If You Can’t Beat ‘Em

This is awesome. Some of you may remember the like... 7 different investigations in Benghazi alone.

No wine is finer than watching the GOP choke on their own vintage. I mean... Whitewater was a precedent for ALL this and the same party is now screaming bloody murder. All the stupid, duplicate Benghazi investigations that went nowhere.... enjoy your bed, fellas. Ya'll worked hard to make it.
This is awesome. Some of you may remember the like... 7 different investigations in Benghazi alone.

No wine is finer than watching the GOP choke on their own vintage. I mean... Whitewater was a precedent for ALL this and the same party is now screaming bloody murder. All the stupid, duplicate Benghazi investigations that went nowhere.... enjoy your bed, fellas. Ya'll worked hard to make it.
I suppose you’re too young to remember Watergate.
This is awesome. Some of you may remember the like... 7 different investigations in Benghazi alone.

No wine is finer than watching the GOP choke on their own vintage. I mean... Whitewater was a precedent for ALL this and the same party is now screaming bloody murder. All the stupid, duplicate Benghazi investigations that went nowhere.... enjoy your bed, fellas. Ya'll worked hard to make it.

Hey help me out here. What was the legal term you used to talk about how the weekend specials Trump was running on his hotel rooms was going to bring him down a few months ago? #syskatine'sgreatesthits
Hey help me out here. What was the legal term you used to talk about how the weekend specials Trump was running on his hotel rooms was going to bring him down a few months ago? #syskatine'sgreatesthits

No, this should be good.... find it for me. Let's see if you're lying again.
Did you get banned from orangepower for just being lame? I can’t imagine you actually irked another adult.
L-O-L ;) You wear your emotions on your black mirror. And if you’re interested you can search both this site or OP and read why I was perma banned. I don’t feel like repeating myself for at least the 4th time. Hell if you don’t believe me ask the guy who owns it @SouthWestOKPoke he’ll shoot ya straight, I’m sure. :cool:
Hey help me out here. What was the legal term you used to talk about how the weekend specials Trump was running on his hotel rooms was going to bring him down a few months ago? #syskatine'sgreatesthits
The [Redacted] case that was filed the Monday after his inauguration and is currently working its way to the Supreme Court? That one? That’s the big fancy legal word?
Your link lists Joe Scarborough as a person on the committee issuing the subpoena. He left congress in 2001.
Another one is dated 1998.

Are you counting 20 years of data versus 24 months?

At least you have timeline right. I saw a similar tweet claiming the 1,235 number was from Bengahzi.
Your link lists Joe Scarborough as a person on the committee issuing the subpoena. He left congress in 2001.
Another one is dated 1998.

Are you counting 20 years of data versus 24 months?
I’ll ask my staff and get back to you. Meanwhile can you re submit this on the proper form and in writing? We will respond in kind.
It had a fancy legal name that you completely misapplied as the next big thing. And then quietly slithered away from as usual.

The inauguration fund? His charitable foundation? Help me out here, this will be a relatively energy and time-free megaprocess.
L-O-L ;) You wear your emotions on your black mirror. And if you’re interested you can search both this site or OP and read why I was perma banned. I don’t feel like repeating myself for at least the 4th time. Hell if you don’t believe me ask the guy who owns it @SouthWestOKPoke he’ll shoot ya straight, I’m sure. :cool:

Same username over there? I would love to go read some of your posts.
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This is awesome. Some of you may remember the like... 7 different investigations in Benghazi alone.

No wine is finer than watching the GOP choke on their own vintage. I mean... Whitewater was a precedent for ALL this and the same party is now screaming bloody murder. All the stupid, duplicate Benghazi investigations that went nowhere.... enjoy your bed, fellas. Ya'll worked hard to make it.

At what point do you put your foot down and blame both sides of the aisle? Are the Democrats and Republicans even after the Trump administration's term is done?

It's a sad state of affairs when the populous is so easily brainwashed that making your fellow citizen miserable is more important than good governance.

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