@NZ Poke
So, let me break this down.
@wino says that Trump's presidency has been a "shitshow", suggesting that either he has been ineffective or chaotic/dramatic (or some combination of those things).
You respond by claiming that it is not Trump's fault, it is the fault of the corporate media, which is now synonymous with the Democratic Party.
Then you not so subtly point out that the corporate media is primarily owned by individuals who are Jewish.
You follow that up with quotes that point out that the government doesn't want citizens to be smart, they want them to be dumb, do their job, and not question the government.
Seems to me that you are suggesting that a small number of wealthy Jews are surreptitiously trying to run this country while keeping the general public in the dark. They have too much power and work only in their own best interests, which run counter to the interest of the general public.
That's straight out of the Nazi playbook, and right in line with the narrative they were feeding to the German people prior to the Holocaust.
And then you seem to take umbrage that I have stated that you are antisemitic. Well, if the shoe fits....
I will agree with you that a lot of corporate media outlets are owned by wealthy Jews. But, so are a lot of diamond brokerages. Along with a lot of professional athletic teams/venues. There are also a lot of very wealthy individuals, in this country, who are not Jewish. Many of them are also liberals. Just because someone is a successful businessman, does not make them a plotting evil person, regardless of their culture/religion. Maybe the Jewish individuals, who own corporate media giants, simply found a business that could be profitable and were good businessmen who made a lot of money doing it. It doesn't have to be some kind of plot to pull the wool over the public's eyes. If they align more with Democratic party politics, I can't blame them for allowing their companies to lean more to the left. Just like if you bought CNN tomorrow, it would morph significantly more to the right over time.
As far as the shitshow goes, maybe you should stop blaming the media and start looking at the guy in the White House. He is a novice politician and he makes it more clear on a daily basis. He hasn't shown an ability to surround himself with experienced individuals and listen to their advice. As a result, he has been unable to accomplish much of anything (other than Gorsuch, which would have been tough for him to screw up), and he seems to make a critical error on almost a daily basis. The media might be being too hard on him, but that might be because he has frozen them out whenever possible, and attacked them on a regular basis. He certainly hasn't done anything to try to have a smoother relationship with the media. He brought this situation on himself, at least to some degree.
I watched Good Morning America this morning, and it was a Trump bash-fest. Not a single talking head, on the show, is Jewish (at least I don't think so). I'm sure you will claim that they are just towing the company line, but ABC is owned by Disney, and the largest shareholder in Disney is Lauren Jobs, widow of Steve Jobs (also not Jewish). Maybe GMA just doesn't like Trump because he treats the media like shit. Or, maybe they really believe that he is making crucial errors and that it is their responsibility to report the news.