Ilhan Omar suggesting Columbia University protests not 'anti-Jewish'


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Hmmm, easy way to determine it these protest are anti-Jewish or not. Change the target and chants of the protest to black people, what is the reaction then?
Her daughter was arrested at Columbia as well. So there's that as well.

Hmmm, easy way to determine it these protest are anti-Jewish or not. Change the target and chants of the protest to black people, what is the reaction then?
Need to seriously restrict immigration from failing majority Muslim 3rd world country shit holes. Keep these anti-American aholes out, out & out.

more to the point she is an inbreed ignoramus who has no business in Congress. We’re gleefully letting in the hemlock that will kill this great country.
Need to seriously restrict immigration from failing majority Muslim 3rd world country shit holes. Keep these anti-American aholes out, out & out.

more to the point she is an inbreed ignoramus who has no business in Congress. We’re gleefully letting in the hemlock that will kill this great country.
It's common sense to restrict immigration from Muslim countries that are anti-American radical Muslim shitholes. Of course the left was all for it and either didn't think of the ramifications or wanted more company for their anti-American views. Come to think of it, it was probably both.
Need to seriously restrict immigration from failing majority Muslim 3rd world country shit holes. Keep these anti-American aholes out, out & out.

more to the point she is an inbreed ignoramus who has no business in Congress. We’re gleefully letting in the hemlock that will kill this great country.
If the Dims could limit it to just these kinds of people coming in they would. Don't doubt it for one second.

What kinda folks are in Minnesota that would elect this turd?
High Muslim population district with most everyone else blue dog Democrats. Sharia Law proponents + idiots = Omar in Washington.

Talib out of Detroit has an even higher population of Sharia Law proponents.

Islamic money from around the global flows freely into their campaigns.

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