I thought Dems were against shutting down the government?

Only when it is politically expedient. Unfortunately they have a large segment of the media who will carry their water and agree that its the repubs fault no matter what. Doesn't matter they were against such a shutdown previously.
- Majority House
- Majority Senate
- Presidency

Looks like republicans need to quit bitching and do their jobs lol.

Carry on
So you are for abolishing the 60 vote threshold to pass legislation in the Senate?

Personally I think it's stupid rule that needs to be eliminated, let the majority rule Republican or Democrat.

The fact that the minority party can shut down the government is ridiculous.
Why surely the great deal maker with a solid majority in both chambers can get a budget passed.

First health care and now this. Zero leadership, and they actually blame THE MINORITY PARTY because the majority can't pass something.
Why surely the great deal maker with a solid majority in both chambers can get a budget passed.

First health care and now this. Zero leadership, and they actually blame THE MINORITY PARTY because the majority can't pass something.

A Senate with Grahamnesty, McCain, Flake, Murkowski, Rubio, and Collins with Paul Ryan (D) as SOTH is not a solid majority for the MAGA agenda but keep on keeping on with that trope.
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A Senate with Grahamnesty, McCain, Flake, Murkowski, Rubio, and Collins with Paul Ryan (D) as SOTH is not a solid majority for the MAGA agenda but keep on keeping on with that trope.

LOL so many excuses. Excuses, excuses, excuses. Morons can't pass a fart, they're all so ignorant and crazy. Just raise hell, scheme clumsy Nunes stunts and fail. Failed with health care, fail with the wall, fail with China, just... fail and lose. If lying could get a budget passed it'd have been done the day after inauguration when Biff broke all the attendance records (snicker).
Why do Democrats care more about 800,000 illegal immigrants that Obama had 8 years to deal with and didn't than the elderly, poor, and military that depend on a functioning government to get their paychecks?

Seems really dishonest to blame this on the new guy since the donkey herder in chief could have gotten some shit done besides an executive order that had an expiration date if he had any shred of leadership ability. Kicking the can down the road for Republicans to deal with seems to be the MO of the Democrats for years now. How sad is that?

Dysfunctional healthcare "reform"
North Korea
Shitty taxes
Illegal immigration
Shitty trade deals
Slowest economic recovery on record

Geezus, I could spend all day on this. Besides screeching about bathrooms and not enforcing laws, what exactly did that Kenyan dipshit do in his 8 years?
Why do Democrats care more about 800,000 illegal immigrants that Obama had 8 years to deal with and didn't than the elderly, poor, and military that depend on a functioning government to get their paychecks?

Seems really dishonest to blame this on the new guy since the donkey herder in chief could have gotten some shit done besides an executive order that had an expiration date if he had any shred of leadership ability. Kicking the can down the road for Republicans to deal with seems to be the MO of the Democrats for years now. How sad is that?

Dysfunctional healthcare "reform"
North Korea
Shitty taxes
Illegal immigration
Shitty trade deals
Slowest economic recovery on record

Geezus, I could spend all day on this. Besides screeching about bathrooms and not enforcing laws, what exactly did that Kenyan dipshit do in his 8 years?

LOL it's OBama's fault that Biff and the majority of republicans in both chambers can't get a budget passed!

Keep going....
LOL it's OBama's fault that Biff and the majority of republicans in both chambers can't get a budget passed!

Keep going....
With the Democrats trying to pin Obama's failures with Dreamers on a budget bill, yes, actually it is their fault. Hey Jim, you do realize it takes 60 votes in the Senate, right? You do know that, right?
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With the Democrats trying to pin Obama's failures with Dreamers on a budget bill, yes, actually it is their fault. Hey Jim, you do realize it takes 60 votes in the Senate, right? You do know that, right?

They can't find 8 votes, huh? Or 9 now after your alabama pedophile lost thanks to a huge dem turnout. What has happened that it's so polarized? I just can't imagine that they're not playing nice for Mitch. Plus, the country blames the GOP for the shutdown, which is obvious as they're in charge.

Reality and consequences suck sometimes, ya know? So unfair.
Plus, the country blames the GOP for the shutdown, which is obvious as they're in charge.
Just like they did the last shutdown, amiright? Lol.

It's almost as if you're completely clueless that the lefty narrative doesn't work on people with a brain. Not surprising. We saw how well the narratives did in the Presidential election...
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- Majority House
- Majority Senate
- Presidency

Looks like republicans need to quit bitching and do their jobs lol.

Carry on
Son, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but, Republicans are ****ing idiots.

Carry on my wayward son. There’ll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don’t you cry no more.
Why surely the great deal maker with a solid majority in both chambers can get a budget passed.

First health care and now this. Zero leadership, and they actually blame THE MINORITY PARTY because the majority can't pass something.

Are you abdicating your "team" from any responsibility of being part of the solution?

If yes, then how can anybody expect you to lead?
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Are you abdicating your "team" from any responsibility of being part of the solution?

