Intervention or Resignation

Minimal illegal Trump voters, of course, because Trump prioritizes US citizens over illegals.

If you were illegal, who would you vote for?

-- the party that wants to give you life-long welfare and in-state college tuition (or in some cases like Emory University -- free college tuition)

-- the party that wants to deport you

OK. let's play your game.....

Prior to election day, Trump was telling everyone that the system is rigged and that the liberals were going to find a way to add a bunch of fraudulent votes passed through. If it is so easy to vote fraudulently, wouldn't it make sense that die hard conservatives would find a way to get a bunch of votes through to counteract the "rigged" election. Are you going to tell me that conservatives have too much faith in the system to go that extreme, or that their morals are too high? Are you going to tell me that they are too stupid to figure out how to beat the system, whereas the liberals are much smarter and more devious? Are you going to tell me that liberals control all of the polling places and therefore they will allow fraud going in 1 direction but not the other?

If you believe in widespread voter fraud, I think you are either biased or naive if you buy into the narrative that there is a significant difference that favors 1 candidate over the other, especially in such a contentious race with so much passion in both directions.

I'm all in favor of a thorough investigation, because I am curious as to what is real and what is made up BS. But, I highly suspect that the ultimate findings will be that the fraud would not have had a significant impact on the EC or the popular vote.
He isn't getting impeached or resigning so long as the GOP has the house and senate or even a slim minority. It's not happening. It's a function of math. The House and Senate would both have to, at a minimum, flip before there's any real impeachment momentum. His base is too strong and there isn't anything like 2/3 of the senate to vote for impeachment.

House votes on impeachment and only requires a majority. Senate votes on conviction as a result of impeachment. Probably a typo by you. I'm not alleging lack of knowledge on your behalf by pointing this out.

I don't have any strong feel on it except that I don't believe Trump will resign midterm. I could see (not predicting it WILL happen) the House flipping in 2018, impeaching, and Trump deciding not to run for reelection.
Come on. That's a huge stretch.

Not really. Had she won 11,000 more votes in Michigan, 23,000 more votes in Wisconsin, and 45,000 more votes in Pennsylvania . . . she would have won the electoral college.
Look the guy up sometime. He's a loon. Check out his "books" on Amazon.

You did a fine job of that.

I'm just wondering how long "accurately predicted the election" is going to be used to try and bolster his credibility.

I've thought about typing out "accurately reported Watergate allegations" every time WaPo gets called fake news and I'm wondering what the statute of limitations is.
Look the guy up sometime. He's a loon. Check out his "books" on Amazon.

You're obsessed with Styx appearance -- what's up with that?

Do you secretly have the hots for him? Or did your parents not let you grow your hair long? (And you're projecting past regrets towards Styx)

(People who make it clear that they're hard core against something often secretly like Saudi Arabia and Utah having some of the world's highest porn consumption levels)
Not really. Had she won 11,000 more votes in Michigan, 23,000 more votes in Wisconsin, and 45,000 more votes in Pennsylvania . . . she would have won the electoral college.

Like I said. Huge stretch.

Trump won 304-232. You need 276 to win. She wasn't really close. You can play the "what if" game with almost any presidential election by focusing on states that were closely contested.
You're obsessed with this Styx appearance -- what's up with that?

Do you secretly have the hots for him?

(People who make it clear that they're hard core against something often secretly like Saudi Arabia and Utah having some of the world's highest porn consumption levels)
I hacked NZ Poke's computer and found a folder called "spank bank" this is all it contained:
House votes on impeachment and only requires a majority. Senate votes on conviction as a result of impeachment. Probably a typo by you. I'm not alleging lack of knowledge on your behalf by pointing this out.

I don't have any strong feel on it except that I don't believe Trump will resign midterm. I could see (not predicting it WILL happen) the House flipping in 2018, impeaching, and Trump deciding not to run for reelection.

1. It would be a safe allegation -- I know almost nothing about impeachment law.

2, No typos -- Stated another way, there are at least 18 red states that aren't ever electing senators that will convict him. You gotta find 2/3 in the Senate. Ain't happening. It's his "firewall" for lack of a better term.
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Like I said. Huge stretch.

