I Bet Bibi Can Barely Sleep At Night

No, the ball’s in Israel’s hands. They can keep up with their ethnic cleansing and genocide (which has been their plan from the beginning), or they can stop. The genocide is 100% Israel's doing. The genocide is Israel’s fault. They can stop any time they want. But what they want is all the land and resources, and they want it all for themselves. So they will continue with the mass murder until they are forced to stop.
Well good luck wit that. Israel is not going to stop until Hamas is no longer and I fully support Hamas's demise.
Sorry, that was not the question. As my wonderful German physics II teacher always said "weed de chaptah swooly". Now read the question slowly and answer it.
I wrote a long dissertation and mailed it to you. Wait for it.
I don't need no "stinkin' dissertation", just answer the question. Also, my VPN filters out terrorists & supporters so it's doubtful I will receive anything digital from you.
The US Mail. It will be delivered any day now. Be patient, my good man. And don’t worry about anything that supports terrorists, I don’t support the Zionists, so you’re safe.
The US Mail. It will be delivered any day now. Be patient, my good man. And don’t worry about anything that supports terrorists, I don’t support the Zionists, so you’re safe.

"The check's in the mail, right". You don't even know which continent I live on much less a mailing addy. Keep up the facade.
"The check's in the mail, right". You don't even know which continent I live on much less a mailing addy. Keep up the facade.
Sure I do. I mailed it Parcel Post care of the most intelligent and knowledgeable Zionist historian in the world. It’ll get to you eventually.

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