I mentor at risk youth. Have for 15 years. Many are black and Hispanic kids, but plenty of the white kids too. I know you are a charitable guy yourself.
I don't think you're racist. I just give you shit because Portland is probably much less diverse than my own family per capita. One brother in law is married to a black woman. The other is married to a Hispanic woman. My sister in law is married to a guy who is Hawaiian and black and owns an Asian food restaurant. My wife is the only one who married a cracker. I don't seriously think you chose Portland because of its lack of racial diversity.
I've always seen actual racism as a means of enforcing bigotry, promoting racial inequality as a matter of action to subjugate, like in the day when it was law or as good as law. Presently, "racism" and "bigotry" seem to have become a routine part of the political dialogue even though racism as enforcement of bigotry has been long gone. Slinging the word around casually, like calling someone a racist and bigot solely for voting for Trump, is what has me shrugging my shoulders these days. Those words are being used against people who simply share different political beliefs. Although politically useful, it's practically useless. The real issues get drowned out in a sea of bullshit when applied that way.
Are there still racists and bigots? Of course, and it isn't just whites. Are they a majority of anyone? Not in my perception. There are clowns of all colors that behave irresponsibly. Nobody will ever be able to erase negative feelings some people have toward other races, religions, sexual orientations, rival sports team fans, nationality, sex, etc. It's always been a part of being human and will likely always be part of our existence. Some people just have to have a villain to dislike, whether it's a rival gang or another religion. Does that mean we should accept it? No, but you and I also cannot control what people think. We can and should always continue to aggressively protect against racism as enforcement of bigotry, but being a Republican or a Trump voter does not automatically make someone a racist or a bigot. That's a purely political message that I will never accept.