I'm sorry, but I don't consider 79,000 votes a huge stretch at all. Trump's electoral college victory ranks 46th in 58 elections. Not that impressive.

But look, I do agree that Clinton was a flawed candidate (she had positives but her baggage weighed her down) and I never bought into the hype that she was going to easily defeat Trump. Anyone who was watching the campaign the last two weeks and saw where Clinton was campaigning should have easily known Clinton was in trouble.
In all of this, one group is consistently being ignored / dismissed. The American people who voted this way:

2623 counties red

489 counties blue

Some (many? most?) of those counties voted for "the Republican nominee" or "not Hillary Clinton"...instead of "Donald Trump". If the shitshow continues, will they be more than happy to get a competent prez as long it comes with an with an (R) next to the name?

Also, in the name of intellectual honesty, I missed the part where each county gets the same number of votes regardless of population.
Any talk of resignation or impeachment is just craziness.

I would have agreed with this until the developments of yesterday.

When obstruction of justice enters into the equation, it gets more serious.
Some (many? most?) of those counties voted for "the Republican nominee" or "not Hillary Clinton"...instead of "Donald Trump". If the shitshow continues, will they be more than happy to get a competent prez as long it comes with an with an (R) next to the name?

The "shitshow" is being primarily driven by the corporate media who have effectively taken leadership of the Democratic party.

(since the Democrats currently have no leader and were badly mauled in the election)

Do we want to get into who REALLY owns and controls the media?

And here's the reality of just how badly the Democrats were beaten a mere six months ago:

Republicans Now Control Record Number of State Legislative Chambers

By Barbara Hollingsworth | November 16, 2016 | 4:47 PM EST

( – Republicans added to their historic 2014 gains in the nation’s state legislatures with the addition of five state House chambers and two state Senate chambers in last week’s election, while Democratic control was reduced to levels not seen since the Civil War.

Republicans are now in control of a record 67 (68 percent) of the 98 partisan state legislative chambers in the nation, more than twice the number (31) in which Democrats have a majority, according to the bipartisan National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).

“That’s more than at any other time in the history of the Republican Party,” according to NCSL. “They also hold more total seats, well over 4,100 of the 7,383, than they have since 1920."

The "shitshow" is being primarily driven by the corporate media who have effectively taken leadership of the Democratic party.

(since the Democrats currently have no leader and were badly mauled in the election)

Do we want to get into who REALLY owns and controls the media?

I'm sure you want to. ma nishtana.
@NZ Poke

So, let me break this down.

@wino says that Trump's presidency has been a "shitshow", suggesting that either he has been ineffective or chaotic/dramatic (or some combination of those things).

You respond by claiming that it is not Trump's fault, it is the fault of the corporate media, which is now synonymous with the Democratic Party.

Then you not so subtly point out that the corporate media is primarily owned by individuals who are Jewish.

You follow that up with quotes that point out that the government doesn't want citizens to be smart, they want them to be dumb, do their job, and not question the government.

Seems to me that you are suggesting that a small number of wealthy Jews are surreptitiously trying to run this country while keeping the general public in the dark. They have too much power and work only in their own best interests, which run counter to the interest of the general public.

That's straight out of the Nazi playbook, and right in line with the narrative they were feeding to the German people prior to the Holocaust.

And then you seem to take umbrage that I have stated that you are antisemitic. Well, if the shoe fits....

I will agree with you that a lot of corporate media outlets are owned by wealthy Jews. But, so are a lot of diamond brokerages. Along with a lot of professional athletic teams/venues. There are also a lot of very wealthy individuals, in this country, who are not Jewish. Many of them are also liberals. Just because someone is a successful businessman, does not make them a plotting evil person, regardless of their culture/religion. Maybe the Jewish individuals, who own corporate media giants, simply found a business that could be profitable and were good businessmen who made a lot of money doing it. It doesn't have to be some kind of plot to pull the wool over the public's eyes. If they align more with Democratic party politics, I can't blame them for allowing their companies to lean more to the left. Just like if you bought CNN tomorrow, it would morph significantly more to the right over time.

