I Wonder If Our Friends On The Left ...

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
... will watch this with an open mind and contemplate how they have been ruthlessly manipulated. Glenn Greenwald, one of several leftist journalists, begged the left to stop the charade and oppose Trump on legitimate issues, has now has been vindicated.

Earlier I posted a much longer video of Jimmy Dore of the Aggressive Progressive Network (Young Turks) talking with Aaron Mate of The Nation Magazine (about as far left as you can get in America) on the same subject. I beg the leftists on this board to watch as their fellow travelers explain the mistake in the nonstop promotion of Russiagate.
... will watch this with an open mind and contemplate how they have been ruthlessly manipulated. Glenn Greenwald, one of several leftist journalists, begged the left to stop the charade and oppose Trump on legitimate issues, has now has been vindicated.

Earlier I posted a much longer video of Jimmy Dore of the Aggressive Progressive Network (Young Turks) talking with Aaron Mate of The Nation Magazine (about as far left as you can get in America) on the same subject. I beg the leftists on this board to watch as their fellow travelers explain the mistake in the nonstop promotion of Russiagate.

Watched it live last night, seems very sincere.
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... will watch this with an open mind and contemplate how they have been ruthlessly manipulated. Glenn Greenwald, one of several leftist journalists, begged the left to stop the charade and oppose Trump on legitimate issues, has now has been vindicated.

Earlier I posted a much longer video of Jimmy Dore of the Aggressive Progressive Network (Young Turks) talking with Aaron Mate of The Nation Magazine (about as far left as you can get in America) on the same subject. I beg the leftists on this board to watch as their fellow travelers explain the mistake in the nonstop promotion of Russiagate.
Oh they’ve read the Mueller report? Any links?
Oh they’ve read the Mueller report? Any links?

What is it you are afraid of? Greenwald won’t bite you. Are you afraid he’ll alter your perception of the story you so want to believe, even if your story is in error? Are you thinking if you close your eyes, put cotton in your ears and wish hard enough that maybe, just maybe you won’t ever have to face the truth? Is your version of the story so important to you that you can’t face the possibility it is wrong, that you’ve been suckered into believing a lie? That you don’t care if it’s a lie, you want so badly for it to be true you willingly harden your heart? What do you fear from watching a 6 minute video? Or a 42 minute video of Jimmy Dore talking to Aaron Mate? Cheese and crackers, Pokeabear, they’re people on your side!
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... will watch this with an open mind and contemplate how they have been ruthlessly manipulated. Glenn Greenwald, one of several leftist journalists, begged the left to stop the charade and oppose Trump on legitimate issues, has now has been vindicated.

Earlier I posted a much longer video of Jimmy Dore of the Aggressive Progressive Network (Young Turks) talking with Aaron Mate of The Nation Magazine (about as far left as you can get in America) on the same subject. I beg the leftists on this board to watch as their fellow travelers explain the mistake in the nonstop promotion of Russiagate.

I watch Jimmy Dore quite often. Great show and he’s been right on this the whole time. Definitely not MAGA
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What is it you are afraid of? Greenwald won’t bite you. Are you adraid he’ll alter your perception of the story you so want to believe, even if your story is in error? Are you thinking if you close your eyes, put cotton in your ears and wish hard enough that maybe, just maybe you won’t ever have to face the truth? Is your version of the story so important to you that you can’t face the possibility it is wrong, that you’ve been suckered into believing a lie? That you don’t care if it’s a lie, you want so badly for it to be true you willingly harden your heart? What do you fear from watching a 6 minute video? Or a 42 minute video of Jimmy Dore talking to Aaron Mate? Cheese and crackers, Pokeabear, they’re people on your side!
Oh they’ve read the Mueller report? Any links?
Here’s Aaron Mate’s latest installment on The Nation. Came out today. Surely as an unadulterated leftist you know the left wing bona fides of The Nation. He presents a left wing analysis of the damage to the progressive cause the Russiagate conspiracy has wrought. And explains why he has spent the last two years begging the Resistance to drop the lie and attack Trump on his damaging policies. Let me emphasize he is not presenting a right wing Sean Hannity smug “I told you so.” He is pleading that you stop the hemorrhaging with your ridiculous neoCon-inspired Cold War reboot. Look, I know you don’t like me, that’s not a sufficient reason to ignore people from the left that argue alongside of me on this issue.
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Here’s Aaron Mate latest installment on The Nation. Came out today. Surely as an unadulterated leftist you know the left wing bona fides of The Nation. He presents a left wing analysis ofthe damage to the progressive cause the Russiagate conspiracy has wrought. And explains why he has spent the last two years begging the Resistance to drop the lie and attack Trumpmon his damaging policies. Let me emphasize he is not presenting a right wing Sean Hannity smug “I told you so.” He is pleading that you stop the hemorrhaging with your ridiculous neoCon-inspired Cold War reboot. Look, I know you don’t like me, that’s not a sufficient reason to ignore people from the left that argue alongside of me on this issue.

Oh they’ve read the Mueller report? Any links?
Here’s Aaron Mate’s latest installment on The Nation. Came out today. Surely as an unadulterated leftist you know the left wing bona fides of The Nation. He presents a left wing analysis of the damage to the progressive cause the Russiagate conspiracy has wrought. And explains why he has spent the last two years begging the Resistance to drop the lie and attack Trump on his damaging policies. Let me emphasize he is not presenting a right wing Sean Hannity smug “I told you so.” He is pleading that you stop the hemorrhaging with your ridiculous neoCon-inspired Cold War reboot. Look, I know you don’t like me, that’s not a sufficient reason to ignore people from the left that argue alongside of me on this issue.

You are so full of it. Where were you when the birther deal blew up? Jade Helm? Seth Rich? I implore you, pull the log from your own eye, Dan! You must!
You are so full of it. Where were you when the birther deal blew up? Jade Helm? Seth Rich? I implore you, pull the log from your own eye, Dan! You must!
As usual you mistake me for a right winger. I did not comment on any of those things because their stupidity was beyond comment. (Not to mention I wasn’t on this board at that time.) Please avoid deflection when having a discussion. It is much superior to stay on point. Deflection is really just an admission you don’t know how to argue the point, or you don’t trust your ability to do so. Deflection is the coward’s way out.
As usual you mistake me for a right winger. I did not comment on any of those things because their stupidity was beyond comment. (Not to mention I wasn’t on this board at that time.) Please avoid deflection when having a discussion. It is much superior to stay on point. Deflection is really just an admission you don’t know how to argue the point, or you don’t trust your ability to do so. Deflection is the coward’s way out.

Everyone is a right winger to him. Disagree with him politically and it’s literally all you can be. This is the scope of his world.
Everyone is a right winger to him. Disagree with him politically and it’s literally all you can be. This is the scope of his world.
You’re probably right. What’s ironic is the links I’ve provided, every one of them, in written form or in video, are by very left-wing advocates. I know he and pokeabear will instantly dismiss anyone from the right and not bother to read or watch. I had hoped they would at least pay slight heed to members of their own team. I guess some ideas are so deeply imbedded in them that nothing, literally nothing will get them to stop and contemplate the possibility of an opposing idea.
You’re probably right. What’s ironic is the links I’ve provided, every one of them, in written form or in video, are by very left-wing advocates. I know he and pokeabear will instantly dismiss anyone from the right and not bother to read or watch. I had hoped they would at least pay slight heed to members of their own team. I guess some ideas are so deeply imbedded in them that nothing, literally nothing will get them to stop and contemplate the possibility of an opposing idea.

It is no longer an opposing idea, it is a fact - no collusion.