I Can’t Let This Pass Without Sharing It

Show any proof what he said was true and we can continue the discussion. So far nothing. Just third hand information, sources that have political agendas that are willing to lie to get what they want, and opinions.
What exactly are you looking for as truth? Must the Israeli government officially admit that it is committing war crimes before you accept it is committing war crimes? He provided a list of independent international aid organizations who are reporting *from the scene* they are witnessing Israeli war crimes, and was roundly booed by a crowd of people like you. It is painfully obvious that you will never accept anything about Israeli war crimes as “truth.” It’s kinda pathetic if you think about it.
What exactly are you looking for as truth? Must the Israeli government officially admit that it is committing war crimes before you accept it is committing war crimes? He provided a list of independent international aid organizations who are reporting *from the scene* they are witnessing Israeli war crimes, and was roundly booed by a crowd of people like you. It is painfully obvious that you will never accept anything about Israeli war crimes as “truth.” It’s kinda pathetic if you think about it.
Still waiting on you to comment on the comments from Hamas's Top military guy.

Still waiting on you to comment on the comments from Hamas's Top military guy.

Okay, let me comment. I do not now and have never supported Hamas. I do not now and have never trusted the words or actions of Hamas’ military leadership. I do not find this man’s words to be the least bit surprising. I have opined several times on this board prior to this “gotcha” that Hamas seems to be adopting the “Ukrainian policy” of fighting to the last man. It is gruesome and falls right into the Zionist desire to kill Palestinians all the way to the last man. Who knows if it will succeed? It worked for North Vietnam.

Now kindly let the thread continue without further deflection from you.
Okay, let me comment. I do not now and have never supported Hamas. I do not now and have never trusted the words or actions of Hamas’ leadership. I do not find this man’s words to be the least bit surprising. I have opined several times on this board prior to this “gotcha” that Hamas seems to be adopting the “Ukrainian policy” of fighting to the last man. It is gruesome and falls right into the Zionist desire to kill Palestinians all the way to the last man. Who knows if it will succeed? It worked for North Vietnam.

Now kindly let the thread continue without further deflection from you.

You support both Hamas and Iran.

You just aren’t smart enough to realize what you’re doing.
Okay, let me comment. I do not now and have never supported Hamas. I do not now and have never trusted the words or actions of Hamas’ military leadership. I do not find this man’s words to be the least bit surprising. I have opined several times on this board prior to this “gotcha” that Hamas seems to be adopting the “Ukrainian policy” of fighting to the last man. It is gruesome and falls right into the Zionist desire to kill Palestinians all the way to the last man. Who knows if it will succeed? It worked for North Vietnam.

Now kindly let the thread continue without further deflection from you.

The problem is Dan, you are in fact supporting Hamas and Iran while you claim not to be.
You have to ask yourself a few questions.
Why did it work for North Vietnam?
Is it surprising civilians are being used today as human shields after the success of North Vietnam?
Do you want civilians used as human shields today? In the future?
If you don't, how do you help insure it doesn't happen in the future?
In light of this revelation which side should be criticized for civilian deaths?
What exactly are you looking for as truth? Must the Israeli government officially admit that it is committing war crimes before you accept it is committing war crimes? He provided a list of independent international aid organizations who are reporting *from the scene* they are witnessing Israeli war crimes, and was roundly booed by a crowd of people like you. It is painfully obvious that you will never accept anything about Israeli war crimes as “truth.” It’s kinda pathetic if you think about it.
What's pathetic is your anti-Semetic viewpoint and willful blindness to the situation and the provocation. You're just a gullible liberal deliberately ignoring the past, and ongoing, Palestinian atrocities. This would all end tomorrow if Hamas had a soul and had any empathy for all the carnage and death they are responsible for but they could care less about their fellow Palestinians. They are pawns and human sacrifices. Hamas is banking on gullible fools like you to believe their lies and chant "From the river to the sea....". Guess you miss the good old days of the Nazi's and concentration camps. They shared your views and justified it accordingly.
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The problem is Dan, you are in fact supporting Hamas and Iran while you claim not to be.
You have to ask yourself a few questions.
Why did it work for North Vietnam?
Is it surprising civilians are being used today as human shields after the success of North Vietnam?
Do you want civilians used as human shields today? In the future?
If you don't, how do you help insure it doesn't happen in the future?
In light of this revelation which side should be criticized for civilian deaths?
Scrolling to the last question: both sides are responsible for civilian deaths. Israel has murdered far more civilians than Hamas, both after Oct 7 and before.
What's pathetic is your anti-Semetic viewpoint and willful blindness to the situation and the provocation. You're just a gullible liberal deliberately ignoring the past, and ongoing, Palestinian atrocities. This would all end tomorrow if Hamas had a soul and had any empathy for all the carnage and death they are responsible for but they could care less about their fellow Palestinians. They are pawns and human sacrifices. Hamas is banking on gullible fools like you to believe their lies and chant "From the river to the sea....". Guess you miss the good old days of the Nazi's and concentration camps. They shared your views and justified it accordingly.
I can tolerate all your insults but one: don’t call me a liberal! Unless you mean “classic liberal.” Then you’re correct. The rest of your insults have no effect on me, so I assume you say those things to make yourself feel good.

