I Bet Bibi Can Barely Sleep At Night

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
He’s close to dragging his Sugar Daddy into going to war with Iran. A decades long obsession is so close he can reach out and touch it. How many American soldiers are going to die for him?

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Are you Ok with Iran supporting terrorism and trying to destroy a sovereign country? Or maybe you think it's OK as long as it's Israel and Jews that are destroyed.
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Are you Ok with Iran supporting terrorism and trying to destroy a sovereign country? Or maybe you think it's OK as long as it's Israel and Jews that are destroyed.
If Israel wants to go to war with Iran it should be between Israel & Iran, leave America out of it.
If Israel wants to go to war with Iran it should be between Israel & Iran, leave America out of it.

Oh so it's not the war itself you are against it's US involvement. And here I thought you were anti war.

I'm of a different opinion, the Iranian regime is evil and is insistent on spreading it's evil across the world. I'm supportive of anything we can do to facilitate their removal.
Oh so it's not the war itself you are against it's US involvement. And here I thought you were anti war.

I'm of a different opinion, the Iranian regime is evil and is insistent on spreading it's evil across the world. I'm supportive of anything we can do to facilitate their removal.
I am anti-war. And I am decidedly opposed to my country getting involved in other countries’ disputes. One way you could “be supportive” is to go over there and participate in facilitating the removal of the Iranian evil. It seems somewhat cowardly for you to expect other people’s sons and daughters do it for you.
I am anti-war. And I am decidedly opposed to my country getting involved in other countries’ disputes. One way you could “be supportive” is to go over there and participate in facilitating the removal of the Iranian evil. It seems somewhat cowardly for you to expect other people’s sons and daughters do it for you.
Yet you are rarely, if ever, critical of Iran and their terrorist proxies.

Just as you could go over and participate with the Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

I don't want war, I want peace and prosperity for all. Removing the Iranian regime is a step to reach that goal.
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Yet you are rarely, if ever, critical of Iran and their terrorist proxies.

Just as you could go over and participate with the Hamas and other terrorist organizations.

I don't want war, I want peace and prosperity for all. Removing the Iranian regime is a step to reach that goal.

I’m a person that thinks both sides are “evil,” to use your favorite word about Iran. And at this point in time Israel deserves the lion’s share of condemnation since it is the one spreading the most evil. You don’t want war? Ha! You want a war that will end all wars! Humanity tried that once before and look at the result.
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I’m a person that thinks both sides are “evil,” to use your favorite word about Iran. And at this point in time Israel deserves the lion’s share of condemnation since it is the one spreading the most evil. You don’t want war? Ha! You want a war that will end all wars! Humanity tried that once before and look at the result.

Yet you only insistently condemn one side, why is that Dan?
You fail to realize this war would not be taking place if Iran wasn't facilitating it. None of these terrorist groups would have the funding or the military equipment to attack Israel if Iran wasn't giving it to them.
You constantly claim Israel's only goal is to take over more land and get rid of the Palestinians but you ignore the same from the radical Muslims. Why is that Dan?
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I’m a person that thinks both sides are “evil,” to use your favorite word about Iran. And at this point in time Israel deserves the lion’s share of condemnation since it is the one spreading the most evil. You don’t want war? Ha! You want a war that will end all wars! Humanity tried that once before and look at the result.

Yet you only insistently condemn one side, why is that Dan?
You fail to realize this war would not be taking place if Iran wasn't facilitating it. None of these terrorist groups would have the funding or the military equipment to attack Israel if Iran wasn't giving it to them.
You constantly claim Israel's only goal is to take over more land and get rid of the Palestinians but you ignore the same from the radical Muslims. Why is that Dan?
Dan's been duped into believing the "white colonialism" narrative pushed by the same people who claim men can get pregnant.
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I’m a person that thinks both sides are “evil,” to use your favorite word about Iran. And at this point in time Israel deserves the lion’s share of condemnation since it is the one spreading the most evil. You don’t want war? Ha! You want a war that will end all wars! Humanity tried that once before and look at the result.

