holocaust)

I'm not minimizing the holocaust at all, but when it comes to creating deaths in the 20th century, communism wins by massive margin. (Yet many kids on college campuses are wearing communist shirts again)


This book should be mandatory reading for students alongside holocaust literature.

A real head scratcher for me is why Hitler just stopped killing people, did he reach Jew number 6 million or so and say "This is enough killing for me, I am done with war and am exceedingly happy about the exist racial make up of the world, I'll ride off into the sunset now."
Eventually people figure it out --- it's not even a debate once you do your research. (Stop with the hissy fit)



Rather than wondering whether a tiny percentage of the US / global population gained such staggering power (that's not a debate), the more interesting question is how they managed it? (High IQ mixed with in-group preference is a huge part, and never forgetting their own history)

I give them props for it, it's a pretty amazing feat! (And as I've said at least four times, if I lived in Israel, I would support their wall being constructed)

Also in college, I went on a date with a Jewish girl once. I thought the went really well, and she acted like it did too -- but her brother forbid her from going out with me again. I didn't understand why for a long time.


Another incredibly common play from the red pill playbook.

I've heard them all. I even have friends that are bigger red pillers than you are. They are still my friends, and I still like NZ. I understand there is fun to be had in seeing how provocative you can be and how much you can rule people up.

IMO, red pillers, however, are philosophical and rhetorical cowards at their core. What's more, they aren't making any new or interesting arguments, asking any new or interesting questions, or engaging in new or interesting thoughts. They haven't truly red pilled and made the choice for Knowledge, freedom and the sometimes painful truth of reality. All they've done is chosen a different brand of blue pill.

I could be wrong though.

I can always be wrong.
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People are indoctrinated for their entire lives to not go there (or even ask simple questions -- or else a particular version of "the race card" gets played).

The problem is when you start doing actual research and examination -- then you learn that way more people died under Stalin and the Bolsheviks than in the holocaust --- and exponentially more people died in the "Great Leap Forward" under Mao than Stalin. (Yet few people in the west know about these tragedies -- in pop culture and history, tragedies generally begin and end with the holocaust)

I'm not minimizing the holocaust at all, but when it comes to creating deaths in the 20th century, communism wins by massive margin.


This book should be mandatory reading for students alongside holocaust literature.


I'm not minimizing the holocaust, but......

Another classic from the red pill playbook.

I wonder what Solzhenitsyn would say about red pillers. I've read Gulag A plenty of times, first time in High School now that I think about it. I kind of doubt he'd have a very high opinion of them.
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People are indoctrinated for their entire lives to not go there (or even ask simple questions -- or else a particular version of "the race card" gets played).

The problem is when you start doing actual research and examination -- then you learn that way more people died under Stalin and the Bolsheviks than in the holocaust --- and exponentially more people died in the "Great Leap Forward" under Mao than Stalin. (Yet few people in the west know about these tragedies -- in pop culture and history, tragedies generally begin and end with the holocaust)

I'm not minimizing the holocaust at all, but when it comes to creating deaths in the 20th century, communism wins by massive margin.


This book should be mandatory reading for students alongside holocaust literature.


Maybe you should so some actual research and examination.
People are indoctrinated for their entire lives to not go there

Not to go where?

The problem is when you start doing actual research and examination -- then you learn that way more people died under Stalin and the Bolsheviks than in the holocaust --- and exponentially more people died in the "Great Leap Forward" under Mao than Stalin.

Yes, Stalin was a ruthless dictator. So was Mao. There are different estimates regarding how many they actually killed, but there is no doubt both were brutal.

But I thought everyone knew this. Is there someone claiming otherwise? I don't understand your point.
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We know the answer to why it stopped in 1945. (thanks to the Greatest Generation)

But invoking the holocaust is not a valid excuse for the Racist, Xenophobic, Supremacist, Bigot below getting 800,000 people at his funeral in 2011. (in a country of only 8 million)

He makes David Duke, Farrakhan, and Fred Phelps sound like Richard Simmons --- yet it's America who has the problem with racism?

And no, Ovaida Yosef didn't make the quote directly below back in the 90s like you said yesterday (nice deflection attempt) ---- he made the quote in October 2010 (a year before receiving the largest funeral in Israel's history) -- here is the source.




Rabbi Ovadia Yosef buried in largest funeral in Israeli history

800,000 attend last procession for revered leader.


Alternative source:

Rabbi Yosef was instrumental in the creation of the state of Israel and in what is today one of the largest political parties in the country. He was one of the most well known leaders from both a political and religious standpoint.

The quote you are attributing to him was made when he was 90 years old, so maybe he wasn't at his best from a mental standpoint (that's the give him the benefit of the doubt narrative).

But, after reading about him, I will say there is enough there to agree that he felt that Christians and Muslims were beneath the level of Jews. But, if you read further, you will see that he also stated that the 6 million Jews, who died in the Holocaust were destined to perish due to sins of Jews in prior years. He also criticized Israeli soldiers for not "keeping the Sabbath holy" by ceasing all other activities and only studying Torah during the 24 hours of the Sabbath. He said that this was the reason that soldiers died during war.

To sum it all up, he was well respected within the State of Israel, but I'm sure that a lot of people thought he was eccentric and a bit "out there". He was definitely very opinionated. He did many great things for his country. I'm sure there were a lot of people, who attended his funeral, that thought he deserved to be honored even though they did not agree with everything he said during his life.

I don't know if it is even close to a good comparison, but this might be like if one of our founding fathers said a bunch of controversial things, yet had a huge turnout for his funeral despite all of the crazy things he said and crazy beliefs that he held.

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