well... alive anyways.To clarify:
***Sex with someone awake and/or alive.
I voted for CUp, but only because you didn't eliminate farm animals as part of your clarification.
@CBradSmith spending time worrying about the sexual history of males instead of fvcking his wife lol
Carry on
Just to make sure I understand this correctly;
Are you married? Do you not talk about circle jerks here almost every day?
Sometimes you are a hoot, Toon.
Just to make sure I understand this correctly:
Conservatives flock to this arena to boast about being the current party in power and giving each other likes for the sake of pumping each other’s egos up to a big head..., yet accomplishing little and being the center of media controversy for good treason.....
Sounds like a conservative circle jerk.....do better...
Maybe put the Pom poms down occasionally???
Oh yeah...Klown Kavanaugh publishes name of female classmate on his high school yearbook page that he and his ass clown buddies (Alumn-I-U-US) want everyone to believe they had sex with—but goes on Faux News interview last night trying to lie his way onto SCOTUS and claims he was a VIRGIN until many years in college...
And you GOP fan boys lap it up.
Wonder if he was still a VIRGIN the night he exposed himself at a party and stuck his tool in Deborah Ramirez’s face....?
Your street cred is getting pummeled here:Wonder if he was still a VIRGIN the night he exposed himself at a party and stuck his tool in Deborah Ramirez’s face....?
What's the over/under on the number of women the media find willing to claim they were Kavanaugh's deflowering partner?