It’s the constant spreading of Hamas and Iranian propaganda.

That and you never address Iran, Why?
I have addressed Iran. I addressed Iran when Israel illegally attacked one of their embassies. But my comments are mainly focused on Israel’s unhinged and criminal assault on Palestinians. Commenting on Israel’s war crimes is not spreading propaganda. It’s real talk about real crimes.
I have addressed Iran. I addressed Iran when Israel illegally attacked one of their embassies. But my comments are mainly focused on Israel’s unhinged and criminal assault on Palestinians. Commenting on Israel’s war crimes is not spreading propaganda. It’s real talk about real crimes.

Was that the exact Quds wording?
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What exactly are you looking for as truth? Must the Israeli government officially admit that it is committing war crimes before you accept it is committing war crimes? He provided a list of independent international aid organizations who are reporting *from the scene* they are witnessing Israeli war crimes, and was roundly booed by a crowd of people like you. It is painfully obvious that you will never accept anything about Israeli war crimes as “truth.” It’s kinda pathetic if you think about it.
Your problem is I have no trust in Hamas or in any organization that works with them. They have been caught lying five to many times. At the same time I don't want to have foreign policy controlled by Israel. That being said I also have no wish to see our biggest ally in the region ruthlessly attacked with there being no repercussions. I also want the fighting to end, and until someone finishes it the fighting will keep coming back. More will die needlessly. I've been through this.

So you will need to show me prooof positive in a video of Israeli soldiers that are commiting war crimes. I will not take second hand info, I need to see this on tape with no edits and have the video verified for authenticity.

Once war is initiated one side must win.
It's really very basic, until the Palestinians support, demand and rise up against Hamas to surrender the war should and will continue without the slightest bit of remorse from Israel.
The German people supported Hitler and his invasions of other countries, they paid the price without remorse from the US or the Allies. The Japanese people supported the Japanese Empire starting the war and turned a blind eye to the atrocities they committed, the Japanese people suffered the consequences. Look at both countries today, allies of those that defeated thier country's aggressions and living in peace side by side. History provides the answers if you are smart enough to listen to them.
He is not.
I'm not sure if it's that he not smart enough to listen to the lessons of history or his history lesson were more propaganda than lessons of the cold hard facts. Human nature has not changed throughout history. Sure we've become more civilized as time has gone by but that civilized nature only came about by one side being forced to become civilized and peaceful. Think of it like a child touching a hot stove, they learn real quick not to do that again.
Think of it like a child touching a hot stove, they learn real quick not to do that again.
Apparently Dan's Hamas gods don't heed that lesson. Of course, it costs them nothing because the captured Sinwar communications say incurring the loss of Palestinian civilian lives only enhances their cause. For years now, Hamas has been framing their own subjects for collaboration with Israel, and have brutally tortured and murdered many Palestinians who were guilty of nothing more than having Israeli Jews as acquaintances.

