Interesting Read

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
I don’t know who this guy is or whether he has the credentials to make his assessments, but what he writes is very interesting. For those of you that will call this Hamas propaganda I will say it probably is, but frequently propaganda is based on a smidgen of truth, so a wise person studies it as much as he studies his team’s propaganda.

Honest question Dan: When you start seeing multiple, 'independent' sources using the same term: "McGenocide", do you start to wonder if maybe you're being fed a narrative?
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You might not realize this, but there's a TON of video and pictures from the war literally all over the internet. You could do a little snooping around yourself to fact check his claims.

None of the rest of us possess magical powers to sniff out bullshit, Dan. We just simply seek the facts. "Studying" propaganda might be what you're doing wrong. Just throwing that out for consideration.
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@aix_xpert: yes of course I do. That’s why I labeled this link as Hamas propaganda. That does not make it useless to read and consider, however. He is almost surely overstating his case. But that does not mean he does not have a case to make. I believe too many people on this board have a bloated expectation of the IDF’s ability and its opponents’ lack of same. All indications are, what this link says aside, the IDF is struggling mightily in its invasion of Lebanon. Historically the IDF has never fought against an opponent it couldn’t wipe the floor with. But this is a new era and the Israel sympathizers may be in for a massive letdown if they continue to ignore and dismiss as “Hamas propaganda” opinions that are trying to wake them from their malaise.

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