I thought Dems were against shutting down the government?

800,0000 at a $500 one way air ticket is $400 million. Doable. If these are productive illegals then they should have no problem selling their belongings and paying their own way home. When they get home, apply for US citizenship under I hope is our new and improved immigration laws and come back legally.

If you come back illegally, send you to build the wall for 3 years as your sentence.

Come back again illegally, send you to prison and you can help build the prison and farm for your food, 5 year sentence. Come back again illegally, life sentence or one way ticket to a shit hole country other then your own like Israel does.

That might provide motivation to not come here illegally.

While we are at it, do what we should have done in the 70’s and make English our official language. Funding schools that were Spanish speaking schools was the start of making the US a welfare state.

and you just seem to gloss over this...

the lost tax revenue, the lost consumer spending, the lost jobs.

How you gonna replace them? White People? You think all those jobs are gonna fill up with white people?

Do you understand how idiotic your stances are? Lol, I mean, circle your wagons by all means, but wow.

Carry on.
and you just seem to gloss over this...

the lost tax revenue, the lost consumer spending, the lost jobs.

How you gonna replace them? White People? You think all those jobs are gonna fill up with white people?

Do you understand how idiotic your stances are? Lol, I mean, circle your wagons by all means, but wow.

Carry on.

We have 243 million Americans age 16 and over, 156 million are working. That is a potential labor pool of almost 90 million. Gee, gonna be so hard to replace those illegals, and not all of them work. Bunch of jobs for legal US minorities, we have 4.1 % unemployment. But I guess you believe the Obama mantra that everyone that needs or wants a job has one, I mean our economy collapses if they go? Snowflake talk. LOL.
800,0000 at a $500 one way air ticket is $400 million. Doable. If these are productive illegals then they should have no problem selling their belongings and paying their own way home. When they get home, apply for US citizenship under I hope is our new and improved immigration laws and come back legally.

If you come back illegally, send you to build the wall for 3 years as your sentence.

Come back again illegally, send you to prison and you can help build the prison and farm for your food, 5 year sentence. Come back again illegally, life sentence or one way ticket to a shit hole country other then your own like Israel does.

That might provide motivation to not come here illegally.

While we are at it, do what we should have done in the 70’s and make English our official language. Funding schools that were Spanish speaking schools was the start of making the US a welfare state.
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and you just seem to gloss over this...

the lost tax revenue, the lost consumer spending, the lost jobs.

How you gonna replace them? White People? You think all those jobs are gonna fill up with white people?

Do you understand how idiotic your stances are? Lol, I mean, circle your wagons by all means, but wow.

Carry on.
Well, since you are all for selective enforcement of some laws, how about we stop enforcing the ban on civilians owning machine guns? Tons of tax revenue and increased consumer spending to be had.
The idiot Democrats actually believe people will hold the Republicans accountable. They haven't figured out that most people just don't believe their messaging anymore. Just like in the run up to the election, they think polls that are heavily weighted for them are believable. It's highly amusing.

The idiot Democrats actually believe people will hold the Republicans accountable. They haven't figured out that most people just don't believe their messaging anymore. Just like in the run up to the election, they think polls that are heavily weighted for them are believable. It's highly amusing.
Spot on. The Schumer Shutdown is unfortunate, but this is going to be fun.
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You’d send home someone who didn’t come here on their own, grew up in our culture, our legal system, went to our schools, went to college, got jobs, spent money in our economy as consumers, paid taxes, obeyed the law.

Brilliant political stance. Sounds like a #winner. Thumbs up.

Carry on.
It's a one time cost to send these people home compared to the on going costs to the taxpayers to allow them to remain. Costs like education, medical care, social services, costs of law enforcement, the judiciary and prisons for those who run afoul of our laws, and more.

Carry on.
It's a one time cost to send these people home compared to the on going costs to the taxpayers to allow them to remain. Costs like education, medical care, social services, costs of law enforcement, the judiciary and prisons for those who run afoul of our laws, and more.

Carry on.

Statistics don’t lie, even if you do lol

Carry on.
Trump is a boorish turd.

I like some things he does, but for the most part he's embarrassing.

I could never publicly support anyone like that.

The difference between him and Hillary was yes, he was a turd, but she was a runny case of explosive diarrhea.

you will feel liberated when you shed the need to qualify your support for him. it’s nothing to be ashamed of. he wasn’t elected to *not* be a turd. some times call for a turd with a particular set of skills. and that’s ok.

Not only the smartest guy in the room, but also the most popular lol. Cuckservative fan club haha.

Carry on.
Not only the smartest guy in the room, but also the most popular lol. Cuckservative fan club haha.

Carry on.
I'm sure your mom's bridge club loves the shit out of you. Meanwhile in the corner, your dad is nursing a bottle of Jack Daniels like your overgrown ass was nursed at the age of 15...

Too much effort for too little accomplishment.


Carry on.
I'm sure your mom's bridge club loves the shit out of you. Meanwhile in the corner, your dad is nursing a bottle of Jack Daniels like your overgrown ass was nursed at the age of 15...

Too much effort for too little accomplishment.


Carry on.

My dad doesn’t drink. More swings and misses by the birther.
It’s ok’ve shown everyone your little man syndrome before. I don’t have to bring family into it, you do. Shows you really don’t like to argue with smart people, it irks you so you have to throw low blows. I mean, you’re looking for satisfaction the wrong way. Ya see, I could have beer with many Republicans but you’d be the lamest of all at the party and it’s just who you are lol. You’re not imprsssing anyone and you’re just showing that you’re a true asshole haha

Carry on
It’s ok’ve shown everyone your little man syndrome before. I don’t have to bring family into it, you do. Shows you really don’t like to argue with smart people, it irks you so you have to throw low blows. I mean, you’re looking for satisfaction the wrong way. Ya see, I could have beer with many Republicans but you’d be the lamest of all at the party and it’s just who you are lol. You’re not imprsssing anyone and you’re just showing that you’re a true asshole haha

Carry on


Carry on
you will feel liberated when you shed the need to qualify your support for him. it’s nothing to be ashamed of. he wasn’t elected to *not* be a turd. some times call for a turd with a particular set of skills. and that’s ok.


It’s also okay to qualify any support and express any reservations one may have about Trump or any other political figure.

Unquestioning and unconditional support of a politician/leader...any of them...can come off as and even actually become an authoritarian looking cult of personality.

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