Personally, I've had it with the middle-aged and older generations.
Why? What exactly is the definition of 'disabled' in America? What exactly is required to obtain a handicapped parking decal in the United States? Turf toe? Erectile dysfunction?
I saw so much third-world suffering overseas. People with missing legs in Cambodia from landmines, children still born in Vietnam with birth defects from Agent Orange, etc. etc. I remember a woman that used to beg outside my local Tesco store in Bangkok. I'm not kidding....this woman did not have a face! No eyes, skin that hung down past her chest. Just incredible deformity. I felt so sorry for this woman.
Come back to the USA and you see these effing, 50-year olds Yanks parking in handicapped parking and climbing out like Fred Astaire in the rain. I've actually politely asked a few people here how they qualify for these parking spaces and I've heard 'I have a bad back' and 'I've had hip replacement surgery' (guy was wearing basketball gym clothes). Isn't the whole point of hip replacement surgery is that you don't have to park in disabled parking anymore????????
Anyway, if you ask me, America is full of middle-aged pussies that wouldn't know disabled if it ran over them with a wheelchair.
Why? What exactly is the definition of 'disabled' in America? What exactly is required to obtain a handicapped parking decal in the United States? Turf toe? Erectile dysfunction?
I saw so much third-world suffering overseas. People with missing legs in Cambodia from landmines, children still born in Vietnam with birth defects from Agent Orange, etc. etc. I remember a woman that used to beg outside my local Tesco store in Bangkok. I'm not kidding....this woman did not have a face! No eyes, skin that hung down past her chest. Just incredible deformity. I felt so sorry for this woman.
Come back to the USA and you see these effing, 50-year olds Yanks parking in handicapped parking and climbing out like Fred Astaire in the rain. I've actually politely asked a few people here how they qualify for these parking spaces and I've heard 'I have a bad back' and 'I've had hip replacement surgery' (guy was wearing basketball gym clothes). Isn't the whole point of hip replacement surgery is that you don't have to park in disabled parking anymore????????
Anyway, if you ask me, America is full of middle-aged pussies that wouldn't know disabled if it ran over them with a wheelchair.