If you had $43,000,000...

Or it could be turnabout is fair play.

Funny thing about democrats and liberals, they want to kick you repeatedly in the nuts but when they start having their nuts kicked they cry about how unfair being kicked in the nuts is...until they can begin kicking you in the nuts again.
Congratulations, you just inadvertently stumbled upon the concept of gerrymandering.
What the? I didn't inadvertently do anything. Just because a district is predominantly one party or another doesn't mean anything if the geographical boundaries make sense. A district can be dominated by one party or another without being gerrymandered.

Gerrymandering is manipulating the boundaries in weird ways to get a favorable demographic for your party.
Or it could be turnabout is fair play.

Funny thing about democrats and liberals, they want to kick you repeatedly in the nuts but when they start having their nuts kicked they cry about how unfair being kicked in the nuts is...until they can begin kicking you in the nuts again.

It passed by 71%. Once again, the conservatives are victimized.
Of course you do, just like you were taught, right? No mention of the middle class/consumer that actually enables "the rich" (did you just get a little tingle?) to generate revenue. Does your infatuation extend to them, or only the rich? Isn't the opportunity to make a great living created by the ultimate consumer/user of whatever goods and services your past president peddled? There are two sets of actors here, the person that provides the marketable service or thing, and the person that actually pays money for it. It never ceases to amaze how conservative values elevate the wealthy and never mention the actual consumers in that equation. Why do you love one so much and not the other? Values? Just easier to love whoever has money?

You kind of sound like a labrador retriever, loving whoever drops you some scraps on the floor. There's just a sycophant quality about conservative doctrine that pisses me off. It takes a special kind of chickenshit to actually admit an infatuation with the rich. You and Paris Hilton sort of think alike. I can't imagine a proud, independent man ever saying that.
Wow, talk about a tirade against the rich. I was right.
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