... will watch this with an open mind and contemplate how they have been ruthlessly manipulated. Glenn Greenwald, one of several leftist journalists, begged the left to stop the charade and oppose Trump on legitimate issues, has now has been vindicated.
Earlier I posted a much longer video of Jimmy Dore of the Aggressive Progressive Network (Young Turks) talking with Aaron Mate of The Nation Magazine (about as far left as you can get in America) on the same subject. I beg the leftists on this board to watch as their fellow travelers explain the mistake in the nonstop promotion of Russiagate.
Earlier I posted a much longer video of Jimmy Dore of the Aggressive Progressive Network (Young Turks) talking with Aaron Mate of The Nation Magazine (about as far left as you can get in America) on the same subject. I beg the leftists on this board to watch as their fellow travelers explain the mistake in the nonstop promotion of Russiagate.