As far as the shitshow goes, maybe you should stop blaming the media and start looking at the guy in the White House. He is a novice politician and he makes it more clear on a daily basis. He hasn't shown an ability to surround himself with experienced individuals and listen to their advice. As a result, he has been unable to accomplish much of anything (other than Gorsuch, which would have been tough for him to screw up), and he seems to make a critical error on almost a daily basis. The media might be being too hard on him, but that might be because he has frozen them out whenever possible, and attacked them on a regular basis. He certainly hasn't done anything to try to have a smoother relationship with the media. He brought this situation on himself, at least to some degree.

I watched Good Morning America this morning, and it was a Trump bash-fest. Not a single talking head, on the show, is Jewish (at least I don't think so). I'm sure you will claim that they are just towing the company line, but ABC is owned by Disney, and the largest shareholder in Disney is Lauren Jobs, widow of Steve Jobs (also not Jewish). Maybe GMA just doesn't like Trump because he treats the media like shit. Or, maybe they really believe that he is making crucial errors and that it is their responsibility to report the news.
Do you see conspiracies every where?

Productive US citizens who:

-- have jobs

-- pay their taxes

-- have no criminal records

....are constantly being fed a narrative (across many different forms of media) that they can no longer have / express an opinion on certain issues, because they happened to have been born with a certain skin color.

Why shouldn't more people (who are actually giving to society by paying taxes, rather than simply taking from society) be aware of who is behind this narrative, and the reasons the narrative started being promoted so explicitly? (It used to be less explicit -- IE if you compare movies and sitcoms from the 1990s to now, you'll still see the narrative in 90s films but it's much more hidden)

Key point: the vast majority of our "mainstream" media (from news networks and programs, through entertainment and pop culture) are owned and controlled by a small group of corporations and individuals.

(And they're not diverse or multicultural -- despite the "diversity is everything" message they're constantly promoting)

An idea of the limited size of those behind Amerca's mainstream information narrative (which also shows why independent YouTube channels became such a threat, and why they're trying to shut them down):


Key point: the vast majority of our "mainstream" media (from news networks and programs, through entertainment and pop culture) are owned and controlled by a small group of corporations and individuals.

I don't disagree with this. It is called oligarchic capitalism. What I am having a hard time understanding is (1) why you consistently defend one of its biggest beneficiaries, Donald Trump, (2) why you feel the need to often make it about race, and (3) why you tend to see everything through conspiracy lenses?

I know you may not trust this source, but take a moment and read this article...
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So, I just did a little bit of research. These 6 companies are all publicly owned.

Chairman and CEO of Time Warner: Jeff Bewkes Not Jewish
Chariman and CEO of Viacom: Robert Bakish Not Jewish
Chairman and CEO of NewsCorp: Rupert Murdoch Not Jewish
Chairman and CEO of GE: Jeffrey Immelt Not Jewish

More BS propaganda from you.
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....are constantly being fed a narrative (across many different forms of media) that they can no longer have / express an opinion on certain issues, because they happened to have been born with a certain skin color.
Please show me this narrative coming from one of the six media companies.
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Edit: Deleted - copied pilt.

Hey @NZ Poke did it ever occur to you that you're living in an era that's totally disrupting those media empires? Maybe you shouldn't be mad at 2011-era media consolidation any more in the age of citizen journalists?
It is the red pill way to not actually tie all of their theories and "questions" into a coherent and concrete gestalt.....because it ends up very near what you just stated.


I'm hesitant to get too into this conversation (other than telling people to do their own independent research).

But if you really want to start, begin on the link below, from an extremely mainstream publication and article (from 1998).

Focus on the first, second and last paragraphs:

I am a fricking Nostradamus.
Smart people knew the establishment would eventually orchestrate talk of impeachment and actual impeachment attempts. I smile that the inevitable, predictable process has commenced so very early in the Trump era, as the early timing makes it looks like the desperate stupidity that it is.
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I'm not even sure if he realizes Joel Stein is satirizing the red pills in that article rather than affirming their shadowy implications.
Smart people knew the establishment would eventually orchestrate talk of impeachment and actual impeachment attempts. I smile that the inevitable, predictable process has commenced so very early in the Trump era, as it looks like the desperate stupidity that it is.

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Also in college, I went on a date with a Jewish girl once. I thought the went really well, and she acted like it did too -- but her brother forbid her from going out with me again. I didn't understand why for a long time.

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