Of course, this has long been the Terrorstinian strategy, as their children are taught to embrace Jew hatred, genocidal rage, and martyrdom from very early childhood.

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What's pathetic is your anti-Semetic viewpoint and willful blindness to the situation and the provocation. You're just a gullible liberal deliberately ignoring the past, and ongoing, Palestinian atrocities. This would all end tomorrow if Hamas had a soul and had any empathy for all the carnage and death they are responsible for but they could care less about their fellow Palestinians. They are pawns and human sacrifices. Hamas is banking on gullible fools like you to believe their lies and chant "From the river to the sea....". Guess you miss the good old days of the Nazi's and concentration camps. They shared your views and justified it accordingly.
First you don't know the meaning of Semite. Then how come talking about a country who is committing genocide is anti Semitic.
When some one criticizes US you don't say they are against Christians.
Very stupid comment.
First you don't know the meaning of Semite. Then how come talking about a country who is committing genocide is anti Semitic.
When some one criticizes US you don't say they are against Christians.
Very stupid comment.
Might have to do with the fact Israel is not committing genocide. They are fighting a war against a evil regime that uses civilians as human shields and political capital.
Would you please be so kind as to enlighten us about what a Semite is?
I would, but it is not germaine to the conversation we've been having for the previous eight months -- y'know, the amount of time you've been going on the attack against and demonizing Israel and the Jews for defending themselves against Hamas. You basically started up on October 8th and haven't let up, save for the two day period where you admitted defeat and pretended you were going away.
Would you be so kind as to address Hama's purposeful use of Palestinian civilians as human political capital and their use of you as a useful idiot. No disrespect intended.
I have addressed Hamas' "use of human shields" many times on this board, but apparently you have missed them. To the extent that Hamas is purposely using innocent civilians as human shields I condemn them with the same vigor as you. I use the word "purposely" because I cannot think of anywhere in Gaza that Hamas members can go that they would not be surrounded by civilians. That being said it is apparent that Hamas' military leadership recognizes the "public relations advantage" they have as the world watches in shock and dismay as Israel butchers innocent civilians at will, not caring in the least what they are intentionally doing. I say a pox on both their houses.
I would, but it is not germaine to the conversation we've been having for the previous eight months -- y'know, the amount of time you've been going on the attack against and demonizing Israel and the Jews for defending themselves against Hamas. You basically started up on October 8th and haven't let up, save for the two day period where you admitted defeat and pretended you were going away.
I see. You can't tell us what a Semite is. Why didn't you just say so!
Gosh, you've had plenty of time to look it up. Don't be embarrassed, your buddies on this board will come to your rescue any minute now.
Since you’re a viceroy of circular reasoning (no_sense is the king), I think it’s fair to say that a Semite is one against whom an antisemite bears hatred, prejudice, etc.
Gosh, you've had plenty of time to look it up. Don't be embarrassed, your buddies on this board will come to your rescue any minute now.

See, @Marocain Poke , right on cue here comes your rescue squad.
I continue to be embarrassed for you. Haven't you had enough of humiliating yourself? It's primarily anonymous here so I guess displaying your level of stupidity is no skin off your nose.

Actually, it is pretty stupid to self doxx on here. That's one thing you have to admire (?) about @ClintonDavidScott -- he is somehow not afraid to embrace terrorists and deny brutal sexual violence under his true name. Hope that works out well for him some day.
I continue to be embarrassed for you. Haven't you had enough of humiliating yourself? It's primarily anonymous here so I guess displaying your level of stupidity is no skin off your nose.

Actually, it is pretty stupid to self doxx on here. That's one thing you have to admire (?) about @ClintonDavidScott -- he is somehow not afraid to embrace terrorists and deny brutal sexual violence under his true name. Hope that works out well for him some day.
You’re embarrassed for me because you can’t say what is a Semite? Yeah, that’s logical!

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