I’m sorry

Who cares what percentage each agency is Dem or Rep, and who knows? What matters is the political leanings of those running the departments and what is sad those departments should never allow themselves to be influenced politically.

Obama put in place the department heads at the DOJ, FBI, and the CIA that all shared his political leanings. How else does a known false dossier paid for by the Hillary campaign get thru all those agencies and gets in to a FISA court as real evidence? Hell, Brennan was on CNN (DNC TV) for months saying the evidence of collusion existed. Some people are in serious denial. Hopefully it gets exposed, Obama ran the most corrupt Presidency since Nixon, he surpassed Nixon. Nixon paid some crooks to break in and tried to cover it up, Obama weaponized governmental agencies to spy on Americans when the FISA courts were not established to spy on Americans based on a whim. Dems all laughed at DJT when he said he had been wire tapped, he was right, the FISA court allowed the government to spy on Trump for false information. They were not wanting anything on Russia, they wanted inside his campaign.

Trump’s rights were violated, as was Carter Page’s.
He was not well liked by rank and file agents.
Lotta hot air just to be wrong.
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Because he was a democrat?
You do realize his wife and daughter were big Hillary fans. Lot's of people who are registered Repulicans hate Donald Trump. Being a registered Republican means nothing.

Get some new material. That one is a load of crap.
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You do realize his wife and daughter were big Hillary fans. Lot's of people who are registered Repulicans hate Donald Trump. Being a registered Republican means nothing.

Get some new material. That one is a load of crap.
So now it's not even good enough to have republicans running the FBI? Now the bar is set at having the stupidest kind of republicans running the FBI.
So now it's not even good enough to have republicans running the FBI? Now the bar is set at having the stupidest kind of republicans running the FBI.
The only thing stupid is your willful ignorance of what is so ridiculously obvious.

Hate Trump, work to remove him from office or defeat him the next election. I've got no problem with it. That's politics. But have some integrity and do it without fabricating false crimes. That kind of dishonest shit is why your side keeps getting bitch slapped.
The only thing stupid is your willful ignorance of what is so ridiculously obvious.

Hate Trump, work to remove him from office or defeat him the next election. I've got no problem with it. That's politics. But have some integrity and do it without fabricating false crimes. That kind of dishonest shit is why your side keeps getting bitch slapped.
Huh? So fbi directors have to be Trumpers or nah?
And you agreed when people made comments about Obama and having his loyal lackies at the doj?

When does pilt think it’s ok?
Harry, in this very thread people are bitching that Jim Comey was the FBI director under Obama, not because he was a democrat, but because he wasn't the right kind of republican. Please try to keep up.
Harry, in this very thread people are bitching that Jim Comey was the FBI director under Obama, not because he was a democrat, but because he wasn't the right kind of republican. Please try to keep up.

There there sh sh sh I hear you buddy. But when does pilt think it’s ok?
When does pilt think it is okay to have your own FBI director? All the time.

“Your own” is vague. Loyal? In their pocket? Share political leanings?

I think the issue here is many believe comey was corrupt by not recommending charging hillary when he states she mishandled top secret information on her private server. And deleted things before the investigation. And had a farce of an interview with the fbi.

People don’t believe she accidentally put our country in danger by accidentally breaking the rules.

Kind of the inverse of trump/Russia. In your theory trump has to be a genius. In this hillary theory she has to be brain dead stupid.
“Your own” is vague. Loyal? In their pocket? Share political leanings?

I think the issue here is many believe comey was corrupt by not recommending charging hillary when he states she mishandled top secret information on her private server. And deleted things before the investigation. And had a farce of an interview with the fbi.

People don’t believe she accidentally put our country in danger by accidentally breaking the rules.

Kind of the inverse of trump/Russia. In your theory trump has to be a genius. In this hillary theory she has to be brain dead stupid.
So the only legitimate FBI director is a Trump republican serving a Trump White House?
Just got finished reading this thread. Synopsis: Radicals truly believe treason is an acceptable option to overthrowing a duly elected president.

They also believe that “fairness” demands subverting the will of the people if they don’t agree with it.

“Well, even though the majority of Democrats in my state voted for Bernie, we’re still casting our nomination votes for Hillary”

I suppose that was Trump’s fault, also,
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They also believe that “fairness” demands subverting the will of the people if they don’t agree with it.

“Well, even though the majority of Democrats in my state voted for Bernie, we’re still casting our nomination votes for Hillary”

I suppose that was Trump’s fault, also,

I thank God for the radicals. They contribute greatly (maybe even more so than my hard earned $$$) to Keep America Great 2020.
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