Yet you only insistently condemn one side, why is that Dan?
You fail to realize this war would not be taking place if Iran wasn't facilitating it. None of these terrorist groups would have the funding or the military equipment to attack Israel if Iran wasn't giving it to them.
You constantly claim Israel's only goal is to take over more land and get rid of the Palestinians but you ignore the same from the radical Muslims. Why is that Dan?
I’ve explained my condemnation of Israel’s unabated use of terrorism many times. Besides, what’s the point in condemning Muslim terrorism to you? You already know to condemn it. What you fail to realize is this war would not be taking place if the west had not exported what it thought of as its “Jew problem” onto an existing society. In the other thread Smotrivh makes perfectly clear what the Zionists have been after from the beginning. I’m unclear what land you think the Palestinians are after other than the land Israel took from them.
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I’ve explained my condemnation of Israel’s unabated use of terrorism many times. Besides, what’s the point in condemning Muslim terrorism to you? You already know to condemn it. What you fail to realize is this war would not be taking place if the west had not exported what it thought of as its “Jew problem” onto an existing society. In the other thread Smotrivh makes perfectly clear what the Zionists have been after from the beginning. I’m unclear what land you think the Palestinians are after other than the land Israel took from them.
Unfortunately for your argument two World War were fought and borders were rewritten, like they have been throughout the history of the world. The victors of the World Wars rewrote the borders, creating a country for the Jewish people in the area of the world where their religion came from and one which they were forcibly removed from centuries earlier. I would also point out the ones you are championing for were on Hitler's side, which pretty much nullifies anything they think or want. Muslims do not want to accept the founding of what is now Israel and are willing to fight for it, as witnessed by previous wars and the current war they started. Now you can side with the Hitler siding radical Muslims if you like but I'm not.
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I am anti-war. And I am decidedly opposed to my country getting involved in other countries’ disputes. One way you could “be supportive” is to go over there and participate in facilitating the removal of the Iranian evil. It seems somewhat cowardly for you to expect other people’s sons and daughters do it for you.
Hey, [P-DAN], you hypocrite. Why don't YOU "go over there and participate in facilitating the removal of the Iranian evil". Nobody tries harder to act intellectual than you & nobody falls on their face as much as you. Your circular logic is giving a bad name to circular logic.
He’s close to dragging his Sugar Daddy into going to war with Iran. A decades long obsession is so close he can reach out and touch it. How many American soldiers are going to die for him?

People in Gaza haven't food aid since 1st of Oct. You can debate about who is right or wrong but this is inhuman any way you look at. Starving babies you guys are off your rockers.
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People in Gaza haven't food aid since 1st of Oct. You can debate about who is right or wrong but this is inhuman any way you look at. Starving babies you guys are off your rockers.
Whose fault is that? The Palestinians started a war they knew they had no chance of winning and now they are crying when they suffer the consequences of their decisions? The reality is they didn't think Israel would get tired of their BS and carry through with a war against Hamas They thought they could attack Israel and the international community of Anti-Semites and the weak minded would protect them. Oh well, might be time for the Palestinians to call for and force Hamas's surrender.
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Whose fault is that? The Palestinians started a war they knew they had no chance of winning and now they are crying when they suffer the consequences of their decisions? The reality is they didn't think Israel would get tired of their BS and carry through with a war against Hamas They thought they could attack Israel and the international community of Anti-Semites and the weak minded would protect them. Oh well, might be time for the Palestinians to call for and force Hamas's surrender.
Whose fault is it? It’s the fault of the people doing it. Who are the people doing it? That’s whose fault it is.
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Whose fault is it? It’s the fault of the people doing it. Who are the people doing it? That’s whose fault it is.
Israel is not responsible for feeding the Palestinians, Hamas is. Maybe Hamas should have spent the billions in foreign aide they have received on food, infrastructure and caring for the Palestinian people instead of spending it on their terrorist activities and making their leaders filthy rich.
I guess in your mind it's not the fault of a drunk driver being arrested, it's the police officer's fault for catching the drunk driver. SMFH