If yes, then how can anybody expect you to lead?

Oh, expect zero cooperation. GOP obstructed for 8 years, refused to have confirmation hearings on the Supreme Court guy... The GOP got what they wanted, so let's just sit back and enjoy the karma. Health care, immigration, the budget... they demagogued all this for years and now that it's on their plate they shit down both legs.

Is it wrong to enjoy this?
Why do Democrats care more about 800,000 illegal immigrants that Obama had 8 years to deal with and didn't than the elderly, poor, and military that depend on a functioning government to get their paychecks?

Seems really dishonest to blame this on the new guy since the donkey herder in chief could have gotten some shit done besides an executive order that had an expiration date if he had any shred of leadership ability. Kicking the can down the road for Republicans to deal with seems to be the MO of the Democrats for years now. How sad is that?

Dysfunctional healthcare "reform"
North Korea
Shitty taxes
Illegal immigration
Shitty trade deals
Slowest economic recovery on record

Geezus, I could spend all day on this. Besides screeching about bathrooms and not enforcing laws, what exactly did that Kenyan dipshit do in his 8 years?
Dems are pinning their hopes on the dreamers and illegals to vote democratic if ever given amnesty.
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Oh, expect zero cooperation. GOP obstructed for 8 years, refused to have confirmation hearings on the Supreme Court guy... The GOP got what they wanted, so let's just sit back and enjoy the karma. Health care, immigration, the budget... they demagogued all this for years and now that it's on their plate they shit down both legs.

Is it wrong to enjoy this?

You are playing patriarchal games and killing minority kids as a result.

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I’m curious how you think you replace hundreds of thousands of jobs by stopping DACA? “White People” blah blah blah...Don’t give me that bullshit. How are you gonna do it?
And remember you have to pay people to deport them. That’s billions in spending by itself, not to mention the lost billions in tax revenue.
And remember you have to pay people to deport them. That’s billions in spending by itself, not to mention the lost billions in tax revenue.
You have to pay to put people in prison too. Enforcing the law costs money. Your point is?
If they started a go fund me account I would donate to send them home.

You’d send home someone who didn’t come here on their own, grew up in our culture, our legal system, went to our schools, went to college, got jobs, spent money in our economy as consumers, paid taxes, obeyed the law.

Brilliant political stance. Sounds like a #winner. Thumbs up.

Carry on.
You’d send home someone who didn’t come here on their own, grew up in our culture, our legal system, went to our schools, went to college, got jobs, spent money in our economy as consumers, paid taxes, obeyed the law.

Brilliant political stance. Sounds like a #winner. Thumbs up.

Carry on.

Not my fault their parents broke the law, we are not the moral conscience for the world nor should we reward families that broke the law at the expense of US taxpayers, we just encourage the behavior. Dems can end this accepting the compromise Trump offered. You know the real facts, illegal immigration costs $112 billion a year. This is a long term problem that needs to be solved. Besides, those countries are not shit hole countries, send their @zz back. Spend tax dollars taking care of US citizens First who are here legally.

Maybe Trump could offer the Dreamers citizenship if they work on building the wall for room and food for 2 years. That would be one way to have Mexico help pay the wall.

And all that money they suck out of our economy, how much gets sent back to Mexico and never gets spent in our economy.

Take the Trump compromise, play hard ball politics then enforce our laws. America first, love it.

The more hardline the Dems get, the more hardline I am to ship em out.
Let’s compare the economic output of dreamers versus inmates. Exactly.
Well, since we obviously enforce laws that put people in prison, we can't compare the two groups. Now, if we decided to not enforce the laws that put people in prison, those people wouldn't be in prison and then we could make that comparison.

Mind blowing, I know. Exactly.
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Let’s compare the economic output of dreamers versus inmates. Exactly.
If you want an additional apples to apples comparison, let's compare the economic output of dreamers who get deported and people in prison.

Mind blowing, I know. Exactly.


Carry on.
It’s interesting to me that the dude who lives with his parents is opining on his children’s Amercia’s future using the tried and true method of the supposed moral high ground. Same as Merkel, Macron, May and all the other childless Euro leaders. Doesn’t play with me anymore. We’ve taken in like 1/4 of fvcking Mexico illegally and legally. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

800,0000 at a $500 one way air ticket is $400 million. Doable. If these are productive illegals then they should have no problem selling their belongings and paying their own way home. When they get home, apply for US citizenship under I hope is our new and improved immigration laws and come back legally.

If you come back illegally, send you to build the wall for 3 years as your sentence.

Come back again illegally, send you to prison and you can help build the prison and farm for your food, 5 year sentence. Come back again illegally, life sentence or one way ticket to a shit hole country other then your own like Israel does.

That might provide motivation to not come here illegally.

While we are at it, do what we should have done in the 70’s and make English our official language. Funding schools that were Spanish speaking schools was the start of making the US a welfare state.

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