I thought Dems were against shutting down the government?

Not cool. I have several friends in the military that are oversees and have already been hit with no paycheck among other cutbacks.

If the Dems really believe in government shutdowns, take away their paychecks. Then again, they'll be okay because of all the extras they get under the table.

Govt employees get back paid. Just FYI.
It’s also okay to qualify any support and express any reservations one may have about Trump or any other political figure.

Unquestioning and unconditional support of a politician/leader...any of them...can come off as and even actually become an authoritarian looking cult of personality.

oh I absolutely agree. but there’s also this guilty pressure aspect about trump that a lot of good people face when having to constantly say some mitigating thing they don’t like about him to balance something good they want to say. i do the same thing. sometimes though it’s ok just to admit that he’s the right turd at the right time.
Meh, I'll be fine. But I have several employees making 35k/year supporting multiple kids, paying mortgages, truck payments, etc. These guys can't afford to miss a paycheck. These shutdowns have real consequences for real people.
Does the availability of back pay depend on whether you are furloughed or not?
Does the availability of back pay depend on whether you are furloughed or not?

Not necessarily. most people will be furloughed, some will have to go to work without pay. Those that have to go to work regardless will automatically recieve back pay. For the employees that are furloughed, Congress will have to pass a separate bill, after the gov re-opens, that authorizes back pay for those employees and of course the president will have to sign it. It's is not a guarantee that Congress will approve back pay and even less of a guarantee that this particular president would sign such a bill.
Everyone is to report to work on Monday to go through the shutdown procedures. There are several things that will have to happen on Monday.
I heard the OMB guy say that departments are encouraged to use carry over funds and transfers to lessen the impact of this. I’m interested to see what, if any, difference this will make (at least in the short term).
I heard the OMB guy say that departments are encouraged to use carry over funds and transfers to lessen the impact of this. I’m interested to see what, if any, difference this will make (at least in the short term).

They gave the same direction during the 2013 shutdown. The effect was minimal and extremely expensive to the tax payers. Not to get too far in the weeds, but there are a lot of costly accounting adjustments that will have to take place if that direction is followed. I didnt think it made much sense in 2013 and I feel the same now.
They gave the same direction during the 2013 shutdown. The effect was minimal and extremely expensive to the tax payers. Not to get too far in the weeds, but there are a lot of costly accounting adjustments that will have to take place if that direction is followed. I didnt think it made much sense in 2013 and I feel the same now.
Great. Not the answer I thought I’d hear. Sorry.

Now tell me you’re not involved with the annual census of agriculture. Because I just shitcanned mine and hate that sort of thing.
They gave the same direction during the 2013 shutdown. The effect was minimal and extremely expensive to the tax payers. Not to get too far in the weeds, but there are a lot of costly accounting adjustments that will have to take place if that direction is followed. I didnt think it made much sense in 2013 and I feel the same now.
Hopefully the clowns in Congress will decide to act like grownups soon. Completely idiotic to try to put contentious legislation in a funding bill. It should be against the Constitution to do it. The military, federal employees, and the rest of the country shouldn't have to suffer due to political tantrums.
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Hopefully the clowns in Congress will decide to act like grownups soon. Completely idiotic to try to put contentious legislation in a funding bill. It should be against the Constitution to do it. The military, federal employees, and the rest of the country shouldn't have to suffer due to political tantrums.
Illegal votes are not political tantrums for democrats. They're vital to their survival as a party. Jennifer Palmieri said so in a recent fund raising letter.

The shutdown can be summed up in one word...VOTES.
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Two reasons I think this is solved by Wednesday at the latest. First, when the polls start coming out going to show that the libs are on the losing end of this stunt and whatever "perceived" generic advantage they they had for mid-terms is going to close up quite a bit. Second, they are projecting their alleged dedication for Dreamers/DACA and illegals in hopes of keeping the far left kooks engaged for the midterms and by doing so can "claim" they really do care.

I will say that the republicans have actually bottled this shut down up nicely. With the news show appearances and tweets they are actually playing some offense and unlike what Bush, the RINO's and the "please love us crowd" would do, they appear to not be wavering. Amazing what a leader with some spine does for spineless placecard holders.

McConnell aide, saying that they wouldn't use the nuclear option, is a moron! It called leverage and if you think the libs wouldn't use it then you're a moron x 1,000,000,0000!

One of the most ironic statements to date: Chucky saying it's impossible to negotiate with this whitehouse or the far right. Yea, Chucky like dealing with the far left has been such an equitable endeavor previously. While I still believe nearly all these clowns are gigantic hypocrites, some are so outlandishly full of shit, it's hard to believe their cats don't try to bury them in the litter box.
And remember you have to pay people to deport them. That’s billions in spending by itself, not to mention the lost billions in tax revenue.

Just think of the economic benefit they will be to the people of their home country.

Question: Why would you insist that one of the richest countries in the world keep this great economic benefit at the forfeiture of a much poorer one?
Those 50,000 missing texts were sent between 1/11/17 and 5/17/17. That equates to .28 texts/minute or 403 texts per day (24 hour day). It takes time to type and transmit the text and time to read, comprehend and respond, when did those two lovers have time to, 1) do any official work, 2) sleep, and 3) swap spit while fornicating?
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Those 50,000 missing texts were sent between 1/11/17 and 5/17/17. That equates to .28 texts/minute or 403 texts per day (24 hour day). It takes time to type and transmit the text and time to read, comprehend and respond, when did those two lovers have time to, 1) do any official work, 2) sleep, and 3) swap spit while fornicating?

Planning for "insurance".

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