It’s the fault of the person that committed the crime. Israel is the one committing genocide. The genocide is Israel's fault.
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You're getting close Dan but you're still not there.
It is Israel that is committing genocide. The genocide is Israel’s fault. Hamas is not committing the genocide, Israel is. The genocide is Israel’s fault. You can harden your heart until it is rock hard, but the genocide will still be Israel’s fault.
It is Israel that is committing genocide. The genocide is Israel’s fault. Hamas is not committing the genocide, Israel is. The genocide is Israel’s fault. You can harden your heart until it is rock hard, but the genocide will still be Israel’s fault.
Dan, have you ever heard of the "wherefore but" principle?
It is Israel that is committing genocide. The genocide is Israel’s fault. Hamas is not committing the genocide, Israel is. The genocide is Israel’s fault. You can harden your heart until it is rock hard, but the genocide will still be Israel’s fault.
Israel is fighting a war against terrorist who use terrorist sympathizing civilians as human shields. ZFG if terrorist and terrorist sympathizers expereince what they want to happen to Israelis, as clearly evidenced in the October 7th attack. If the Palestinians wanted their suffering to stop they would at the bare minimum make it known they want Hamas to surrender Haven't heard that have you Dan?
Israel is fighting a war against terrorist who use terrorist sympathizing civilians as human shields. ZFG if terrorist and terrorist sympathizers expereince what they want to happen to Israelis, as clearly evidenced in the October 7th attack. If the Palestinians wanted their suffering to stop they would at the bare minimum make it known they want Hamas to surrender Haven't heard that have you Dan?
Israel is committing genocide. You can pretend any justification you want, but Israel is committing genocide. You can blame the victims of the genocide for their situation all you want, but it doesn’t alter the fact that Israel is at fault for what it is doing. It’s Israel’s fault that it is committing genocide. Hamas is not committing the genocide, Israel is.
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Israel is committing genocide. You can pretend any justification you want, but Israel is committing genocide. You can blame the victims of the genocide for their situation all you want, but it doesn’t alter the fact that Israel is at fault for what it is doing. It’s Israel’s fault that it is committing genocide. Hamas is not committing the genocide, Israel is.
No Dan, Israel is fighting a way against radical Muslims extremist who want to exterminate Jews. Sorry the terrorist you defend miscalculated Israel's resolve and are suffering for their stupidity.
Israel will no longer tolerate the attacks on their people and are insuring it stops. Sadly the Palestinians would rather die than live in peace as neighbors with the Jews.
No Dan, Israel is fighting a way against radical Muslims extremist who want to exterminate Jews. Sorry the terrorist you defend miscalculated Israel's resolve and are suffering for their stupidity.
Israel will no longer tolerate the attacks on their people and are insuring it stops. Sadly the Palestinians would rather die than live in peace as neighbors with the Jews.
Make up all the justifications you want, Bearcat, but none of them alter the fact Israel is responsible for committing genocide. The genocide is Israel’s fault.
Make up all the justifications you want, Bearcat, but none of them alter the fact Israel is responsible for committing genocide. The genocide is Israel’s fault.
Dan, you think Israelis are majority white and that Palestinian is a race. Have you bothered to question what else the "men can get pregnant" Jew hating crowd might be duping you about?
Make up all the justifications you want, Bearcat, but none of them alter the fact Israel is responsible for committing genocide. The genocide is Israel’s fault.
Balls in the court of Hamas/Iran and the Palestinians. They can surrender or keep dying, Personally I prefer they surrender but it's their choice not mine.
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Balls in the court of Hamas/Iran and the Palestinians. They can surrender or keep dying, Personally I prefer they surrender but it's their choice not mine.
No, the ball’s in Israel’s hands. They can keep up with their ethnic cleansing and genocide (which has been their plan from the beginning), or they can stop. The genocide is 100% Israel's doing. The genocide is Israel’s fault. They can stop any time they want. But what they want is all the land and resources, and they want it all for themselves. So they will continue with the mass murder until they are forced to stop.
No, the ball’s in Israel’s hands. They can keep up with their ethnic cleansing and genocide (which has been their plan from the beginning), or they can stop. The genocide is 100% Israel's doing. The genocide is Israel’s fault. They can stop any time they want. But what they want is all the land and resources, and they want it all for themselves. So they will continue with the mass murder until they are forced to stop.

[P-DAN], have you ever read the Koran? If yes, expect questions. Now answer up.

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